A Long Coat With a Lining Dream Explanation — It presents a perbond wife. Similarly a blanket, pyjamas and a sheet on which one sleeps. If any of the above is seen as burnt or snatched away from him it means he will separate from his wife either by way of a divorce or death. If he is seen as being prevented from acquiring any of the above or if any of the above is seen as being stolen from him it means he will intend divorcing his wife but without success. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
A Door Dream Explanation — It symbolises the head of the household and at other times the one who manages the household affairs which is, in most cases, one's wife. Any pleasant or unpleasant condition in such a door bespeaks of a similar condition in her. For example, a broken, displaced or burnt door could mean dispute or separation between wife and husband. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Love Dream Explanation — • Being ardently in love: Religious corruption and financial losses. • Loving God Almighty: The dreamer will be proficient in his religion and will observe the Tradition of the Muslims Holy Prophet. • Doing what the heart desires: The dreamer will start something endless. • Fulfilling all passions without any barriers or restraints: The dreamer will meet all sorts of trouble and have a bad heart. • Dreaming of being burnt or undergoing cauterization, et cetera: The dreamer is deeply in love. • Somebody telling the dreamer, “I love youâ€: That person abhors him. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Grill Dream Explanation — • Grilled poultry: Money obtained from a woman without treachery or wickedness. But if the meat was not well done, the dreamer will speak ill of her in her absence and be unfair. • Any poultry, be it grilled or fried: Honest but hard gains. • Dreaming of something which the dreamer knows is burnt in real life: Benefits through injustice. • A grilled flank: Symbolizes women (because Eve is said to have been created from Adam’s rib). It follows that the side stretching from below the head to half the body is a reference to girls and female slaves. The lower part is an allusion to boys. • Eating a grilled side: Burdens, worries, and sorrow. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Thunderbolt Dream Explanation — If one is under surveillance, then seeing a thunderbolt in a dream means a crackdown on his house or business. If thunderbolts strike people's homes in a dream, they mean the arrival of covetous and despicable criminals in the company of decent and innocent people who are not aware of the true identity of their companions. If thunderbolts strike the fields and damage the crop in a dream, they represent taxes or an investigation. If one sees a town hit and burnt with a thunderbolt in a dream, it means that an unjust governor will rise in that town, and his government will bring fear, rising prices, economic chaos, injustice or war. If a thunderbolt does not carry fire in the dream, then it represents a new leader. (Also see Earthquake) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin