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Nose Ring dream interpretations

Nose ring Dream Explanation — In a dream, a nose ring represents an unjust person and a tyrant. Piercing the nose of an animal to insert a nose ring in a dream means money, or it could mean vanquishing or defeating one's enemy. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Yellow Ring or a Ring Made of Lead Dream Explanation — He will be the receipient of things of little value. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Nose Dream Explanation —   (Also see Snot and Suck.) The nose symbolizes a man’s beauty, relatives, a male child, the parents, and the person’s prestige. Anything good entering it is medicine; anything bad is wrath and anger.
• One’s nose looking like a hose: The dreamer belongs to a powerful family and has plenty of supporters.
• Seeing oneself without a nose: The dreamer has no blood relations. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Nose Dream Explanation — In a dream, nose relates to the sense of smelling. It represents the element of comfort by taking in needed oxygen for the body to satisfy its needs. The immediate sense of physical tranquillity produced by inhaling through one's nose in one's dream represents liveliness and comfort. If breathing in also includes smelling a sweet fragrance in the dream, then it reflects the immediate results of one's satisfaction. Nose in a dream also represents an aspect of one's beauty, or what one adorns himself with, such as wealth, or pride he takes in his father, a son, a brother, a wife, a just partner or an employee. A beautiful nose in a dream represents the good conditions of one's life. A large nose in a dream means oppression or compulsion. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Nose Dream Explanation — Smelling a good fragrance in a dream means rising in station. If one sees himself in a dream having many noses, each of them represents the renewal of his comfort. If one's nose is transformed into iron or gold in a dream, it means an illness, an adversity, or a crime that one may commit. A nose in a dream also represents news, spying, buttocks, or the uterus. If one's nose shrinks in a dream, it means that he is arrogant. If it becomes crooked in the dream, it also means stupidity and humiliation. If it expands in the dream, it means stupidity. One's nose in a dream also represents his parents. If what is breathed through the nose is good, the consequences will be good. Otherwise, smelling a bad odor in a dream brings about negative results. (Also see Body) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Nose Dream Explanation — • Seeing oneself with two noses: The dreamer will have a family dispute.
• Dreaming that someone has cut your nose:  (1) That someone will speak to the dreamer in a way as to forcibly make him obey.  (2) The dreamer will die.  (3) The dreamer’s wife will die, if pregnant.  (4) Some harm will befall the dreamer  (as the face looks ugly without the nose).  (5) The dreamer will lose trade if a merchant. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Bleeding nose Dream Explanation — A bleeding nose in a dream means unlawful money, or it could mean a miscarriage. If one's nose bleeds and if he thinks in the dream that such bleeding will benefit him, then it means that he will receive benefits from his superior at work. Otherwise, if in his dream one thinks that such bleeding will hurt him, then harm will unfailingly come to him from his superior. If he is the boss, then he will benefit or lose accordingly. A bleeding nose in a dream may represent good health. It also could mean correcting one's religious and spiritual attitudes. In fact, it all depends on one's own consciousness in his dream and how he perceives the bleeding of his nose. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bleeding nose Dream Explanation — Thus, feeling bad about it or weak from it means poverty. If the blood stains his clothing in the dream, it means that he will receive unlawful money or commit a sin. If the blood does not stain his clothing, then he might walk free from an ill he had indulged in. If the blood from one's nose drips on the road in the dream, it means that he regularly pays his due alms which he distributes to poor people in the streets. It is also said that seeing one's nose bleeding in a dream means finding a lost treasure. Otherwise, it means distress and depression. (Also see Bleeding; Cut; Injury; Wound) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Running Nose Dream Explanation — Dreaming of having a running nose indicates a short disease, which will be followed by a strong recovery and excellent health. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Blowing the Nose Dream Explanation — Blowing the nose and expelling filth means that the person will become angry as a result of which he will utter undesirable words. If no filth is expelled it means he will lodge a complaint against someone. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

