Coffee pot Dream Explanation — (Brewing; Utensil) In a dream, a coffee pot represents ascetic detachment, increased devotion, a son, a servant, a small town, a profitable business or travels. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Beans Dream Explanation — It means prolonged grief and sorrow. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Beans Dream Explanation — (See Lupine) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Carob Dream Explanation — (Carob beans) In a dream, carob beans means debilitation or death of a sick person, whether he eats it in his dream or not. In general, carob in a dream means destruction and perdition. (Also see Tree) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Bean Dream Explanation — Beans, lentils and the like, be they cooked or fried, mean sorrow for whoever obtains or eats them, wet or dry. However, plenty of them symbolizes money. Some say that green beans are worries and dry ones money and joy. Lentils are dirty money. A man told Ibn Siren he dreamed that he was carrying chilly Egyptian peas, or chick peas, to which the interpreter replied, “You are a man who kisses your wife during the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims are supposed to be fasting.” Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Plant Dream Explanation — All green plants, except corn, barley, sesame, the great millet of Africa, and beans, symbolize Islam (religion). Planting means that the dreamer’s wife will get pregnant. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Lupine Dream Explanation — (bot.) A green lupine plant in a dream represents poverty and struggle to earn one's livelihood, or it could mean knowledge without actions. Boiled lupine beans in a dream represent medicine, or fast earnings. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin