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Islamic dreams about Holding Jewelry Box find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Holding Jewelry Box dictionary!
Holding Jewelry Box dream interpretations

Fake jewelry Dream Explanation — (See Alum) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Jewelry shop Dream Explanation — A jeweler's shop in a dream means happiness, celebrations, a wedding, ornaments, Adam's apple, or a Quran study circle. (Also see Jeweler) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Holding the Sun Dream Explanation — Holding or grasping the sum and having fullcontrol over it means that the observer of the dream will acquire dominion (or Land) in proportion to the amount he grasps provided the sum is clearly visible and its rays are crystal clear. If the light and rays of the sun are seen shining on someone the interpretation is the same as above. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Training or Holding a Dog Dream Explanation — Training or holding a dog so as to safeguard a certain thing means he will be helped by someone in attaining his goal. In this case the dog does not symbolise an enemy. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - holding a Water-Bird, trying to Slaughter it with a knife Dream Explanation — It is related that a person vevealed his dream to the Imaam saying that he had seen himself holding a water-bird, trying to slaughter it with a knife thrice. Each time the bird managed to struggle itself loose. The for the time he succeeded. To this Imaam said: "You have seen a good dream. This is a virgin woman whom you wished to bring under your control thrice but without success. You succeeded the forth time": He said: "My Lord, you have spoken the truth. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Abdullah bin Salam Holding Onto Islam Till Death Dream Explanation — Narrated 'Abdullah bin Salam: (In a dream) I saw myself in a garden, and there was a pillar in the middle of the garden, and there was a handhold at the top of the pillar. I was asked to climb it. I said, "I cannot." Then a servant came and lifted up my clothes and I climbed (the pillar), and then got hold of the handhold, and I woke up while still holding it. I narrated that to the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) who said, "The garden symbolizes the garden of Islam, and the handhold is the firm Islamic handhold which indicates that you will be adhering firmly to Islam until you die." (Bukhari) Dream Interpreter: Imam Bukhari

Incident - holding a Water-Bird, trying to Slaughter it with a knife Dream Explanation — Tonight will be the fifth nigh." The Imaam smiled and after a little while said: "Come near me. One more thing remains to be told". The man drew closer and asked: "What remains to be told, my Lord?" He said: "The girl let loose wind aloud as well". He said: "Yes, you have spoken the truth." He felt ashamed and departed. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Jewellry Dream Explanationjewelry normally worn by men symbolises beauty and adornment. The more beautiful such jewelry the greater the beauty and adornment. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Key Dream Explanation — o Holding many keys: Will wield a considerable influence.
o Holding a wooden key: The dreamer should be careful not to entrust his money to anybody, as wood symbolizes hypocrisy.
o An iron key: A powerful and dangerous man.
o Holding a key without dents: The dreamer will be unfair to an orphan.
o Opening a door or a lock: Will triumph over enemies, probably with the help of a strong man.
o Opening a door or a lock without using any key: The dreamer will obtain what he aims for, thanks to his prayers and good deeds or to his parents  prayers for him.
o Keys being thrown to a woman: Will get married. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Ram Dream Explanation — In a dream, a ram represents a noble person. Holding a ram by its wool in a dream means taking money from a noble person. Holding a ram from its horn in a dream means being restrained by a noble man from engaging in something. Holding a ram from its buttock in a dream means controlling or managing the interests of a noble man, or it could mean inheriting him, or marrying his daughter. Holding a ram from its belly in a dream means taking money from a noble person. Killing a ram for other than food in a dream means killing a noble person. If one kills a ram during a wartime in a dream, then it represents his enemy. A slaughtered ram in a dream represents a murder. Buying a ram from a butcher in a dream means that a noble and a great person will come to need the person seeing the dream who will save him from a foreseeable danger, or help him to recover from an illness. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Scorpion in the Hand Dream Explanation — Holding a scorpion in the hand while it stings the people means the person holding the scorpion will speak ill of the people behind their backs. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Spear Dream Explanation — The spear symbolizes influence, an acquisition, a wrong move or a fault, a woman, a son, a brother, a friend ready to defend the dreamer, a truthful testimony, or a journey. A spear without iron represents a daughter who will have as many blessings as there are dents in it.
o A king or chief seeing his spear growing excessively: Will be unjust to his subjects.
o Fighting the enemies with a spear: Will make illicit gains.
o Being mounted on a horse or a camel and holding a spear: Dignity, influence, authority, and prosperity.
o Holding a spear and walking in the marketplace or simply holding it: Will have a male child. A dentate spear means that such a boy will prevail over his folk and shield them by sacrificing himself if necessary. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Embellishment of the Ear Dream Explanation — Seeing the ear adorned with jewelry of any sort serves as a glad tiding that his daughter or wife are living a tranquil and happy life. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Key Dream Explanation — o Holding the key to Paradise:  (1) Will acquire knowledge and turn ascetic.  (2) Will find a treasure.  (3) Will make honest gains or inherit.
o Holding the keys of the Kabah  (the Muslims  holiest shrine, in Mecca (Makkah)): Will become the chamberlain of a great ruler or an imam  (Muslim spiritual leader).
o A king or a senior official dreaming of keys: A reference to countries, provinces, reforms, or victories. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Scissors Dream Explanation — (Clippers; Shears) In a dream, scissors mean slander and causing harm to someone's reputation without regard for the truth. Scissors in a dream also represent a legal guardian who discerns between true and false. Holding a pair of scissors in a dream means delivering a brother for one's first born son, or having two businesses feeding one another, unless if one is unmarried, then holding a pair of scissors, or a nail clipper in a dream means getting married. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Pluck Dream Explanation — (Animal's heart, liver, lung and windpipe.) In a dream, animal's pluck represent savings from solid gold bullions, or they could represent woman's jewelry. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Carrot Dream Explanation — In a dream, carrots represent reprimand, suppression or an obscene and an odious person. However, if one sees himself holding or eating a carrot in a dream, it means overcoming one's difficulties. It is also said that holding or eating carrots in a dream means grieve and depression. Other dream interpreters hold carrots to represent the opposite and perceived benefits in seeing them in a dream, including the freedom of a prisoner from his jail. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Planet Dream Explanation — o Observing a huge twinkling planet: Welfare, influence, and knowledge.
o Holding a planet in one's hand: The dreamer will be blessed with an honest son.
o Holding small planets: Fame and influence.
o Stealing a planet: The dreamer will steal something valuable.
o A gigantic planet falling: Death of a chief.
o Planets disappearing from the sky:  (1) If the dreamer is rich, money will go.  (2) If he is poor, he will die.
o Seeing a planet on one's head: The dreamers will become famous and have an edge over others by serving a noble person. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Jet Dream Explanation — (Lignite; Velvet-black coal used for jewelry.) In a dream, jet denotes festivities, celebrations, happiness, honor, or marriage. In a dream, jet also represents suspicious money, tainted profits, or a friend for interest, and if one's wife is pregnant, it means that she will deliver a son. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Sparrow Dream Explanation — A sparrow or a hawk in a dream represents an ignorant and unjust ruler. Both command lesser controlling domains than the eagle. Holding a sparrow or a hawk in a dream means that one will capture a thief. If one sees himself producing a sparrow or a hawk out of his urethral canal, it means that he will bore a son who will possess courageous and frivolous character. Holding a sparrow in a dream also means choosing a community of elders and volunteering one's services. (Also see Hawk) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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