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Cat Vomit dream interpretations

Vomit Dream Explanation — Vomiting is a reference to repentance of one’s own free will, unless it occurs with difficulty or the dreamer resents its taste. Vomiting while fasting, then splashing in the vomit: The dreamer has a debt that he could settle but would not, thus committing a disgusting sin.
• Drinking milk, then vomiting milk and honey: Repentance.
• Swallowing pearls and vomiting honey: The dreamer will learn the interpretation of the Holy Quran and use it.
• Vomiting milk: The dreamer will repudiate Islam.
• Vomiting food: The dream will grant something to somebody. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Vomit Dream Explanation — • Holding back the vomit: The dreamer will retain awe and prestige.
• Drinking wine without getting drunk, then vomiting: The dreamer will take dirty money and restore it.
• Drinking wine, getting drunk, and vomiting: The dreamer is a miser who spends very little on his children and family and regrets what he has spent.
• Seeing one’s bowels coming out of the mouth: Children will die.
• Very strong vomiting with hiccough: The dreamer will pass away.
• Vomiting plenty of bright red blood: The dreamer will have a child. If it is collected in a container, the child will live; if it flows on the ground, the baby will die quickly. This kind of dream had by a poor person could mean money and plenty of riches. For whoever wants to deceive people it is a bad dream because it means his secret is coming out. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Vomit Dream Explanation — If one swallows a pearl then throws up honey in his dream, it means that he will render a correct interpretation of some Quranic verses. Drinking milk then vomiting it in a dream means turning away from the truth. Drinking milk and vomiting honey in a dream means repentance from sin. Drinking blood in a dream then vomiting it as milk also means repentance from sin. If one's vomit is yellow and bitter in taste in the dream, it means repentance after having paid the price of one's crime. If one vomits mucus in his dream, it means that he will voluntarily repent from wrongdoing. Throwing up food in a dream means giving away something to someone who needs it. Swallowing what one is throwing up before it leaves his mouth in a dream means to go back on one's word. Eating what one has just vomited in a dream means prosperity and fame. Vomiting excessively in a dream means that one will reach near his death or die from a severe illness. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Vomit Dream Explanation — (Repentance; Throw up) Vomiting in a dream means returning things to their rightful owner, divulging secrets, or of regaining one's health through control of his stomach. Throwing up clean food in a dream means ease in one's life. If a poor person vomits blood in his dream, it means receiving money, begetting a son, or the return of a relative from a journey. If the blood is collected in a bowl in the dream, it means that one's son will survive a major illness, or it could mean that one's relative may come to stay with him. However, if the blood is spilled on the floor, then it may mean the death of either the son or the relative. If one's intestines or bowels come out during vomiting in the dream, it means the death of a child. As for a sick person, vomiting in a dream means his death. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Vomit Dream Explanation — Vomiting a snake in a dream also means death, or distancing oneself from one's enemies. Vomiting in a dream also means wasting money on food, or unnecessary dieting for a poor person. Vomiting in a dream also has positive connotations for a poor person, but has negative ones for a rich person. If a ruler or a governor sees himself vomiting in a dream, it means that he will refund people taxes he unjustly collected from them. If one licks back what he vomits in the dream, it means that he is indifferent about repaying a debt that he can easily afford. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Vomit Dream Explanation — If one vomits inside a basin in a dream, it means repentance from his wrongdoing, or it could mean giving a woman a share from unlawful money. If one suffers during vomiting and finds the taste disgusting in his dream, it means that he is forced to confess and apologize for his wrongdoing, though he does not like being caught. It could also mean paying damages, health problems, or it could mean a financial misfortune. Vomiting blood in one's dream means repentance from sin, restraining oneself from indulging in what is forbidden, or it could mean satisfying one's debts, or fulfillment of a vow. If one drinks wine, then vomits the same in his dream, it means that he has received some tainted or unlawful money that he will remit to its rightful owner and repent for his sin. If one gets drunk then throws up in his dream, it means that he is a stingy person who does not take good care of his own family. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Toilet Dream Explanation — • Getting soiled with the water that overflows from the toilet, which, however, has no bad smell:  (1) Coming welfare.  (2) Demands will not be met, at least not easily.
• Eating the sewage flowing out of the toilet:  (1) Will rescind or come back on something you had donated or alms you had given. The Muslims  Holy Prophet is said to have likened the one who changes his mind after donating something or giving alms to somebody who eats his own vomit or excrement.  (2) The dreamer will return to corruption and unholy means of living.
• A large and clean toilet with no smell in it: The dreamer’s wife is pleasant, virtuous, and obedient. The cleanliness of the toilet refers to her virtue and obedience, the lack of stink to her good reputation. If, on the contrary, the toilet is tiny and full of dirt, so much so that the dreamer finds no place to sit on it  (in the dream), the wife will rebel against the authority of her husband. More, if it stinks, she will be impudent and make her husband notorious. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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