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Islamic dreams about Earring Losing Earring find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Earring Losing Earring dictionary!
Earring Losing Earring dream interpretations

Losing a fight Dream Explanation — (Defeat; Depression) Losing a fight in a dream means joy. Losing a fight in a dream also could mean vanquishing one's enemy if they are compatible. Otherwise, the winner of a fight is a dream denotes the loser in wakefulness. (Also see Defeat) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Losing sight Dream Explanation — (Blindness) If one sees in his dream as though the world is totally destroyed and that he remained alone therein, it means that he may lose his sight. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ear Dream Explanation — The ear symbolizes the man’s wife or daughter. It also represents religion.
• Having three ears: The dreamer has a wife and two daughters.
• Having four ears:  (1) The dreamer has four women.  (2) He has four girls without a mother.
• Having one ear: No relative will stay alive.
• Having half an ear: Wife will die and the dreamer will remarry.
• One ear having fallen:  (1) Will divorce.  (2) A daughter will die.
• Wearing an earring: Will marry one’s daughter to someone, and she will give birth to a male child.
• Filling or obstructing one’s ears with something: The dreamer is an atheist. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Pearl Dream Explanation — • Peeling a pearl, keeping the nacre, and throwing away the core: The dreamer is a digger.
• Walking on pearls: Blasphemy and desecration of the Holy Quran  (as if, God forbid, you were stepping on it).
• A man using a pearl as an earring: Desecration or slandering of the Quran.
• Throwing pearls in a river or a well: The dreamer is a benefactor.
• Throwing pearls in the fire: The dreamer is conveying knowledge and wisdom to an unworthy person. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Silver Dream Explanation — • If the earring is coupled with a sword: The dreamer will have a girl child. If the dreamer is a pregnant woman, she will give birth to a boy.
• A man wearing a twisted silver ring: Good deed. Unlike the case of a golden ring.
• Wearing a silver ring: Great joy and comfortable living.
• A silver girdle, belt, or sash: Justice will prevail in the area, as mintaqa in Arabic is used both for belt and district.
• Wearing anklets made of silver, especially a colored one: The dreamer will renew a deal with one’s brothers to regret it later on or perhaps will use a whip.
• Wearing or bearing any silver ornament with something carved on it: Welfare. If it is just plated, the benefit will be less; if it is plain, the reverse should apply. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Earrings Dream Explanation — If a woman sees herself wearing a pair of silver earrings in a dream, it means that she will conceive a son who will grow to be a pious man. If they are made from pearls, then her future son will sing with music. As for an unmarried woman, wearing a pair of earrings in a dream means marriage. If one sees a child wearing a pair of earrings in a dream, it represents beauty, though it is not praiseworthy if an adult or a man is seen in a dream wearing a pair of earrings or even a single earring. In their case, it means engaging in a loathsome and disgraceful action. Wearing a pair of earrings in a dream also means acquiring a knowledge that exalts the person and raises him in station. It also could mean having musical inclinations, or having a picnic. (Also see Gold; Ornaments) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Silver Dream Explanation — • Seeing one’s wife wearing two earrings of gold and silver or one of gold and the other of silver: The dreamer will divorce her. A man once went to a dream interpreter and told him, “I dreamed that my wife was wearing a ring, half gold and half silver.” The interpreter said, “You divorced her twice, and there remains only the last time.” “Yes,” conceded the man.
• A man seeing himself wearing a silver earring: He will memorize all the Holy Quran. If the man is honest, he will have beautiful maids, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that says: “Round about them will serve,  (devoted) to the, youths  (handsome) as pearls well-guarded.”  (“Al-Tur” [The Mount], verse 24) , and other verses that say: “And  (there will be) companions with beautiful, big, and lustrous eyes, like unto pearls well-guarded.”  (“Al-Waqiah” [The Event], verses 22–23.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Gold Dream Explanation — • For women, bracelets and anklets refer to the husband. Jewels symbolize their children. Gold is the male child and silver the girls. Unmanufactured gold is worse than gold made into jewels, because in the latter case its ugly name, thahab  (gone), is changed into bangle or something else.
