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Islamic dreams about Jumping High Place Landing Safely find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Jumping High Place Landing Safely dictionary!
Jumping High Place Landing Safely dream interpretations
Incident - A Big Bird Landing Upon a Jasmine Tree Dream Explanation — A man came to Imam Ibn Sirin and said: "I saw big bird that landed upon a jasmine tree in a dream, and he ate all its flowers." Ibn Seeri'n's face became alarmed as he replied: "Your dream means the death of scholars." Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Jumping Dream Explanation — Otherwise, it could mean facing dangerous or severe adversity. In a dream, highlight_word">jumping from place to place also means false news, fabricated accusations, changing moods with one's friends, or finding oneself bored with them. If one jumps over a wall in a dream, it means that he will change from a believer into a disbeliever or follow the advice of a disbeliever. (Also see Jump) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Jumping Dream Explanation — (Bounce; Hop; Leap) To see oneself hopping on one leg in a dream means moving from an old place into a new one. If one takes a broad leap with one jump in his dream it means travels. Hopping on one leg because of an illness or an impairment in a dream means loss of half of one's money or property and finding it difficult to sustain one's needs with the balance. Playing football or hopping with a ball, or highlight_word">jumping while performing acrobatic exercises, or gymnastic feats in a dream means profits or benefits for someone who is used to play such games, or participates in such training. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

High tides Dream Explanation — (Ocean) In a dream, swimming in troubled waters or high tides means adversities, or having to face a strong opponent. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

High prices Dream Explanation — (Cost of living) Seeing a winged loaf of bread flying in a dream means high prices. (Also see Bread) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Falling Down From High Altitude Dream Explanation — A man saw himself in a dream falling down from a high altitude. When he woke up, he said to himself: "I will avoid going out of my house or seeing people for a while." During the middle of the afternoon of that same day, a close friend came to see him, and called him from downstairs. When the man stood up to look through the window, the shutters broke, and he fell with them. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Place of worship Dream Explanation — (See Masjid; Mosque) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Fire in the Market Place Dream Explanation — Fire seen in the market place or shop is an indication that much loss will be sustained in business.. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Seeing the Kabah in Any Place Other than in Makkah Dream Explanation — At times, the Kabah also stands for peace and harmony. Therefore, if the Kabah is seen in a place other than Makkah, it suggests that the people of that town or village will enjoy peace and harmony. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Scattering pearls on the Road or in the Market Place Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself scattering pearls on the road, in a garbage or in the market place it means he will acquire knowledge and wisdom and will teach it to unworthy people. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Jump Dream Explanation — • Jumping as high as the sky: Will reach Mecca (Makkah).
• Jumping on someone: Will defeat and crush such a person, because highlight_word">jumping symbolizes power and the power of a person resides in that person’s legs.
• Jumping from one spot to another:  (1) Condition will speedily improve.  (2) Will move from one place to another.
• Jumping far: Long journey.
• Jumping and floating in the air and moving at will, in whatever direction and to whatever length the dreamer wants:  (1) A beneficial trip.  (2) Triumph.  (3) Desires will be fulfilled. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Jump Dream Explanation — • Jumping as high as the sky: Will reach Mecca (Makkah).
• Jumping on someone: Will defeat and crush such a person, because highlight_word">jumping symbolizes power and the power of a person resides in that person’s legs.
• Jumping from one spot to another:  (1) Condition will speedily improve.  (2) Will move from one place to another.
• Jumping far: Long journey. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Jump Dream Explanation — • Jumping to cross a river, a pit, or a well, et cetera, and succeeding: A change for the better and will be saved from some evil and reach the safe shore very quickly.
• Jumping but staying late in that jump till withering away: Will die.
• The dead highlight_word">jumping out of their graves and returning to their homes:  (1) Prisoners will be released.  (2) Plants will grow again after they were dead in that place. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Jump Dream Explanation — • Failing to reach the desired destination: A change for the worse.
• Using a stick or a perch to jump: That stick or perch symbolizes an extremely powerful person or a strong asset on whom the dreamer could rely in whatever he aims for.
• Jumping to cross a river, a pit, or a well, et cetera, and succeeding: A change for the better and will be saved from some evil and reach the safe shore very quickly.
• Jumping but staying late in that jump till withering away: Will die.
• The dead highlight_word">jumping out of their graves and returning to their homes:  (1) Prisoners will be released.  (2) Plants will grow again after they were dead in that place. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Jump Dream Explanation — To jump from one place into another out of fear or with haste in a dream represents accusations, blasphemy, or disturbing news surrounding one's name. To jump down from a high altitude in a dream means separation, or changing of one's conditions from convenience to discomfort. An ascending rapid jump in a dream means rising in station and a plummeting jump in a dream means deterioration of one's status. (Also see Jumping) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Star Dream Explanation — Holding little stars in one's hand in a dream means acquiring fame and presiding over people. Seeing a star over one's head in a dream means becoming renowned and surpassing one's associates, or it could mean serving in a high ranking position. If one sees brilliant stars gathering in one place in his dream, it means that he will reap benefits from a business trip, or safely return home from such a successful business trip. Riding a star in a dream means leadership, strength and wealth. If one sees the stars fixed under his roof in a dream, it means a calamity, or destruction of one's house, or it could mean the death of the head of the household. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Dove Dream Explanation — • A person facing hardships or missing someone dreaming of a dove flying to him or landing on him: Good augury.
• A sick person dreaming of a pigeon landing on his head: An allusion to the Angel of Death, especially if it is a turtledove and if it wails.
• Having pigeons: The dreamer has women and slaves or servants on whom he does not spend much.
• Owning innumerable pigeons: Welfare and benefits.
• Spreading pigeon fodder and calling the doves to eat from it: The dreamer is a pimp  (perhaps because, in Arabic, the word pigeon is a homonym of penis). Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Flying Dream Explanation — • Flying from one’s home to an unknown house:  (1) Will move to the grave.  (2) Death is near and it is high time to repent.
• Flying while on horseback:  (1) The end of prosperity.  (2) Will be forced to relinquish an important post.
• The rider and the ridden returning to earth: Prosperity and, perhaps a high post.
• Trying to fly but being unable to or finding oneself upside down: Plenty of evil to come.
• Seeing horsemen flying in the air: Temptation, intrigue, and war will erupt in that place. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Room Dream Explanation — The room symbolizes prestige, a high-class woman, or the dissipation of fear in view of the Quranic verse: “… and they will dwell secure in lofty rooms.”  (“Saba” [Sheba], verse 37.) It could also allude to Paradise in view of another verse: “They will be awarded the room  (high place) forasmuch as they were steadfast, and they will meet therein with welcome and the word of peace”  (“Al-Furqan” [The Criterion], verse 75) , or the mosque’s pulpit, for etymological reasons. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Horse Dream Explanation — • Loss of a draft horse: Wife will be immoral, obscene, and uncontrollable.
• A dog highlight_word">jumping over and making love to the dreamer’s draft horse: A Magus  (Magi or Magian) enemy is following the dreamer’s wife. If the one highlight_word">jumping on the packhorse is a monkey, the flirting enemy is a Jew.
• A gray packhorse: A ruler or powerful man.
• A black draft horse: Money and sovereignty or supreme power.
• An unknown packhorse entering one’s hometown without any material: A stranger will step in. The seahorse symbolizes a liar or something that will not materialize.  (See under Muhammad for winged horses.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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