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Kissing Girl dream interpretations
Kissing a snake Dream Explanation — (See Weasel) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Little girl Dream Explanation — A little girl in a dream represents prosperity, wealth after poverty, and ease after a passing adversity. Seeing a baby girl of milk suckling age is even better in a dream. It means a new and a praiseworthy development in one's life, or it could mean receiving benefits one is hoping for, or living a new world. A little girl in a dream also represents something exclusive for the one who saw her in his dream. Carrying a little girl in a dream means release of a prisoner, or if one is suffering from difficulties, or if he is at fault in an argument, or if he is indebted or poor, it means that all of his worries will be dispelled by the glad tidings of this little girl. If none of these conditions apply, then it means distress or misfortune. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Girl Dream Explanation — In any case, the sight of a little girl in a dream is a good augury, unless there is something unpleasant about her.
• Seeing a pretty little girl: Benefits and welfare.
• Carrying a little girl: Welfare, recovery from a disease, relief from worries or freedom if the dreamer is in jail. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Little girl Dream Explanation — If a mother delivers a sick baby girl in a dream, it means relief from her difficulties. If she gives birth to such a child from her mouth, then it means death. A little girl in a dream also means a new world, while a young girl in a dream implies getting a new job. If a woman sees a little girl in a dream, it means that she cannot conceive children. If one hires a little girl to work for him in a dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings. If he hires a little boy, then it means bad news. Carrying a little girl in a dream is better than carrying a little boy. If one carries a baby boy wrapped in a swaddle in a dream, it means imprisonment or a sickness. If one is poor, then it means that he will live to an old age in misery. If he is rich and diligent in the dream, it means that he will lose his money and reason. (Also see Child; Young woman) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Girl Dream Explanation — (See Boy; Virgin) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Young Girl Dream Explanation — If she is not known to him, she symbolises his current year. Further, if she is beautiful and healthy and she is seen speaking to him or giving him something or he sees himself hugging her or making love to her or having intercourse with her it means the current year will prove profitable and fruitful for him. It not beautiful, the year will prove a disaster. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Teenage girl Dream Explanation — (See Young woman) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Newborn Baby Girl Dream Explanation — (Baby) It is deemed a better dream than a newborn boy. It symbolises joy and happiness for the one who sees her. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Kiss Dream Explanation — • Kissing:  (1) Wishes will be fulfilled and matters settled to the dreamer’s satisfaction.  (2) Will triumph over enemies.
• Kissing God Almighty: Will kiss the Holy Book or God’s Name.
• Kissing God’s right hand: Will perform the pilgrimage in Mecca (Makkah) and kiss the Black Stone there.
• God kissing the dreamer: His deeds are blessed.
• Kissing a powerful or an authoritative person: Will replace that person.
• Kissing a judge, a king  (ruler or boss), or an imam  (spiritual leader): That judge, king, or imam will accept the dreamer’s arguments.
• Being kissed by a judge, a chief, or an imam: Will obtain some benefit or recommendation from the latter.
• A kiss from a lady:  (1) People’s sympathy and enthusiasm.  (2) Greetings from a loved one.
• A kiss from a girl: A cup of wine  (or liquor). Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Kiss Dream Explanation — Kissing someone's eyes in a dream means pursuing both heterosexual and homosexual life and such a dream carries a warning to cease such loathsome and unlawful practices before contracting unknown illness. Kissing one's beloved from the mouth in a dream means money. Kissing a woman in a dream means desiring her, or receiving news from one's beloved. Kissing an old woman in a dream indicates an excuse or regret for a slip of the mouth. Kissing a young girl in a dream means drinking a glass of wine. If a scholar kisses a beautiful woman in a dream, it could mean reciting the Quran, or speaking words of wisdom. If such a scholar is known to love the world and its pleasures, then what he has kissed in his dream is the world itself. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Kiss Dream Explanation — • Kissing a boy: There is sympathy between the dreamer and the boy’s father.
• Kissing a slave or a female servant: Will befriend her owner or employer.
• Kissing a free woman: Will befriend her husband.
• A person kissing the dreamer’s eye: He is a pimp and should fear God.
• Kissing a beloved one on the lips: Will obtain one dinar  (big money).
• Kissing a beloved one on the cheek: Will obtain one dirham  (a reasonable amount of money).