• Wearing a pendant or necklace: Will be entrusted with some high function or given a country or city to rule.
• A man wearing a pendent partly made of gold: Will perform the pilgrimage to Mecca (Mecca (Makkah)). If the pendent is completely made of gold, he will become a ruler or a chief. In general, the pendent symbolizes man’s power and value. The longer and the heavier the better.
• A man wearing a golden earring: He is a good singer.
• Receiving a golden ring, a typical ring: Weakening religious faith, unless something is carved on it.
• Receiving a golden ring that does not look like a ring and with nothing carved on it: Will lose some belonging or will arouse the chief’s wrath and anger. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Gold Dream Explanation — • Seeing gold: Sorrow and forced expenditure.
• Seeing gold covered with mud or hidden somewhere or somehow, though you know where it is: Failure.
• Perceiving gold as stored somewhere or placed in bags without seeing its color: Good dream; should expect gains, provided you are a pious person.
• Wearing gold, in general: Will enter into a marital relationship with people of a lower standard.
• Wearing a gold bracelet or bangle: Will inherit.
• Wearing two gold bracelets or bangles: Troubles are ahead by your own making, as for men gold, especially in the form of bracelets, is usually a bad omen or a reference to liars, as reportedly stated by the Holy Prophet. But for a virtuous person the same dream could mean more obedience to God and greater prosperity, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that reads: “… therein they will be given armlets of gold and will wear green robes of finest silk and gold embroidery.”  (“Surat Al-Kahf” [The Cave], verse 31.) The same dream could also mean gains achieved with hardships.
• Wearing a golden or silver anklet: Will experience fear or go to jail. In any case, anklets, for men, symbolize chains, and all sorts of jewels and ornaments for them are bad, save the pendent, the necklace, the ring, and the earring. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Tongue Dream Explanation — An animal's tongue in a dream represents one's life or death, because for an animal, his tongue is like a hand through which he takes things. If a scholar's tongue is cut off in a dream, it means that he will lose his argument, or it could mean the death of his assistant, student or son. Losing one's tongue in a dream represents the malicious joy of one's enemy, family, or neighbors for one's losses, or it could mean the death of a beloved, severing a relationship, or a plant disease that will affect one's fruit bearing trees. Perhaps losing one's tongue in a dream could mean separation between husband and wife, divorce, losing one's job, or moving to a new town. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Chewing gum Dream Explanation — (Losing the sense of taste; Masticate) Chewing gum in a dream means committing loathsome sins or indulging in sodomy, for the people of the Prophet Lot (Alayhi-Salam) used to chew gum. If one sees himself chewing gum in a dream it also could signify talking too much, or constantly complaining about something, or engaging in a major dispute, or sustaining an argument, or it could mean losing one's sense of taste. (Also see Chewing food; Chewing) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Shoe Dream Explanation — • Walking with a pair of shoes and losing one of them: Will be separated from a brother or partner.
• Taking one’s shoes to the shoemaker to have them ornamented: The dreamer is renting his wife.
• One’s shoes falling in the water and disappearing: The wife will die. If the dreamer finds them and takes them out, the wife will be cured, after nearing death.
• One’s shoes falling: Wife will be criticized.
