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Islamic dreams about 6 Finger Hand find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for 6 Finger Hand dictionary!
6 Finger Hand dream interpretations
Finger Dream Explanation —   (Also see Dye.) Fingers are the brother’s children, since it is believed that the hand represents the brother. Those of the right hand refer to the Muslims  five compulsory daily prayers. The left hand fingers are the children of the brother or sister. The thumb is the dawn prayer, the index finger the noon prayer, the middle finger the early afternoon prayer, the ring finger, the sunset prayer, and the little finger the evening prayer.
• Having long fingers: The dreamer observes his religious duties, especially prayer. The reverse is also true.
• The imam  (the Muslims  spiritual leader) having long fingers: He is too greedy, tyrannical, and unfair to his subjects.
• A finger falling: Will abandon the related prayer.
• Seeing one finger in the place of another: The dreamer is performing the right prayer at the wrong time.
• Biting somebody’s fingertips: The bitten one is impolite, but the dreamer is inflicting too severe a punishment on him. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Finger Dream Explanation — • An ailment in the fingers:  (1) Children are in trouble.  (2) The dreamer is missing his prayers.
• The little finger having been cut off: A child will go away.
• The little finger being atrophied: Harm will befall the dreamer’s mother or family.
• The ring finger having been cut: The dreamer will have a son.
• The ring finger being atrophied: Harm will befall the dreamer’s daughter.
• The middle finger having been severed: The country’s best scholar or judge will die.
• The middle finger being atrophied: A brother will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Finger Dream Explanation — • Milk coming out of the dreamer’s thumb and blood from his index finger: He is having sex with his mother-in-law and his wife’s sister.
• Cracking the finger joints: Obscene talk in the family. The caliph Harun Al-Rasheed saw the Archangel of Death in a dream. He asked him, “How much longer shall I live?” to which Azrail replied by showing him his five fingers. The caliph woke up in a state of terror. He summoned a qualified dream interpreter who reassured him that what the Archangel of Death meant to say was that there are five things that only God knows; they include the hour, as per the relating verse in the Holy Quran: “Lo! Allah! With Him is knowledge of the Hour. He sendeth down the rain, and knoweth that which is in the wombs. No soul knoweth what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul knoweth in what land it will die. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware.”  (“Luqman,” verse 34.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Finger Dream Explanation — • The index finger being atrophied: A sister will die.
• The thumb being atrophied: The father will die.
• A man having four wives dreaming that four fingers were severed: All four will die.
• Cutting someone else’s fingers: Will wreak havoc on his money.
• The disappearance of the fingers: Servants will go.
• Chewing fingers: The end of a fortune.
• Contraction of the fingers: Will abandon or fail to sustain those female relatives with whom sex is prohibited in Islam  (mother, sister, sister-in-law, et cetera). Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Finger Dream Explanation — If the fingers are interpreted as money, then the fingernails represent the due alms tax. (arb. Zakat). If they are interpreted to represent an army in the dream, then the fingernails represent their weapons. Fingers in a dream also represent the days, months or years. When fingers are interpreted to mean money, and if someone cuts off his finger in a dream, it means that he will suffer from financial losses. Long fingers in a dream are regarded as greed. (Also see Body; Five fingers; Thimble) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Finger Dream Explanation — (Hand) Fingers help one's worldly needs or craft and serve one's benefits in the hereafter by identifying and pointing at what is true and identifying what is wrong. In general, fingers in a dream represent one's children, wife, father, mother, money, property, wealth or craft. Positive looking fingers or increase in their number in a dream represents growth, while deformed fingers in a dream mean the opposite. One's five fingers in a dream also represent the five daily prayers. Thus, if the fingers are interpreted to mean the five daily obligatory prayers, then the fingernails represent the supererogatory (arb. Nafl) prayers. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Hand Dream Explanation — • The hand being severed from the palm: Money will come to you.
• The hand being cut off at the wrist: The dreamer will fall victim to the tyranny of a ruler.
• The hand being severed from the upper arm:  (1) A brother will die.  (2) Fortune will decrease.
• Seeing one’s hand remaining cut off: The dreamer swears too often. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hand Dream Explanation — • Putting a hand under the armpit and drawing it back to find water in it: Will have money.
• Having an extra hand:  (1) More influence and strength.  (2) Will have a brother.  (3) Will have a child.
• Being left-handed: Difficulties are ahead.  (The word for left-handed in Arabic, Aasar, comes from ’osr, meaning “difficulty.)
• Doing something with the left hand: Will get what you want but late.
• Stretching both hands: Extreme generosity, magnanimity. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hand Dream Explanation — • One’s hands becoming those of a sultan: Will wield power and influence and behave like that sultan, be he fair or unfair.
• An ailment in the hand: Brothers are facing difficulties.
• Being handless: Will demand money, which will come.
• Shaking hands with a Muslim who withdraws his hand: You will entrust him with something, but he will fail you.
• The hand being severed:  (1) The dreamer will give up something he was doing or resign his job.  (2) The dreamer will change profession.  (3) The dreamer will somehow part from a friend or an associate.