• A scholar or a savant kissing a beautiful woman: Will read God’s words. If he is rather the worldly type, he will get what he wants from life. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Kiss Dream Explanation — Kissing Allah's right Hand in a dream means attending a pilgrimage to Mecca and kissing the black stone. Kissing Allah Almighty in a dream means kissing the holy Quran, or kissing Allah's holy Name. If one sees Allah Almighty kissing him in a dream, it means that his deeds are accepted. Kissing an adorned woman or sleeping with her in a dream means marrying a wealthy widow. Kissing a known deceased person in a dream means benefiting from his knowledge or inheriting his money. Kissing an unknown dead person in a dream means that one will receive money from an unexpected source, or perhaps do business with his heirs. If a deceased person kisses someone in a dream, it means that the latter will receive unanticipated benefits. Lustfully kissing a deceased person in a dream means satisfying one's needs, lust, or completing a project. If a sick person sees himself kissing a deceased person in a dream, it means his own death. Finally, if a healthy person kisses a deceased person in a dream, it means that his words are not true. (Also see Rose) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Kiss Dream Explanation — (Love; Passion; Rose; Tenderness) A kiss in a dream means satisfying one's need, want or desire, or it could mean subordinating one's enemy. Kissing a man or embracing him lustfully in a dream means getting hold of what one intends to acquire from him. If it is a lustful kiss, then it means accomplishing one's pursuit of benefits, knowledge, or guidance. If it is an amicable kiss, it means that the one who received the kiss will receive benefits from the one who kissed him, or learn something from him, or reap a new understanding of things through him. Kissing a child in a dream means love, care and tenderness toward that child. Kissing a servant in a dream means soliciting the friendship of her master or employer. Kissing a married woman in a dream means seeking friendship with her husband. Kissing someone in authority in a dream means replacing him in his function. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Kiss Dream Explanation — Kissing a judge in a dream means that one's testimony will be accepted by the court. If a judge kisses someone in a dream, it means that the latter will win a court case, or benefit from such a judge, and the same interpretation applies if a leader or a boss kisses someone in a dream. Kissing one's father in a dream also means benefiting from one another. Kissing one's son with passion in a dream means saving money for him, or building a business for him. Giving one's son a tender kiss in a dream means receiving joy or money from him or from his mother. Kissing someone between the eyes in a dream means marriage. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Kiss Dream Explanation — • Kissing or going to bed with a highly sophisticated woman with plenty of makeup, et cetera: Will marry a widow, benefit from her wealth, have children by her, and enjoy a prosperous year.
• Kissing an identified dead person: Will benefit from the latter’s intellectual legacy or money or something he had done during his lifetime.
• Kissing an unidentified dead person: Will acquire money from an undesirable source.
• Being kissed by a dead person: Benefits from the deceased or his heirs. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Rose Dream Explanation — (Blossoms; Kiss) In a dream, a rose represents a noble person, a woman, a newborn son, or it could represent the homecoming of a long awaited traveler. Plucking roses from a rosebush in a dream means harvesting honor, love, prosperity and blessings. Kissing a white rose in a dream means kissing a Allah-fearing woman. Plucking a red rose in a dream means kissing a fun loving woman. Smelling the fragrance of a yellow rose in a dream means kissing a sick woman. A bouquet of roses in a dream means kisses, one after the other. A rosebud in a dream means a miscarriage. A rose in a dream also represents an estranged wife, or it could mean a dying woman, a losing business, a short lived happiness, or a promise that does not last. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Slave Dream Explanation — • An adorned Muslim slave girl: Will hear some good news from an unexpected source.
• An adorned atheist slave girl: Will hear some good news in an obscene language or involving some obscenities.
• An unsmiling slave girl: Will hear some bad news.
• A weak or oppressed slave girl: Worries and poverty.
• A snaked slave girl: Will lose in a transaction and get involved in a business scandal.
• Acquiring a maiden slave girl: Will make a lucrative transaction and own a rich farm.
• A beautiful and attractive slave girl whose face is covered with a transparent veil: Concealed welfare and virtue. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Slave Dream Explanation — • Buying a yellow slave girl  (Asian):  (1) Hurdles.  (2) Disease.
• Buying a black slave girl: Will escape trouble and worries.
• Selling a slave girl of any race:  (1) Poverty and need.  (2) Will sell one’s house.  (3) Will sell a household utensil.
• A smiling and nice-looking slave girl coming to the dreamer:  (1) Benefits.  (2) The chief will accede to the dreamer’s demands.  (3) The return of an absent one.
• An ugly slave girl coming to the dreamer: Something undesirable will happen.
• A slave girl chasing the public and inciting them to bloodshed: Intrigue will break out.
• A slave girl beating people or beating drums: Great welfare for the people, commensurate with her beauty. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Kiss Dream Explanation — • Being kissed by an unidentified dead person: Will accept benefits or charity through an undesirable channel or way.
• Being kissed with intense sexual passion by a dead person, whether known or unknown: Matters will be settled the way you want.
• A patient dreaming that he is kissing a dead person: Will pass away.
• A healthy person kissing the dead: The statements the dreamer is making at this time are improper. He had better remain silent.  (His words should stop, as the dead have ceased to exist.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Doe Dream Explanation — The doe or roe is a beautiful Arab girl.
• Catching a doe in a hunt: Will be smart enough to let a girl fall in love with you or will trick a woman into marrying you.
• Shooting at a doe: Will divorce or beat your wife or have sex with a slave or a maiden.
• Throwing an arrow at a doe: Will slander a maiden or a maid.
• Slaughtering a doe and shedding its blood: Will deflower a girl. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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