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Islamic dreams about Dreamer Slap find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Dreamer Slap dictionary!
Dreamer Slap dream interpretations
Slap Dream Explanation — Dreaming of slapping someone means you are advising him and deterring him from vice in which he is indulging, perhaps unconsciously. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Incident - A woman shaving the Dreamer's Hair and Beard Dream Explanation — It is narrated that a person came to Imaam Jafar Saadiq (RA) and said: “I dreamed that a woman shave my beard and hair. What is the interpretation?” He said: “Indeed, you have seen amost unpleasant dream. For the woman symbolises the year (time) and the head symbolises man's honour, respect beauty and all the Allah favours him with. You will lose all of these. But since you have seen a woman do this, all these bounties will be recovered shortly.” (The narrator says that) the dream came true after a short period of time. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Smiting one's forehead Dream Explanation — (Blow; Pound; Shake; slap) In a dream, pounding one's head, or smiting one's face means begetting a son at an old age. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Slapping on the cheek Dream Explanation — (Blow; Criticize; Smack) To lightly slap someone in a dream means to reprimand him, or to oblige him to recognize a favor, boasting about one's generosity, or constantly reminding the other person of some shabby assistance. If one playfully slaps someone lightly on his cheek in a dream, it also means that the latter owes him something or a favor and the opposite is interpreted accordingly. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Slapping on the cheek Dream Explanation — Slapping someone's face with anger in a dream means that the victim will triumph over the assailant. To slap someone in a dream also means recognition of his seniority or superiority. Threatening someone in a dream also maybe a recognition of his superiority. (Also see Digging up the past; Slapping; Threat) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Nose Dream Explanation — • Seeing oneself with two noses: The dreamer will have a family dispute.
• Dreaming that someone has cut your nose:  (1) That someone will speak to the dreamer in a way as to forcibly make him obey.  (2) The dreamer will die.  (3) The dreamer’s wife will die, if pregnant.  (4) Some harm will befall the dreamer  (as the face looks ugly without the nose).  (5) The dreamer will lose trade if a merchant. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Posterior Part Dream Explanation — A man uncovering his bottom to the dreamer: Will feed the dreamer well, then turn his back to him. If that man is young and the dreamer sees his anus, he will be snubbed by the latter. In the event of an old man known to the dreamer, that person, in particular, will cause people to turn away from the dreamer. If the old man was unknown, people would turn their back to the dreamer without his knowing why or discovering the source of such an attitude.
• A man uncovering the dreamer till his posterior part appears: He will disgrace the dreamer before his folk.
• A woman showing her posterior part to the dreamer and allowing him to see her anus: Matters will come to a head, and the dreamer will be in business and have influence but contract debts. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Satan Dream Explanation — • Satan dictating or teaching the dreamer certain words: He will make false statements, annoy people, or recite incorrect poetry.
• A demon entering the dreamer’s body or swallowing him: A trip fraught with dangers.
• Becoming Satan:  (1) The dreamer will play havoc with people and strive to harm them.  (2) The dreamer will die an atheist.  (3) The dreamer will die in a blaze.  (4) The dreamer will become a plumber. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Piss Dream Explanation — • Pissing a bird: The dreamer will have a son showing similarities to the essence or characteristics of that bird, be they good or bad.
• Pissing stool: The dreamer will commit an abomination in which family will get involved.
• Pissing vomitus: The dreamer will have an illegitimate son.
• Pissing in the standing position: The dreamer will spend money unconsciously.
• Pissing on one’s shirt:  (1) If a bachelor, the dreamer will get married.  (2) If already married, the dreamer will have a boy.
• Pissing in one’s nose: The dreamer will have sex with a prohibited relative. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Piss Dream Explanation — • Pissing sand or mud: The dreamer performs his ablutions neither properly nor regularly.
• Pissing fire:  (1) The dreamer will have a powerful son.  (2) The dreamer will have a son who will become a thief.
• Pissing a lion: The dreamer will have an unjust son.
• Pissing worms: The dreamer will be prolific.
• Pissing a snake: The dreamer will have a son who will turn hostile to him.
• Pissing a she-cat: The dreamer will have a girl by an Oriental woman born in a coastal area.
• Pissing a fish: The dreamer will have a girl from a woman he brought from a coastal area, like the shores of the Arabian Sea. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Highwayman - Or Any Assailants, Bandits Or Robbers Who Intercept A Person Dream Explanation — The highwayman symbolizes the evil person who easily gets angry or loses his temper. Contradictory interpretations are not uncommon.
• A highwayman taking the dreamer’s belongings: Tragedy for the dreamer or some of his folk.
• Being robbed of one’s purse and other belongings by such a bandit: The dreamer will come across a man who will support and benefit him inasmuch as was taken from him in the dream.
• Someone intercepting the dreamer and seizing his belongings: The dreamer will make life tough for the one seen in the role of the highwayman and stop dealing with and stand against him in a matter that will harm him.
