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Islamic dreams about Husband Crying Regrets find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Husband Crying Regrets dictionary!
Husband Crying Regrets dream interpretations

Crying Dream Explanation — Lamenting or crying in a dream means distress, sorrow and stress. If such lamenting or crying is done out of fearing Allah Almighty, it means that salvation and joy will follow. (Also see Laughing) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Wife Donning the Clothes of her Husband Dream Explanation — This is a good and pleasant dream. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Wife Wearing the Military Clothes of her Husband Dream Explanation — The interpretation of such a dream is linked with either her husband or one who guards her. The same dream could mean that either she will benefit from the good qualities of her husband or he will benefit from her good qualities. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Yearning Dream Explanation — To feel a yearning or a desire to see one's homeland in a dream means divorce between a husband and a wife, or separation between friends, or it could mean becoming rich after being poor. Yearning in a dream also connotes evil if accompanied with crying or lamenting. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Homeland Dream Explanation — To feel a yearning or desire to see one's homeland in a dream means divorce between a husband and a wife, or separation between friends, or experiencing richness after poverty. Such a yearning in a dream also connotes evil if accompanied with crying or lamenting. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Desire Dream Explanation — (Dog; Lust; Passion; Wantonness) To feel a yearning or desire to see one's homeland in a dream means a divorce between a husband and wife or separation between friends, or it could mean that one will become rich after being poor, though in general, desire in a dream connotes evil if accompanied with crying or lamentation. Satisfying one's desire with no restraint in a dream mostly denotes the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire. (Also see Dog; Dryness) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Veil Dream Explanation — The veil symbolizes the dreamer’s religion and the woman’s husband, decency, ornament, and welfare or her chief.
• A pure veil: The husband or chief has plenty of money.
• A white veil: The husband or chief is religious and prestigious.
• A black veil: The husband is stupid and poor. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Incident - A bull coming out of a small rock Dream Explanation — A man said to Imam Ibn Sirin: "I saw a big bull coming out of a small rock, and I shook hands with him in a dream. The bull then wanted to return inside the rock, but he couldn't." Ibn Sirin replied: "Indeed; sometimes a man may say a big word, then regrets what he had said, though he cannot change it." Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Flower Dream Explanation — he flower or rose symbolizes a child or honest money. Since the word in Arabic is ward, it could also mean the return  (worood) of an absent one or the arrival of a letter. Certain interpreters believe that the rose represents a woman who quits, a child who dies, a trade that does not last, or a passing joy, in view of the flower’s ephemeral nature. Others think that all aromatic plants—numerous or few—allude to worries and sorrow. To them, flowers mean crying, except for those flowers that the dreamer sees in their normal place but does not touch, in which case they would refer to a new birth, et cetera. In the event of their being picked and their trees dying, it means that there will be crying and weeping. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Incident - Central pillar of the house breaking Dream Explanation — While the husband is in town, the woman saw the same dream again, and she sought to ask Prophet Muhammad (Alayhi-Salam) about it. When she did not find him, Abu Baler was present, so she told him the dream, and he replied: "Your husband will soon die." In the first interpretation of the above dream, the husband was absent, while in the second dream, he was present. The conditions changed, and the meaning also changed. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Censure Dream Explanation — (Blame; Calumniation; Rebuke; Reprimand; Reproof) If one sees himself censured by a prophet, a saint, a allahly person, or a bosom friend in a dream, it means repentance from sin, refraining from walking the avenues of error and temptation. Censure in a dream also signifies love and compassion. If one rebukes himself in a dream, it means that he had indulged in a wrongdoing which he regrets and that he is blaming himself for it. (Also see Blame) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Tailor Dream Explanation — (Couturier; Marriage) A tailor in a dream represents unity, a peacemaker, a scribe, a secretary, or an officiant who conducts the marriage ceremony and witnesses the signing agreement. A tailor in a dream also represents someone who regrets his wrongdoing, or amends his conduct for the better. To become a tailor and sew one's own garments in a dream means struggling to build one's livelihood. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Shaikh Salim Bin Tsa and reading Qur'an Dream Explanation — Shaikh Salim Bin Tsa once visited Hamza Bin Al-Habib Al-Zayyat, God bless his soul, who had memorized the Holy Qur'an and read it with great devotion, seeking God's pleasure, and saw him crying and rubbing his cheeks with dust. He exclaimed: "I call upon God's protection for you. Oh Hamza, what is this crying?" Hamza replied: "Last night, I saw in a dream that the Day of Resurrection took place. The readers of the Qur'an were called in to stand before God Almighty, and I was among them. I then heard an amiable voice saying: 'Only those who lived by the Qur'an should enter.' I was in shock, so I began to withdraw. A voice called my name: "Where are you going to, Oh Hamza Bin Al-Zayyat?' I cried out: 'At thy command, Oh caller to my Lord.' An angel then said to me: 'Say: At Thy command Oh my Lord, At Thy command.' So I repeated what the angel told me to say. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Veil Dream Explanation — • A woman dreaming of removing her veil in a public place: Will no longer have any shame or prudence.