• Losing one’s shoes: The dreamer’s donkey or whatever he rides will be stolen. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Appetite Dream Explanation — (Sated; Saturation; To eat one's fill) In a dream, to eat one's fill means fidgety or restlessness. If one sees himself satiated with food and could not eat any more in a dream, it means changing of his condition, losing rank, losing business, or his death. This interpretation is applicable unless one finds in his dream extra space to fill with food, then the dream means that his lot in this world will equal the size of that remaining space. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Slippers Dream Explanation — Wearing them in the winter is more beneficial then wearing them in the summer where they mean distress. Seeing one's slippers on fire or if they fall into a well in a dream may mean the death of one's wife. In a dream, a pair of new slippers that are elongated like a boat means tight circumstances and debts. Slippers in a dream also represent money which is earned from a foreign country or from an import and export business. If slippers in a dream are interpreted to mean protection, then losing them in a dream could mean loss of one's job. If they are interpreted to mean religion, then losing them in a dream means relief from difficulties, or an end to one's trials. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ayyoub - The Prophet With Exemplary Endurance And Patience Dream Explanation — • Seeing Ayyoub  (Job):
•  (1) Will be plagued, as a test from the Almighty, by losing wealth, parents, kin, and children but will undergo the experience with stoicism and plenty of patience and without losing faith for a minute; then God will compensate the dreamer and double what he lost. An allusion should be made in this respect to the Quranic verse that reads: “And We bestowed on him  (again) his household and therewith the like thereof, a mercy from Us, and a memorial for men of understanding”  (“Sad,” verse 43).  (2) A reference to bygone money and children.  (3) Will commit a fault by swearing and need the help of a religious scholar or learned man to find an outlet.  (4) Tragedy and loneliness together with optimism and an ultimate reward by Allah.  (5) Prayers will be heard and wishes fulfilled. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Banknote Dream Explanation — (Dollar; Money) A banknote in a dream represents a pure intention, a beautiful son, a treasure, an agreement, a consent, deputyship, devotion, straight path, swearing in, testimony or wisdom. Losing a banknote in a dream means losing one's son or missing one's prayers. If one sees himself moving piles of banknotes to his house in a dream, it means that money will be delivered to his hand. Though banknotes are blessings and they are what people need, nevertheless, they are also Satan's arrows. If one sees himself handling a large quantity of banknotes in a dream, they mean trusts he receives for saving or as a business. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Walking Dream Explanation — Travelling on foot in a dream means facing danger. Walking while bowing one's head in a dream means longevity, or it could mean recovering from a long illness. Walking over the clouds in a dream means rain. Walking with a cane in a dream means old age, or an illness which will require the help of a cane. Hopping on one foot in a dream means losing half of one's wealth. Having several feet in a dream means losing one's sight. If the governor sees himself having many feet in a dream, it means that he will be impeached from his office. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Earth Dream Explanation — If the top soil of the land is cracked in a dream, it means that the land is rich and arable. Such cracks in a dream also signify the rise of invented religious dogmas and the spread of evil and innovation. Seeing the stretch of the land in a dream means the release of prisoners, or in the case of a pregnant woman, it means the nearing of her delivery. If one sees an earthquake and the destruction of life and property in a dream, this element represents straying from the path, pride and heedlessness. If the earth appears to fold over him in a dream, it means losing one stature in the world, divorce or losing in business. If the earth changes into iron or rocks in one's dream, it means that one's wife will not bear children, or it could mean changing one's trade or profession. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Nails Dream Explanation — (Capture; Fingernails; Strength; Victory) Fingernails in a dream represent victory over one's enemy. Having long fingernails for someone who needs them for his or her work in a dream means prosperity. Long fingernails in a dream also mean a trend that opposes what is common and practical. Long fingernails in a dream also mean strength, power and protection from one's enemy. Long fingernails in a dream also denote shame. Losing one's fingernails to a sickness in a dream means losing one's wealth, or reaching a dead end. Clipping one's fingernails in a dream means following the common norms, lending money, or collecting gold jewelry. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Shaving Dream Explanation — If she sees her hair sheared in a dream, it means confinement to her house. If she sees her husband giving her a beautiful haircut and talking to her affectionately in a dream, it means spiritual growth, delivering a trust, or paying one's debts. Trimming women's hair in a dream means inability to conceive children. Cutting one's hair in a dream means losing one's strength. Shaving half of one's beard in a dream means losing one's source of income and dignity. Plucking out one's facial hair in a dream is worst than shaving it, and particularly when hair louses up one's face or attractiveness. Nevertheless, plucking out one's facial hair in a dream also could depict amelioration of one's condition or look. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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