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Pistachios Symbolize dream interpretations

Almonds and Pistachios Dream Explanation — Green or dry, both indicate hidden wealth. Or livelihood which the observer will obtain from unknown sources. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Pistachio Dream Explanation — Eating pistachio in a dream means earning blessed money. A pistachio tree in a dream represents a courageous and a generous man. Pistachio itself in a dream means money. Plucking and eating fresh green pistachios in a dream means hardships and toiling. Dried pistachios in a dream mean evil, an argument or fighting. Eating salted pistachios in a dream means profits from the sea and land, and for a pregnant woman, it could mean that she is close to delivering her baby. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Pistachio Dream Explanation — Pistachio means “easy money.” The pistachio tree symbolizes a generous man. Dreaming of eating pistachios means one will enjoy easy money. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Star Dream Explanation — Stars symbolize people. Those that have a masculine name represent men; those with a feminine name allude to women. Big ones refer to notables, small ones to youths, children, or slaves. The ones the Arabs used as guiding marks when they moved in the desert are the Prophet Muhammad’s companions. Stars that had once upon a time been worshipped instead of God and were thus metamorphosed, says Ibn Siren, like the Dog Star or Sirius, Venus, and Canopus, symbolize irreligious and evil persons. For a king, the stars are his soldiers and followers; for a bride or a bridegroom the stars are her or his entourage.
• Stars falling on earth or in the sea or burning out: Bloodshed and killings. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Camel Dream Explanation — Camels symbolize devils in view of a religious belief that they are carrying demons on their humps. They also symbolize death because of their ugly voice and bad temper and because they carry beloved ones far away. Likewise, the camel represents the ignorant and hypocritical individual in view of the Quranic verse: “Or deemest thou that most of them hear or understand? They are but as the cattle—nay, but they are farther astray!”  (“Al-Furqan” [The Criterion], verse 44.) It also alludes to the patient, enduring person or the ship  (because camels are the ships that ply the lands). Moreover, the sight of a camel is a harbinger of sorrow, as the Holy Prophet is reported to have once said, “Riding camels is sorrow and notoriety.” Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Pebbles Dream Explanation — Pebbles symbolize backbiting and leveling allegation against someone. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Rocks and Stones Dream Explanation — These symbolize hardness of hear, cruelty, harshness and haughtiness. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Gall Dream Explanation — Galls, or gallnuts, symbolize sustained financial growth. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Soil and Mud Dream Explanation — These symbolize grief, sorrow and fear. Their magnitude depends on how much soil or mud is seen. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Diamond Dream Explanation — Diamonds symbolize a harmful, venomous woman, good for nothing but showiness. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Raisin Dream Explanation — All types of raisins—black, red, and white—symbolize money and welfare. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Wave Dream Explanation — Waves symbolize hardships and suffering or torture in view of the same verses of the Holy Quran cited above. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Floods Dream Explanation — Floods symbolize an attack by the enemy. Rain water flowing in gutters and sewers means prosperity and verdure. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bee Dream Explanation — A bee has different meanings depending on whether the dreamer is a civilian, farmer, or military man, for bees produce honey, which is something sweet, useful, and beneficial and, according to a verse of the Holy Quran, a remedy for people. Paradoxically, bees could also be an allusion to disease, by association of ideas. At the same time, bees have a clear-cut hierarchy and are highly disciplined, tenacious, and toiling creatures. They symbolize the military or the Muslim army  (once one of the most powerful in the world). In any case, a bee in a dream is a laborious and very gifted person in terms of earning his or her livelihood and whose companions can only benefit from him, but a dangerous person as well. For the ancient Arabs, a bee symbolized the Bedouin or, in abstract terms, perseverance, gains, and the accumulation of wealth. And since Muslims believe that bees are inspired by God to follow a certain order and discipline in excelling in the production of various types of honey with different aromas, they are thought to symbolize knowledge or know-how, division of labour or categorization, erudition, and the authoring of literary or scientific works. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hail, Ice, Frost and Snow Dream Explanation — these symbolize sorrow, grief and the punishment of Allah Taala. But, if a small quantity of hail is seen in a place where it normally hails, it heralds verdure and lushness. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Joy Dream Explanation — Joy could symbolize crying or relief, at face value.
• Dreaming of being merry: Coming sorrow.
• One’s friends appearing joyful: A reference to something sensual or delicious. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Sparks Dream Explanation — Sparks symbolize libeling and defamatory remarks about him. If the sparks are abundant he will soon be afflicted with hardhips. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Cumin Dream Explanation — Caraway seeds and cumin symbolize money that begets money. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Plant Dream Explanation — All green plants, except corn, barley, sesame, the great millet of Africa, and beans, symbolize Islam  (religion). Planting means that the dreamer’s wife will get pregnant. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Eyebrows Dream Explanation — The eyebrows symbolize the person’s appearance, religious devotion, and prestige. Thick eyebrows means attractiveness, as women darken them to adorn themselves. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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