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Bitten Cheetah dream interpretations
Cheetah Dream Explanation — (See Lynx) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Being Bitten by a Snake Dream Explanation — If a person sees a snake biting him it means his enemy will harm him as much as he will be harmed by the snake bite. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Lynx Dream Explanation — (Cheetah; Panther) Lynx, a cheetah, or a panther in a dream represent might, exaltation, cuddling and coquetry, along with anger, rage and enmity. A lynx in a dream also represents an enemy who does not show either his enmity nor friendliness. Fighting with a lynx in a dream means fighting with someone with such qualities and character. Using a lynx to hunt with in a dream means prosperity and might. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bite Dream Explanation — • A snake or a scorpion bite: Illicit money, which will lead to fines and other punishments.
• The dreamer biting someone out of love: Will love him more.
• Biting someone out of hatred: Will hate him more.
• Biting someone so as to make him bleed: You love him but will harm him.
• Being bitten by someone you know: That someone or his homonym will cause you pain.
• Being bitten by someone you don’t know: Will be harmed by your enemy.
• Biting one’s fingers: Trouble and worries on the religious plane. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Sword Dream Explanation — • Swords flying with the wind: A plague, most probably the bubonic plague.
• Swallowing a sword: Will eat up the enemy’s money.
• Being swallowed by a sword: Will be bitten by a snake.
• Holding a sword longer than that of the enemy: Will subdue the latter. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Flea Dream Explanation — Fleas are the soldiers of Allah, which He used to destroy Nimrod  (descendant of Ham represented in Genesis as a mighty hunter and a king of Shinar), according to Ibn Siren. Conversely, the flea symbolizes a mean person who likes to humiliate and stab people. Dreaming of being bitten by a flea  (or any bug) means one will earn money. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Ape Dream Explanation — • Eating ape meat: (1) Terrible worries or ailments. (2) Will obtain new clothes.
• Hunting and catching an ape: Will benefit from magicians.
• Being bitten by an ape: Hostility and polemics.
• Having sex with an ape: Will commit an abomination.
• An ape entering the bed of a known man: A Jew or an atheist will rape or commit adultery with the dreamer’s wife.
• An ape eating at the dreamer’s table: A transvestite is hiding among the latter’s women. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Wasp Dream Explanation — The wasp is a trashy individual, a punk, a fearsome man, or a killer. It is believed to be  (according to the religious belief) from amongst the metamorphosed as a result of a curse. It is a man who argues against what is right and just, a mean person, and a gossiper.
• Swarms of wasps invading a place: Powerful and valiant soldiers will enter the place and combat its inhabitants.
• Being bitten by a wasp: Will be slandered by rubbish people. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Incident - a Snake in your House Dream Explanation — Another person revealed his dream to the Imaam saying that he had seen a snake in his house. It had bitten him on the hand and back causing him much pain. The Imaam asked “Yous have a brother and a sister?” he said: “yes.” The Imaam said: “Then you have a relative in your hoe whose heart is filled with malice towards you. Soon he will cause you great harm.” The person said: “ I have a step brother who has stolen all that I had inherited. He has absconded since three days”. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bite Dream Explanation — (Champing; Chomp; Love; Rancor) In a dream, a bite signifies perfidy, rancor or extreme love for the one who is bitten in a dream. If one bites himself then spits a piece of his own flesh on the ground in a dream, it means backbiting and belittling others. Biting one's own fingers in a dream means regret or fury, rage and anger. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bull Dream Explanation — • Buying an ox: Will conceal the defaults of kind people and brothers by speaking in their favour.
• Talking to a bull or being addressed by an ox: Hostility to a man.
• A bull falling on an individual or killing him: The death of that person.
• Being bitten by a bull: Some ailment will come.
• An ox mooing at the dreamer: Will embark on a long journey.
• A bull coming out of a small hole and trying to return to it unsuccessfully: A major statement made by a man who tries to withdraw it but is unable to.