The Nose and Forehead Dream Explanation — They symbolise a perbond status, honour and dignity. Any excellence or defect in them bespeaks of similar excellence or defect in his status, honour and dignity. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bleeding from the Nose Dream Explanation — A sign of good health. At times it indicates financial loss or dishonour or loss of one's capital. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Blow one's nose Dream Explanation — (See Nasal mucus) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Nose bleeding Dream Explanation — (See Bleeding) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Fly Coming Out Of Nose Dream Explanation — A man was asleep when his friend brought an open pitcher of milk and a water melon. The friend then cut a piece of the water melon and placed the milk and the pitcher beside his friend's pillow with the knife on top of the pitcher. He then sat down and waited for him to wake up. When the man woke up, he told his friend an amazing dream. He said: "I saw as though a type of fly came out of my nose, and it stood over a knife before reentering my nose. Then suddenly, I saw myself walking over an iron bridge that stood on top of an ocean." The friend smiled and told him what happened. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ring Dream Explanation — Lead rings in a dream mean weak authority. If one sends his ring to some people who returns it to him in the dream, it means that he is asking to betroth someone from such a family, but his request will be declined. If one sees his ring being forcefully pulled out from his finger in a dream, it means that he will lose his rank or whatever the ring represents to him. If one loses his ring in a dream, it means that he will experience something he hates to see it happening to him. (Also see Games; Solomon's ring) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ring Dream Explanation — • A ring with a gemstone: Power, influence, prestige, charisma, good renown, money, and other riches.
• A ring with a beryl, chrysolite, or peridot stone:  (1) Strength courage, and fearsome authority.  (2) A well-educated, polite, and pious boy.
• A ring with a bead: Weak and humiliating authority. A ring with a green ruby: A devout, shrewd, and knowledgeable boy will be born to the dreamer.
• Seeing the stone in one’s ring moving: Power and authority are about to wither away. Isolation is forthcoming. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Ring Dream Explanation — In a dream, a ring represents peace, tranquillity, authority, a wife, a child, or a job, the reward of which will equal the value and size of the gemstone which is placed on it. If one's wife is pregnant, and if he sees himself wearing a golden ring in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a son. The king's ring in a dream represents his kingdom. Cutting off a tight ring with a pair of pliers in a dream means the end to one's authority. Any incrustations on one's ring in a dream represent his goals. If the gemstone of one's ring falls in a dream, it may mean the death of his child, or the loss of his business. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ring Dream Explanation — • A golden ring:  (1) If a ruler, the dreamer will turn heretic, lose his religious faith, betray his people, and become a tyrant.  (2) A reference to a woman who has lost her fortune.
• An iron ring:  (1) A courageous leader.  (2) A tradesman with foresight but bad memory.  (3) A ring made of lead: Power melted through weakness. A ring with two stones: Overt and covert influence, financial benefits, and/or success in helping religious-minded and worldly individuals and healing people.
• Rings made of horns or ivory: Good augury for women.
• A wooden ring:  (1) A hypocritical woman.  (2) Prosperity or power obtained through hypocrisy.
• Being given or offered a ring or buying one: The dreamer will wield tremendous power or become a king, if eligible because, says Ibn Siren, the majesty of King Solomon was derived from his ring.
• A woman being given a ring: She will get married or have a child. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Ring Dream Explanation — • Taking a gold ring from the Lord: Bad omen. Similarly bad are rings made of iron, the latter being the ornament of those who reside in Hell, and rings made of copper whose name in Arabic is nahhas, from nahs, meaning “bad luck” or “a jinx.” One more reason, adds Ibn Siren, is that copper is the metal used in manufacturing the rings of the jinn.
• Taking a silver ring from the Holy Prophet or from a religious scholar: The dreamer will acquire learning. In case the ring was made of silver, iron, or copper, the dream would have a very negative interpretation.
• Wearing a ring: Renewal of what the ring refers to, depending on its alloy or composition.
• Wearing a silver ring: Nothing will stand in the dreamer’s way. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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