• Highwaymen ganging up without being able to take away anything from the dreamer: The dreamer will get so ill as to be nearly dead, then recover and become healthy. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Pilgrimage Dream Explanation — • Going for the pilgrimage in due course:  (1) If the dreamer never performed hajj before, he will be granted that honour.  (2) If the dreamer is ill, he will recover.  (3) If the dreamer has debts, they will be settled.  (4) Fears will disappear.  (5) The dreamer will return safe from a journey.  (6) Business will turn profitable.  (7) Post and dignity will be restored. Total rehabilitation.  (8) If erring, the dreamer will come back to the right path.  (9) Relief will come.
• Missing the pilgrimage mission:  (1) Loss of a high post. Isolation.  (2) Business losses.  (3) The dreamer will be intercepted by highwaymen.  (4) The dreamer will fall ill.
• Dreaming of having performed the pilgrimage or the Umrah  (minor or out-of-season pilgrimage): The dreamer will be reformed and have a long life. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Handshake Dream Explanation — • Shaking hands with an unidentified sheikh or old man: The dreamer will be secure from God’s torture.
• A young man shaking hands with the dreamer: The dreamer will be immune from the enemies  harm.
• A man whom the dreamer approaches to betroth his daughter shaking hands enthusiastically with the dreamer: The man will consent. The reverse is also true.
• A business relation returning the dreamer’s greetings and giving a firm handshake: Business will flourish. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Star Dream Explanation — • Seeing Venus or Jupiter: The dreamer will be well received by people.
• Riding on a star: The dreamer will have power and influence and plenty of blessings.
• Stars disappearing from the sky: The dreamer’s fortune will be lost. If already poor, he will die.
• Seeing stars under one’s roof: Bad omen. Home will be destroyed and the dreamer himself will die.
• Eating stars: The dreamer will eat up people’s money.
• Destroying stars without eating them: Notables will mingle in the dreamer’s business and uncover his secrets. He might also be insulting the companions of the Muslims  Holy Prophet.
• Sucking the stars: The dreamer will learn science from wise men. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Thigh Dream Explanation — • Dreaming that one’s thigh is red and hairy and calling someone to let him shave that hair: The dreamer has a debt a relative will settle on his behalf.
• Having a reduced or small thigh:  (1) The dreamer’s clan is small.  (2) The dreamer is a solitary person.  (3) The dreamer will be estranged.
• Having pain in the thigh: The dreamer is not good to his folk. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Weapon Dream Explanation — • Old people looking at the dreamer, who is armed: His friends are envying and coveting him.
• Young men looking at the dreamer, who is armed: His enemies are casting an evil eye on him.
• Being armed and capable of using the weapons:  (1) The dreamer is an accomplished person.  (2) The dreamer is pious.  (3) If ill, God will heal him.  (4) If on a journey, will return safe and sound.  (5) Will no longer be scared.  (6) Will achieve goals.
• Being disarmed: The dreamer’s own power and folk will weaken. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Abel Dream Explanation — Seeing Abel means:  (1) The dreamer will be envied and suffer from spite on the part of one’s enemy or be killed without having committed any crime.  (2) The dreamer will be the victim of an injustice.  (3) The dreamer will obey God, Who will bless him and send him to Paradise.  (4) The dreamer will face hardships and be weakened because of a woman or some relatives.  (5) The dreamer must beware of his brothers lest they kill him. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Stair Dream Explanation — • A ladder placed on the ground: Sickness.
• A standing ladder: Good health.
• Going downstairs:  (1) If the dreamer is on a journey, he will return.  (2) If the dreamer is a chief, he will step down.  (3) If the dreamer is riding, he will continue on foot.  (4) If the dreamer’s wife is ill, she will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Head Dream Explanation — • Carrying an alternative head: The dreamer is fighting a plague or trying to remedy something bad he had concocted.
• Seeing oneself having cut off people’s heads at one’s home: People will be driven to the dreamer and will come to his home of their own free will or will assemble there.
• Seeing horns on one’s head: The dreamer is an invincible man.29
• Seeing oneself with a big head: The dreamer has a big brain.
• Seeing oneself headless: The dreamer is ignorant and has little, if any, brains.
• Eating the head of a dead person: The dreamer will die soon. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Tongue Dream Explanation — • The tongue being tied up: Poverty and disease.
• Black hair growing on the tongue: Immediate harm.
• White hair growing on the tongue: Forthcoming evil.
• Having two tongues: The dreamer will acquire more knowledge and more proof or evidence and defeat enemies.
• Having an ailment in the tongue and being unable to speak properly:  (1) The dreamer will say something detrimental to himself inasmuch as the ailment looked bad.  (2) The dreamer is a liar.  (3) The dreamer will incur business losses.  (4) If the dreamer is a ruler, he will be overthrown.
• The tip of the tongue having been cut:  (1) The dreamer will not be able to produce evidence in a dispute.  (2) If the dreamer is a witness, he will not tell the truth or his testimony will be rejected. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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