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Seeing 'back biting' in your dream..


Gall Bladder Dreaming of seeing a person biting the gallbladder of another until he dies means the assailant hates his adversary to the point of death. If, furthermore, he drinks the victim’s blood, he wrongly thinks that he can kill him and acquire or get away with his money under the eyes of the law. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Lay (Lie; Repose) In a dream, if a man sees himself lying on his back over the floor, it means having good strength, or gaining one. It also means winning worldly profits, or expansion of one's control. If one sees himself lying on his back on the floor with his mouth open and bread loaves coming out of his mouth, it means that he will lose control over his business, meanwhile, he may win something totally different. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Silver • Hoarding silver: Will go to Hell. “… they who hoard up gold and silver if not in the way of Allah, unto them give tidings  (O Prophet Muhammad) of a painful doom, on the day when it will [all] be heated in the fire of Hell, and their foreheads and their flanks and their backs will be branded therewith  (and it will be said unto them): Here is that which ye hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of what ye used to hoard.”  (“Al-Baraah” or “Al-Taubah,” verses 34–35.)
• Silver roofs, houses, stairs, doors, or couches: A reference to atheism in view of verses 33 to 35 of “Surat Al-Zukhruf”  (Ornaments) in the Holy Quran: “And were it not that mankind would have become one community  (of disbelievers), We might well have appointed, for those who disbelieve in the Beneficent, roofs of silver for their houses and stairs  (of silver) whereby to mount, and for their houses doors  (of silver) and couches of silver whereon to recline, and ornaments of gold. Yet all that would have been but a provision of the life of the world. And the Hereafter with your Lord would have been for those who keep away from evil.”
• Melting silver: Will be angry with one’s wife and people will speak ill of the dreamer. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Bite (Champing; Chomp; Love; Rancor) In a dream, a bite signifies perfidy, rancor or extreme love for the one who is bitten in a dream. If one bites himself then spits a piece of his own flesh on the ground in a dream, it means backbiting and belittling others. Biting one's own fingers in a dream means regret or fury, rage and anger. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Beating (Blow; Hit; Lash; Whip) To hit someone with a staff in a dream means bringing back to life something that died away or investigating the cause of a death or clarifying something. To beat someone with a wooden stick in a dream means failing to fulfill a promise, or it could mean lying to someone. If someone in authority hits his employee in a dream, it means that he will give him a raise. If he hits him on his back in the dream, it means that he will pay his debt. If he hits him on his backside in the dream, it means that he will give him a daughter in marriage. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Flesh According to Ibn Siren, it makes no difference whether the eaten person is a man or a woman, but the younger the subject, the more likely the dream will come true.
• Eating another person’s flesh raw: Will slander that person or backbite one of his relatives.
• Eating another person’s flesh cooked or grilled: Will swallow the other’s capital.
• Biting and snatching one’s own flesh and spitting it on the ground: The dreamer is an evil person and a slanderer. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Bite If one's fingers bleed from such bite in a dream, it means tribulations caused by one's own shortcomings. A bite in a dream also signifies extreme anger. If one is bitten by another person in a dream, it means that he will enjoy happiness and success at the beginning of his professional life, then he will suffer from an illness, eye inflammation, ophthalmia, or from heart problems. Biting on an apple in a dream means satisfying one's desires. (Also see Pinch; Tongue) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Backside (Backside; Buttocks; Rump) In a dream, the backside represents the wife's property and money, or it could mean one's husband. Dragging oneself over one's buttocks in a dream means becoming poor and needy. Hair growing over one's backside in a dream means money or richness. Otherwise, if one sees no hair on his backside in the dream, then it means insolvency or bankruptcy. Shaving off the hair over one's backside in a dream means fulfilling a promise, repayment of one's debts or giving back a trust to its rightful owner. (Also see Back) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Posterior Part A man uncovering his bottom to the dreamer: Will feed the dreamer well, then turn his back to him. If that man is young and the dreamer sees his anus, he will be snubbed by the latter. In the event of an old man known to the dreamer, that person, in particular, will cause people to turn away from the dreamer. If the old man was unknown, people would turn their back to the dreamer without his knowing why or discovering the source of such an attitude.
• A man uncovering the dreamer till his posterior part appears: He will disgrace the dreamer before his folk.
• A woman showing her posterior part to the dreamer and allowing him to see her anus: Matters will come to a head, and the dreamer will be in business and have influence but contract debts. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Posterior (See Back) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Behind (See Back) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Rear side (See Back; Buttock) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Tooth • Teeth falling and picking them up with one’s hand or beard: The dreamer’s children will break with him; no more children will be born, and if ever one is born he will not stay to be brought up by the dreamer.