• Bull skin: Blessings for the owner of the bull. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Bite Dream Explanation — If one's fingers bleed from such bite in a dream, it means tribulations caused by one's own shortcomings. A bite in a dream also signifies extreme anger. If one is bitten by another person in a dream, it means that he will enjoy happiness and success at the beginning of his professional life, then he will suffer from an illness, eye inflammation, ophthalmia, or from heart problems. Biting on an apple in a dream means satisfying one's desires. (Also see Pinch; Tongue) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Cat Dream Explanation — The cat symbolizes a book in view of a verse in the Holy Quran in which the word qitt, meaning in Arabic “cat,” is used as a synonym for “written fate” or “sentence”  (“Sad”, verse 16). It could also symbolize the neglect of the woman and children or their harsh treatment. But the cat is one of the most controversial figures in dreams. Some regard it as a servant and a guardian, others as a thief from within the house  (an insider). It refers to all beings who stay around the person to guard him but who, at the same time, embezzle, steal, or harm him and are, in fact, of no use to him. For example, being bitten or scratched by a cat would mean that the dreamer will be betrayed by his servant or will fall ill. According to Ibn Siren, a cat’s scratch means an illness that will last a year. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Cow Dream Explanation — The same interpretation of horses colours should apply to cows, which, as mentioned, refer to women or years.
• Seeing in one’s house a cow sucking the milk of her own calf: A woman is trading in her own daughter.
• A man slave milking his master’s cow: Will marry the latter’s daughter.
• Being scratched by a cow or a bull: Will be ill inasmuch as the scratch was severe.
• A cow or a bull raping the dreamer: Will experience hardships and punishment and might even get killed.
• Falling on a cow’s back: Luck will change during the year.
• An ox falling on the dreamer: Will die during that year.
• Having a dispute with a cow: Controversy with a hot-tempered and impolite woman.
• Being bitten or kicked by a cow: Children will betray their father.
• Beating a cow or an ox with a stick or biting either one: The dreamer has plenty of sins and should seek God’s forgiveness. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Aqiq Dream Explanation — A Yemeni ambassador who worked with me at the Islamic Conference Sec retariat in Jeddah told me that when he was a child, the stone was urgently rushed to someone bitten by a highly venomous serpent. The victim recounted to the ambassador that the stone used to stick to his wound, giving him the impression of a child sucking its mother’s breast. Each time the stone became saturated with poison, it fell on the ground and was picked up and immersed in cow milk, wherein the venom could be seen being liquidated. Aqiq symbolizes religion, progeny, and virtue. It is a blessed stone.
• Owning Aqiq: Will no longer be poor.
• Wearing an Aqiq ring: Will own something blessed and achieve growth.
• Seeing the black Aqiq: (1) Suspicious money. (2) The birth of an expected boy. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Dog Dream Explanation — All kinds of dogs refer to wicked persons.
• Taking a dog: Will befriend a servant and love him very much.
• Taking or befriending a dog: Deviation, work stoppage, and the squandering of money.
• Being bitten or scratched by one’s dog:  (1) Will encounter disaster sustain harm, and face hardships caused by a friend or a servant.  (2) Will be harmed by one’s enemy as much as there was pain.  (3) The dreamer might fall ill.
• A dog tearing one’s clothes: A silly individual is backbiting you. If no barking was heard, it means that an enemy has silently laid a trap.
• A female dog  (or bitch):  (1) A proliferative woman keen on preserving her husband;  (2) A mean woman of low origin whose folks are troublemakers.
• A puppy is a beloved son. If he is white, it means the boy is a genuine worshiper. If black, he will prevail over his folk. In other interpretations: A puppy is the waif of a profligate or the product of adultery that the dreamer will find and raise. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Finger Dream Explanation —   (Also see Dye.) Fingers are the brother’s children, since it is believed that the hand represents the brother. Those of the right hand refer to the Muslims  five compulsory daily prayers. The left hand fingers are the children of the brother or sister. The thumb is the dawn prayer, the index finger the noon prayer, the middle finger the early afternoon prayer, the ring finger, the sunset prayer, and the little finger the evening prayer.
• Having long fingers: The dreamer observes his religious duties, especially prayer. The reverse is also true.
• The imam  (the Muslims  spiritual leader) having long fingers: He is too greedy, tyrannical, and unfair to his subjects.
• A finger falling: Will abandon the related prayer.
• Seeing one finger in the place of another: The dreamer is performing the right prayer at the wrong time.
• Biting somebody’s fingertips: The bitten one is impolite, but the dreamer is inflicting too severe a punishment on him. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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