• A woman dreaming that her veil is gone: Her husband will abandon her. If she finds it back, the husband will return. If she is not married, the ordeal will be faced by her brother or uncle, et cetera.
• Something wrong with the veil: The husband will have a tragedy.
• A man dreaming of wearing a veil or a mask: Will have a slave girl or a servant. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hair Dream Explanation — • A woman seeing her hair black:  (1) Her husband loves her.  (2) Her husband is straight and righteous.
• A woman dreaming of uncovering her hair: Her husband will be absent. If the hair remained uncovered, the husband will not come back to her. If she is not married, the dream means that she will never get married.
• A woman dreaming that her hair is very thick and that people are gazing at it: She will have a scandal.
• A married man seeing a lock of hair: Will have a blessed son.
• A bachelor dreaming of locks of hair: A maiden, a slave, or a maid for each lock of hair.
• A woman dreaming of a lock of hair: Will have a son who will one day become a leader. The lock of hair also symbolizes a fertile year. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Call For Prayer  (Arabic: Athan) Dream Explanation — • A child launching the prayer call: His parents will be innocent from calumnies, by analogy with the story and origin of Jesus Christ.
• Launching the praying call in a bathroom: Bad dream on both the spiritual and material planes. It could mean that the dreamer is a pimp.
• Crying for prayers in the “hot house”23: Will have a shaking fever. Crying for prayers in the “cold house”: Will have a fever.
• Launching the athan at the gate of the ruler: Will speak the truth.
• Calling for prayer while clad indecently or showing one’s underwear: Will penetrate a woman.
• Someone launching the athan in a souk  (marketplace): Someone in that souk will pass away.
• Hearing an unpleasant athan: Someone is inviting the dreamer to indulge in vice and abominations. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hair Dream Explanation — Braiding the hair of one's legs in a dream means earning money through improper methods, or engaging in something which contradicts the divine laws. Woman's hair in a dream represents her protection, husband or family. Hair in a dream also denotes farming, money, a wife, a husband or marriage. If one's hair looks ugly and smelly in a dream, it represents the living condition or the state of the husband and wife. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ceiling Dream Explanation — If water is leaking from one's ceiling in a dream, it means crying in that house for the sake of a departed soul or crying because of a sick person in that family. If rain dissolves the ceiling in a dream, it means loss of money and falling-out from grace. If one sees himself standing on the ceiling of his house and cannot come down in the dream, it means his imprisonment. In a dream, the central beam that carries the ceiling represents a hypocrite who supports the business of an alliance of profiteers. Should the central beam break down and fall in the dream, it means that such a person will be removed from his office. If the ceiling falls over someone's head in a dream, it means that punishment and sufferings will befall him too. If one sees the stars under the roof of his house in a dream, it means that his ceiling may actually cave-in. (Also see Cave-in) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Dye Dream Explanation — • A woman dreaming that her hands are tattooed: She will use her makeup to achieve what is right. If the tattoo was made of mud, it means that she uses her rosary quite often. If the drawings on her hands get mixed up, harm will befall her children.
• A woman seeing her hand dyed or tattooed with gold:  (1) She is giving her money to her husband.  (2) Her husband will bring her joy.
• A man dreaming that his two legs are dyed and tattooed: His parents will die.
• A woman seeing her legs dyed and tattooed: Her husband will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Head-cloth or Odhni Dream Explanation — A wife's head-cloth (ie. Hijab, Odhni, scarf etc.). izaar, or burqa represents her husband. Any excellence or defect seen in any of the above is a reflection of a similar excellence or defect in her husband. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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