• The hand being severed by a known person:  (1) The dreamer will obtain five thousand currency notes or coins from that person.  (2) That person will help the dreamer refrain from something bad he is doing. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hand Dream Explanation — • The right hand being severed: The dreamer is a thief.
• Seeing your right hand severed and placed in front of you: Will achieve financial gains.
• The left hand being severed:  (1) Death of a brother or a sister.  (2) Repudiation between the dreamer and the brother or sister.  (3) A halt in sustaining parents or in-laws.  (4) The end of a partnership.  (5) Divorce.
• The ruler cutting the hands and feet of his subjects: He is seizing their money and spoiling their livelihood. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hand Dream Explanation — The hand is the person’s main helper with which he earns his livelihood and which he extends for charity. Strong and healthy hands represent the ability to give and take properly. The right hand symbolizes strong men, the left women. Having long hands means:  (1) For a ruler: Glory.  (2) For a merchant: Profit.  (3) For a businessman: Shrewdness. The length of the hands of the imam  (the Muslims  spiritual leader) refers to the strength of his supporters and aides as well as his long life. If he can see their bones, it means that his wealth will increase. If they turn into marble, he will live long and always be happy.
• Losing a hand: Will lose a relative who will either travel or die.
• Placing a hand under one’s armpit and withdrawing it to see it gleaming:  (1) If a scholar, will acquire knowledge.  (2) If a businessman, will make gains.
• Placing a hand under the armpit and withdrawing it to find fire in it: Will overpower or outclass all rivals and enjoy dignity and honour. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hand Dream Explanation — • Having short hands:  (1) Chances have been or will be missed.  (2) The dreamer is impotent.  (3) The dreamer will be disappointed by brothers or assistants.
• The right hand longer than the left: The dreamer is good to his parents, other relatives, and even strangers.
• Paralysis of the hands: The dreamer will commit a great sin.
• Paralysis of the right hand: The dreamer will beat an innocent man and commit an injustice vis-a-vis a weak person.
• Having a twisted hand: The dreamer is either avoiding sins or committing a great sin, for which he will be punished severely by God. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hand Dream Explanation — • Walking on one’s hands: The dreamer relies on his relatives in certain matters.
• Seeing with one’s hands as if they were eyes: You are frolicking or molesting prohibited relatives too often.
• f The dreamer’s right hand telling him some good words: The quality of life will improve.
• The dreamer’s left hand telling him something good: Relatives will show their gratitude.
• One or both hands blaming the dreamer: Wrongdoings on the dreamer’s part.
• The right hand made of gold  (the word for gold in Arabic is thahab, meaning “gone”): The dreamer’s partner or wife will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hand Dream Explanation — • The ruler cutting the dreamer’s right hand: The dreamer will lie while taking the oath or swearing.
• The dreamer’s hand being cut at the ruler’s gate: The dreamer will part with his possessions.
• The hands and feet being cut off from behind: The dreamer is extremely corrupt or will rebel against the ruler.
• Hands shrinking: Reduced power and fewer supporters. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hand Dream Explanation — (See Body; Fingers; Five fingers) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Right hand Dream Explanation — (See Food) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Hand bell Dream Explanation — A hand bell in a dream represents a jobber, a broker, a wife and her children, or the muezzin of a mosque. A hand bell in a dream also means a scandal. Ringing a hand held bell in a dream means propagating falsehood. Holding a hand bell in a dream also means associating with a useless person, or it could represent a liar. Ringing a hand bell in a marketplace in a dream means making a false oath. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Severed Hand Dream Explanation — If a person sees his hand severed and while lifting such a hand, it remains attached to his body it means he will derive some benefit from his brother or son. But if the severed hand is completely detached it means he will suffer some loss caused by his brother or son. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Hand mill Dream Explanation — If one sees a huge hand mill in the center of a town in a dream, it means war and destruction and especially if he sees it grinding rocks or emitting fire or sparks. Otherwise, it means a plague if the hand mill is grinding spoiled and moldy grains, mud, or spoiled meat. If one sees the millstone tilted in a dream, it means rising prices. If the hand mill is turning with nothing to grind in the dream, it means toiling aimlessly. If the hand mill turns using a wheel in the dream, it means prosperity. If one sees the hand mill turning and not grinding in a dream, it means travels. If it turns for no useful purpose in a dream, it denotes the nearing of one's death. A pair of small hand grinders in a dream represent two loathsome partners that no one can correct or guide. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Hand mill Dream Explanation — If one sees himself operating a millstone by hand in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood following the required religious conduct, and earns his money from his own sweat. A millstone in a dream also may denote loathsome actions. If a prisoner sees a broken millstone in a dream, it means that he will be soon released, and if he is under a death sentence, it means that the judgment will be rescinded, or that he may die before the judgment is carried out. As far as the question of livelihood, the better looking and effective is the hand mill, the better are one's earnings and vice-versa. If one buys a hand mill in a dream, it means that he will get married, or that he will marry off his daughter, or that he will travel on business. If the millstone is interpreted to mean a husband or a wife, then it represents respectful people. A hand mill in a dream also means comfort, relief, evil, fight, dispute, wife, servant, livelihood, travels, gourmandism, or a woman who gives herself priority in everything. (Also see Water mill; Windmill) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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