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Islamic dreams about Growing Plants find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Growing Plants dictionary!
Growing Plants dream interpretations

A Field Meant for Growing Produce Dream Explanation — Seeing his field utilized for growing produce means that he will prosper in matter pertaining to his Deen and Worldly life. The greener the field the greater the prosperity. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Wild plants Dream Explanation — (Forest; Hidden; Manifest; Woods) Eating wild plants in the wilderness in a dream represents hard earned money. Wild plants are also interpreted as a person whose goodness is hidden and whose heart is better than what his appearance may suggest. (Also see Wild thyme) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Seeds Grown into Plants or Trees Dream Explanation — It is a glad tiding that his good deeds a re accepted by Allah Taala and that he will attain popularity, credibility and dignity in this world as a result of his good actions. At other times seeds may be interpreted as one's children on condition that the field wherein the seeds are sewn is seen in its entirety and he is familiar with it. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Harvest Dream Explanation — • Seeing plants being harvested in a country at war or in the executioner’s usual place: People will die by the sword, inasmuch as plants were harvested by the sickle.
• Plants being harvested in the Grand Mosque or in shops and houses in a country that is not at war: The sword of God will strike in the form of a plague or an epidemic. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Tremor Dream Explanation — (Labor pangs; Labor throes; Quake; Shaking; Shock) A tremor in a dream represents plants blooming, grass growing, vegetations sprouting, the blossoming of garden flowers, and the ripening of fruits. If a pregnant woman sees an earth tremor in her dream, it represents labor throes. (Also see Earthquake; Shock; Tremble) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Harvest Dream Explanation — • Plants being harvested in the marketplace: The people will make plenty of benefits and become prosperous and happy.
• The people of the area themselves, not any strangers, harvesting at the mosque or a similar place: Blessings and rewards.
• Harvesting in the fields when the plants are ripe: Good dream or it means that pests will attack the cultivated areas. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hair Dream Explanation — If some lice fall during the combing of one's hair in a dream, it means that he will spend a portion of his inheritance in charity, or that he will clean his act, or correct his attitude. If one sees his hair growing anew in a dream, it means that he may lose most of his wealth. If one sees hair growing on his face where hair does not usually grow in a dream, it means debts. If one sees hair growing in the palm of his hand in a dream, it means benefits from a business. A hairy chest, or hair growing over one's tongue in a dream means wisdom, clarity, or diligence, except if it grows beyond control, then it becomes adversities, stress, sorrows, debts and so forth. If one sees the hair on his forearm scattering, or falling in a dream, it means that he may lose all his savings. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Grass Dream Explanation — (Lawn) In a dream, grass represents religious awareness and blessings. If one sees grass growing in the palm of his hand in a dream, it means that he will discover his wife having a secret affair, and he will find her in the company of someone else. If one sees grass growing over his hand in a dream, it means that he will die shortly and grass will grow over his grave. If he sees grass growing in a place where it is not supposed to grow, such as inside one's house or inside a mosque in a dream, it means a wedding. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Grass Dream Explanation — Grass or prairies symbolize religion.
• Grass, alfalfa, halfa, or esparto grass growing on the back of the dreamer’s hand: Will see his wife with another man.
• Grass growing on the dreamer’s palm: Will die and grass will grow on your grave. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Nursery Dream Explanation — (Greenhouse; Hotbed) In a dream, a nursery represents profits, annual return or a fertile woman. Owning or attending a nursery in a dream means victory, prosperity, marriage, acquiring knowledge, training in arts, or repenting from sin and harvesting the fruits of one's repentance. If the fruits of one's plants turn into gold or silver in one's dream, it means either benefits, profits, or that a disease will impair the growth of one's plants, or it could mean unsalability of one's crop. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Moustache Dream Explanation — • Too much hair in the moustaches  (thick moustaches): Bad omen.
• Less hair in the moustaches  (thin moustaches): Good augury.
• The beard growing without the moustache growing as well: The dreamer will obtain money that somebody else will enjoy. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Grass Dream Explanation — If one sees grass growing all over him but does not cover his ears or eyes in a dream, it means prosperity. If he sees grass growing on people's hands or floating on water in a dream, it means a good harvest and prosperity for everyone. If weeds grow at the same time in the dream, they connote negative effects. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that he is nearing his death. Grass growing over one's stomach in a dream means his death or his burial after death. If grass grows all over one's body but does not cover his head in the dream, it means prosperity and wealth. If the grass covers one's eyes and ears in the dream, it means that he will become heedless and loses the advantages of his religious life. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Woods Dream Explanation — (Forest; Wild plants) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Palm Dream Explanation — If one sees hair growing in the palm of his hand in a dream, it means depression, distress and debts. Growing hair on top of one's hand in a dream indicates one's strength or virility. Seeing one's hand hanging down from the skies in a dream denotes one's connections with the ruler or people in authority. A stretched hand from the skies in a dream also could mean profits and blessings for a hunter, a builder and a real estate professional. In a dream, the palm of one's hand also represents his world. It also may mean ceasing a certain course of action. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Oil Dream Explanation — Oil in a dream also represents the light of the heart, spiritual growth, a growing insight, or it may denote birth control, murders, assassinations, or braking someone's bones. Oil in a dream also denotes a broker. If good oil turns putrid or stale in a dream, it means revoking one's covenant, while if a putrid or a stale oil turns good in a dream, it means growing awareness, certitude and adopting a good standard in dealing with other. (Also see Extracting oils from seeds; Olives) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Character Dream Explanation — (Hidden; Manifest; Wild plants; Forest; Woods) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Hidden goodness Dream Explanation — (Herbal medicine; Medicinal plant; Wild plants) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Manifest character Dream Explanation — (Character; Hidden; Forest; Wild plants; Woods) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Tongue Dream Explanation — • The tongue being tied up: Poverty and disease.
• Black hair growing on the tongue: Immediate harm.
• White hair growing on the tongue: Forthcoming evil.
• Having two tongues: The dreamer will acquire more knowledge and more proof or evidence and defeat enemies.
• Having an ailment in the tongue and being unable to speak properly:  (1) The dreamer will say something detrimental to himself inasmuch as the ailment looked bad.  (2) The dreamer is a liar.  (3) The dreamer will incur business losses.  (4) If the dreamer is a ruler, he will be overthrown.
• The tip of the tongue having been cut:  (1) The dreamer will not be able to produce evidence in a dispute.  (2) If the dreamer is a witness, he will not tell the truth or his testimony will be rejected. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Forest Dream Explanation — (Jungle; Wild plants; Woods) A forest in a dream represents loneliness and fear and it could represent a brothel, immorality and corruption. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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