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Seeing 'raw egg' in your dream..


Eggs (Eggs in a basket or a place.) Eggs represent the element of prosperity, or the fear of depleting one's riches. Eggs in a dream also represent marriage for an unmarried person and children for a married one. If one's chicken lay eggs for him in a dream, it means a new born in his family. Eating a boiled egg in a dream means comfort and income while eating a raw egg means unlawful earnings, adultery or distress. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Eggs If one sees his wife laying an egg in a dream, it means that she will bear a child who will lack faith in Allah. If the egg breaks in the dream, it means that his newborn will die shortly after birth. If one sees himself raising chicken for eggs, then if the eggs hatch in his dream, it means that some of his affairs that where unsolvable will rejuvenate with success, and it could mean that he will beget a child who will grow to have true faith in Allah Almighty. He also may beget a child for each egg that hatches in his dream. Eggs in a basket in a dream also represent a family reunion. (Also see Boiled eggs; Omelet) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Poached eggs (See Boiled vegetables) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Boiled eggs (See Boiled vegetables) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Eggs of Unknown Birds They represent beautiful women with handsome faces if the beholder of the dream becomes the owner of the eggs or he finds them in his possession. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Eating Uncooked Eggs He will receive haraam wealth. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Eating the Eggs of Unknown Birds The one who eats them cooked, fried or boiled in his dream, will acquired riches and prosperity. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Acquiring the Feathers or Eggs of a Ring-dove If he acquires its feathers or eggs by trapping it, it means he will coin some deceptive methods of trapping a woman. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Piercing eggs from the top and Extracting the White A man said to Imam Ibn Sirin: "A man saw himself in a dream piercing eggs from the top, extracting the egg white, and leaving the egg yoke." Imam Ibn Sirin replied: "Let him come here and tell me his dream in person." At three different occasions, the man kept on asking about the meaning of that dream, and Imam Ibn Sirin insisted on the same reply. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Piercing eggs from the top and Extracting the White Finally, after taking a promise from Ibn Sirin, the man confessed that he is the person who saw that dream. Imam Ibn Sirin asked someone to call the chief of police and to tell him that this man is a body snatcher who digs the graves and steals their contents. The man immediately asked for forgiveness, repented from his doing, and promised never to do it again. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Egg For medical doctors, gifted persons, and poultry farmers, eggs mean welfare. For the rest, few eggs mean benefits; many eggs means deep worries. Big eggs refer to boys and small ones to girls. For bachelors, eggs often symbolize marriage. For married people, eggs are the forerunners of childbirth. Eggs also represent hidden things.
• Eggs in a container: Slave or maiden girls, in view of the Quranic expression “[Pure] as they were hidden eggs [of the ostrich].”  (“Al-Saffat” [Those Who Set the Ranks], verse 49.)
• The dreamer’s hen having laid an egg: Will be blessed with a male child.
• Cooked eggs without shells: Blessed gifts and benefits.
• Eating raw eggs:  (1) Will accept dirty money.  (2) Will be plagued by many worries.  (3) Will commit a sin. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Omelet (Eggs) An omelet in a dream means prosperity, joy, celebrations, profits, or marriage. (Also see Eggs) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Egg • A man whose wife is pregnant hitting an egg once: He is ordering his wife to abort.
• Seeing someone else breaking an egg and throwing it back to the dreamer: That man will deflower the dreamer’s daughter.
• Digging an egg out of one’s sleeve: The dreamer will penetrate his nanny or slave and have a girl from her.
• Having plenty of raw eggs: The dreamer’s great wealth is in jeopardy.
• Seeing boiled eggs: The revival of a stalled or dead matter, which will yield quite a lot of money.
• Groping for eggs: Will squander or eat up the money of a woman. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Boiled vegetables (Blanched; Boiled eggs; Poached; Stew) In a dream, boiled vegetables, eggs, meat or poached eggs, etcetera, signify fast coming earnings, or a profitable business. Boiled vegetables in a dream also mean paying one's debts, an unanticipated arrival of some thing expected to happen later, celebrations, a wedding or distress, sorrow or poverty. Cooking mixed vegetables with milk in a dream means mixing lineage, or marriage from a different tribe, or it could mean starting a new and a good tradition. (Also see Stew) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Egg • Eating eggs: Will marry a rich woman.
• A crane egg: A poor boy.
• A parrot egg: A pious maid or a maiden.
• Being given an egg: Will be blessed with an honest son. If the egg was broken, the son would die.
• Shelling cooked eggs: Will obtain money from rulers.
• A bondsman or servant dreaming of receiving a boiled egg from his mistress, shelling it, and eating it: He will bring up her child according to the instructions of her husband, which will provide a source of living for the dreamer. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Peacock • Slaughtering a peahen: The death of such a foreign lady; eating its meat means that the dreamer will inherit from her or will strike it rich through an alien woman.
• A peacock: A foreign king. Befriending it means that the dreamer will make friends with such a monarch.
• Catching and owning a peacock: The dreamer will have his way with or even dominate a foreign king.
• Subduing a peahen: Will have money and children.
• Finding peahen eggs: Will have a male child.
• Plucking some feathers from a peahen: Will obtain money from a woman or because of her. In case the dreamer also seizes some of its eggs, he will possess money through the offspring of such a woman.
• Bringing together a peacock and a pigeon: The dreamer is a pimp. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Eating the Shell or White of the Egg Eating the shell or white of the eggs but not the yolk means he will usurp wealth belonging to the deceased or a slain person. It could also mean that he will dig up graves for the purpose of stealing the shroud (kafn) of the dead people. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Grocery bag In a dream, a grocery bag means good news. Though, mostly its interpretation relates to what it contains. For example, if it carries grapes or eggs, then it means money and profits. A grocery bag in a dream also means glad tidings or warnings. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Nit (Egg; Louse; Vermin) In a dream, lice eggs represent contemptible people. If one sees them and could not remove them in the dream, it means that contemptible people will pursue his wife, and he will fail to persecute them or even avoid them. (Also see Lice) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Gourd The gourd, also called vegetable marrow, pumpkin, squash, and winter squash, alludes to the recovery of a sick person. Its vine is a knowledgeable man or a blessed and sociable doctor who benefits people. It could also refer to a poor man. A gourd is favoured by most interpreters, like meat and eggs.
• Eating cooked gourd: The dreamer will find an errant, memorize knowledge, or gather something scattered, as much as he had eaten of the gourd. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

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