• All the teeth falling and disappearing from the dreamer’s sight:  (1) His family or his household will die before him.  (2) People of his generation or of the same age will die.
• People chewing the dreamer’s flesh or biting him with their teeth: The dreamer should be modest, which he is not.
• Teeth breaking: The dreamer will settle his debts, little by little. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Resurrection Seeing the Day of Resurrection in a dream also represents the spread of evil, the presence of an extended police force, and the ruling of large armies and dictatorships around the world. Thus, seeing the Day of Resurrection in a dream is a reminder and a warning to the one who sees it. If one sees the graves splitting open, dead people resurrected back to life and are walking out of them accompanied with their angels in a dream, it means that justice will prevail in that land. If one experiences the resurrection in a dream, then discovers that the world went back to continue its prior course , it means that justice will dominate that land for a while, then it will be followed by a tyranny that will be carried by people who are not even suspected to be of such character. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Piss Urine generally symbolizes spending and wasting money. It could also mean illicit or inappropriate spending.
• Urinating: The dreamer will spend money that will benefit himself.
• Urinating smoothly: Money will flow from the dreamer’s pocket, and his savings will be eroded.
• Containing one’s urine: The dreamer will be angry with his wife.
• Being hard pressed but finding nowhere to urinate: The dreamer is searching for a place to bury his money but is unable to find one.
• Holding back urine or urinating with difficulty: The dreamer is rushing things and taking incorrect initiatives, because continence is like frustration and frustrated persons are unstable and never go back on a decision before they feel the heat.
• Urinating in an unknown place: The dreamer will marry a woman or a slave in that place who will receive his semen and make him part of her family.
• Urinating in a well: The dreamer will spend illegally acquired money.
• Urinating on a commodity: Will incur losses in it.
• A rich person urinating and withholding some of the urine: He will lose some of his wealth.
• A troubled person urinating and retaining some of his urine: He will get limited relief.
• Urinating in drops: A debt will be paid back in instalments.
• Urinating with someone and seeing the urine mixing: Rapprochement or one of the two will marry into the other’s family. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Cow If a dairy cow allows the person to draw her milk in a dream, it means conferring benefits. Otherwise, if it refuses to allow the person to milk her in the dream, it means dissonance and discord. If a servant sees himself milking his master's cow in a dream, it means that he will marry his wife after the master dies, and that he will become extremely rich. If a cow enters one's house and thrusts against him, or butts against him in the dream, it means losses and mistrust in one's own family. If one sees himself hitting a cow with a wooden stick or biting a cow in a dream, the cow then represents his sins. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Sear (Scorch. See Cauterize; Back; Seal) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Resuscitate  (Live Again) • Resuscitating:  (1) Will overcome poverty and become rich or self-sufficient.  (2) Will become an apostate  (change religion).  (3) Will come back safe and sound from a journey in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that reads: “Bethink thee [O Muhammad] of those of old, who went forth from their habitations in their thousands, fearing death,46 and Allah said unto them: Die, and then He brought them back to life …”  (“Al-Baqarah” [The Heifer], verse 243.)  (4) Will commit a sin, then repent, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that reads: “They say: Our Lord! Twice hast Thou made us die, and twice hast Thou made us live. Now we confess our sins. Is there any way to go out?”  (“Ghafer” [The Forgiver] or “Al-Mumin” [The Believer], verse 11.)  (5) Will live long.  (6) The dreamer is a tanner. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Trumpet of Resurrection The second blow indicates their resurrection back to life, which will be followed by the Grand Gathering for the Day of Judgment. If a sick person hears the first blow in a dream, it means that he will shortly recover from his illness. If the town is inflicted with a calamity, then hearing it in a dream means that people's adversities will be lifted. If there is a drought, it will end and food prices will go back to normal. If one hears the second blow of the trumpet of resurrection in a dream, it means prosperity, revealing what is hidden, exposing long kept secrets, recovering from an illness, release from prison, reunion of beloveds, or meeting with people who have just arrived from a long journey. (Also see Blowing; Rising of the dead; Resurrection) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Cauterize If one is cauterized with iron in a dream, it means punishment for his sins. Discovering old marks from cauterization in a dream means discovering a treasurer. Cauterizing someone in a dream also means speaking to someone with harsh and painful words. If the mark left by such cauterization looks like a rounded seal in a dream, it means subjugation to a court order or complying with the law. Cauterizing a vein or a knee in a dream means begetting a daughter or getting married, or it could mean slandering a stranger. Discovering a burn caused by cauterization in one's chest in a dream means presiding over people. If one's back is seared or cauterized in a dream, it denotes stinginess, or it could mean that he fails to comply with Allah's rights upon him. (Also see Back; Seal) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

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