Seeing an Unknown person Dream Explanation — An unknown person represents an enemy if he is young. But if he is old, it suggest the observer's good fortune and success in whatever he is pursuing currently. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Unknown Greenery Dream Explanation — The growing of any unknown greenery in a place where it does not normally grow such as a house or masjid, suggest that a man will come along either to seek in marriage the hand of his daughter or to establish a business partnership. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
An Unknown House Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself in a house whose foundation, location and occupants are not known to him, it symbolizes his abode in the Hereafter every feature of such a house-eg. Narrowness, spaciousness, ugliness, beauty – is an identical replica of his abode in the Hereafter. Subsequently, this is a reflection of his deeds and actions in the world. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
An Unknown Garden Dream Explanation — It stands for Jannah. Entering and touring such a garden suggest that the observer will attain Jannah by way of making greater progress in matters of Deen. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
An Unknown Horse Dream Explanation — Seeing an unfamiliar horse which he does not own nor mounts means that he is a man of good repute and high honour. If he sees such a horse entering his neighbourhood or house it means a powerful and honourable person will make his appearance in that neighbourhood or house. If he sees such a horse leaving such a neghbourhood or house it means a man with same qualities mentioned above will leave the neighbourhood or house either by way of going away for good or death. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
An Unknown Butcher Dream Explanation — He represents the angle of death. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Birds of Unknown Species Dream Explanation — They sumbolise the angels. Their interpretation is the same as that of seeing the angels of Allah Taala. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Eggs of Unknown Birds Dream Explanation — They represent beautiful women with handsome faces if the beholder of the dream becomes the owner of the eggs or he finds them in his possession. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
An Unknown Qaadhi or Judge Dream Explanation — It is non other than Allah Taala Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Building a House in an Unknown Locality Dream Explanation — The building of a house in an unknown locality suggest that the beholder will accomplish good deeds and that he will secure for himself a favourable position in the hereafter. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Entering an Unknown House with the Dead Dream Explanation — Entering an unknown house in the company of a dead person means he will die soon and thus join the dead person. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Eating the Eggs of Unknown Birds Dream Explanation — The one who eats them cooked, fried or boiled in his dream, will acquired riches and prosperity. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Incident - a Bird of Unknown Species descending from the Sky Dream Explanation — Another person related the following dream to the Imaam : He had seen a fat bird of an unknown species descending from the sky and sitting on a tree. It started packing at the blossoms of the tree and thereafter flew away. At this juncture, the Imaam's face turned pale. He said: “This is an indication of some great men of learning passing away.” It is said that Hasan Al-Basri and Ibn Sirin passed away that very year. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Secret Dream Explanation — Secrecy symbolizes sex, the two words, serr and nikah, respectively, being synonyms in Arabic. • Entrusting a woman with a secret: The dreamer desires her. • Someone confiding something to the dreamer without there being any reference to sex: The dreamer will be involved in that secret matter. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
House Dream Explanation — • A sound person building a house with concrete or clay in a place he knows: Welfare and benefits. • A sound person building a house with concrete or clay in an unknown place: The dreamer will do or has already done something for which he will be rewarded in the Hereafter. If the house was built with bricks, gypsum, and lime, it would mean that a sin will be committed or that the dreamer has amassed a fortune through sin and will regret it in the Hereafter, owing to the fact that fire plays a major role in the manufacturing of such constructing material. The dream would have a happy ending if the dreamer destroyed the house before waking up. • A sick person or someone who has an ill relative or friend building a house: A tomb. • A house of unknown construction material in an unknown location and with unknown people, isolated from the rest: The Hereafter, especially if dead persons the dreamer knows are seen in it. Entering it means that the dreamer will die, unless he comes out again, in which case it means that he will come near death but escape. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Disappearing Dream Explanation — (Absence; Becoming unknown; Loss of tracks) If one disappears from his house or from the country, and if his tracks could not be located in the dream, it means taking a long journey, turning out to be where he is suspected to be, getting married in that place, falling in love with an unknown person, falling sick in a foreign land, or it could mean death if the person is sick. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Young man Dream Explanation — (Teenage boy) An unknown young man in a dream represents an enemy. If the young man is known in the dream, then whatever strength, harshness, weaknesses, deceit, perfidy, or character he displays, they denote the same character in wakefulness. Walking behind an unknown young man in a dream means pursuing one's enemy and conquering him. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Death Dream Explanation — • Death of a relative: Will become less able. • Death of a pregnant woman: Will give birth to a male child who will prove to be very beneficial and bring about a lot of joy. • Death of an unknown woman: (1) Worldly matters will run into a snag. (2) Drought. Death of a friend: (1) The dreamer will die. (2) The dreamer will lose that friend. • Death of an unknown old man: The dreamer’s endeavours will not bear any fruit. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Beard Dream Explanation — • The part between the lower lip and the chin represents the man’s asset (s), which he prides himself on. • Seeing one’s beard half-shaven: Will become poor and unimportant. • The beard being shaved by an unknown young man: The dreamer’s prestige will be shaken or completely destroyed by an enemy whom he knows, his homonym, or his counterpart. • The beard being shaved by an old man: Prestige will disappear to a certain extent. • The beard being shaved by an unknown old man: Prestige will be shattered by a haughty and crushing chief, a bastard. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Mattress Dream Explanation — If one tears his mattress in pieces in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery. If he sees his mattress placed in front of the city hall in a dream, it means that he may assume an important political appointment. An unknown mattress in an unknown place in a dream means buying, receiving, or inheriting a farmland. A mattress in a dream also means bearing a son. Changing one's mattress in a dream means leaving one's wife for the sake of another woman. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin