The Back and Loins These symbolise a perbond honour, dignity and nobility. At other times the back or the loins symbolise a child since a child is born of a perbond back. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Back pain (See Back; Body; Pain) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Placing the Kabah Behind One's Back if a person sees himself placing the Kabah behind his back or performing salaah on top of the Kabah, it is a sign that he has abandoned Islam. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Flying on the Back of a Vulture If he dreams that he is flying horizontally on the back of a vulture, he will enjoy honour, sublimity and power by being promoted to the office of kingship. But if the vulture flies with him vertically towards the heavens, he will die while on a journey. For, such a vulture would then represent the angel of death. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Carrying a Sheep on the Back It means he will bear the expenses of another person. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Return of one's soul back to its Lord (Death; Give up the ghost; To die) In a dream, the return of one's soul back to its Lord means remitting a trust to its rightful owner, the recovery of a sick person from his illness, the release of a prisoner from jail, or perhaps it could represent the reunion of beloveds. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Tooth • Having glass or wooden teeth: Death. • In general, falling teeth mean obstacles or the settlement of debts. • Teeth falling without pain: Hopes will be dashed. • Teeth falling with pain: Something will disappear from the dreamer’s house. The front teeth falling: The dreamer will be unable to achieve something by pleading. If there is pain or blood or flesh being snatched, hopes will be dashed. • The front teeth falling and others pushing instead: Things will change or be rearranged. • The upper teeth falling into one’s hand: Money is coming. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Tooth • The upper teeth falling on one’s knees: A male child will be born. • Teeth falling on the ground: Death. • Teeth growing in the heart: Death. • Catching a falling tooth and refraining from burying it: Will give advice to whomever that tooth refers to. • All the teeth of healthy, free persons, or travellers falling: (1) Long disease. (2) Troubles of all kinds but no death, because the teeth of those who die do not fall. Therefore, the same dream is a good one for those who are already ill. It means that they will recover fast. (3) For travelling merchants the dream means that their luggage or cargo is light, especially if the teeth were seen moving. • All the teeth falling, but catching them up in one’s sleeve or seeing them falling on the knees: Will live long, till all the teeth fall, and will have a large family at home. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Tooth It could also be that the mouth represents the house and the teeth its dwellers. Teeth decaying, falling, or being lost means disappearance, hardships, or death. Their retrieval means recovery or return of the lost or absent. Teeth dashing against each other means a dispute or a controversy in the house. Sores in the mouth mean something is wrong with the family. Dirty teeth allude to the notoriety or bad reputation of the house. Plaque or the yellow incrustation on the teeth is a sign that the family is weak. Cleaning them means that money will be spent to end family worries. The whiteness, length, and beauty of the teeth symbolize strength, money, and prestige. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Molar Tooth Teeth of the upper jaw represent a male person and those of the lower jaw represent a female person. Whatever may affect them in a dream, will show in wakefulness. For example, if one's molar tooth falls in a dream, it means that the particular person it represents may die shortly, or it could mean being absolved of one's debts, or perhaps repayment of one's debts. If one suffers from a tooth ache in a dream, it represents ill words which are spoken against him by such family member, or that he feels hurt from the treatment he receives from such a family member. (Also see Teeth; Tooth) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Tooth • Dreaming of an incisor growing over a current one: A new member will join the household. But if pain ensues, it means that the newcomer will bring about shame and troubles. • Extracting one’s teeth: The dreamer is not supporting his family or is spending unwillingly. • Throwing one’s teeth by pushing them with the tongue: The dreamer’s family will be harmed by foolish statements on the dreamer’s part. • Teeth made of gold: Good dream for a scholar or an orator; otherwise it means disease or a fire. • Having silver teeth: Financial losses. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Tooth • Teeth falling and picking them up with one’s hand or beard: The dreamer’s children will break with him; no more children will be born, and if ever one is born he will not stay to be brought up by the dreamer. • All the teeth falling and disappearing from the dreamer’s sight: (1) His family or his household will die before him. (2) People of his generation or of the same age will die. • People chewing the dreamer’s flesh or biting him with their teeth: The dreamer should be modest, which he is not. • Teeth breaking: The dreamer will settle his debts, little by little. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Tooth • The teeth getting longer and bigger: A dispute or rivalry in the dreamer’s house between members of his family. • Someone whose teeth are black, eroded, and twisted dreaming that they have fallen: Will overcome all kinds of hardships. • Dreaming of brushing or cleaning one’s teeth with a piece of wood (Arabic: miswak) as the Holy Prophet used to do: The dreamer is supporting his parents and good to his relatives. • Brushing one’s teeth with something unclean: The dreamer is spending dirty money beyond his will. • Having pain in one tooth or a molar: The dreamer will hear something bad from the relative whom that tooth represents inasmuch as the pain was severe. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Eyelashes • Having no eyelashes: The dreamer is an outlaw in terms of religion. • Depilating one’s eyelashes: The dreamer is taking religious advice from his enemy. • The edge of the eyelids turning white: A disease in the head, the eyes, the ears, or the back teeth. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Tooth The teeth symbolize all those living in the house of the dreamer. The upper ones are the men, the lower the women, the canine tooth the patriarch of the family, the right central incisor the father, the left the uncle or father’s brother. Otherwise, the latter two teeth represent two brothers or two sons or two friends who are brothers. The lateral incisor is the cousin or son of the brother’s father; the premolars are the mother’s brothers or sisters or their substitutes. The molars are the grandparents and little male children. The lower right central incisor is the mother, the lower left central incisor the father’s sister. In other interpretations, the latter two refer to two sisters or two daughters, or similar persons. The lower lateral incisor represents the daughters of the father’s brothers and sisters. The lower canine is the first lady of the family. The lower premolars are the daughters of the uncle and aunt from the mother’s side. The lower molars are the remote female relatives on the man’s side and the little girls. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Comb A comb in a dream also can be interpreted to denote an honest and a just man, an hour of happiness, or a wise person, a judge, a physician, or a preacher one can benefit from his knowledge. A comb in a dream also represents a hairdresser or one's mother. Combing the hair of an unknown woman in a dream represents a wind that will help pollinate the trees. In a dream, a comb also represents a sifter or a sieve. The teeth of a comb may represent one's own teeth or the teeth of a saw. It is also said that combing hair in a dream means weaving a carpet. Combing one's hair or beard in a dream means dispelling adversities and distress. In a dream, a comb also represents a good man who is just and equitable with all his friends, or it may mean longevity, wealth and victory against one's enemy. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Molar Tooth Teeth in a dream represent the elderly members in one's family, or their most distinctive ones. If a molar tooth falls in a dream, it means loss of money or life. Molar teeth in a dream represent one's relatives, or his friendliest relatives, or his own young children. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Lips The lips symbolize the dreamer’s friend whom he is priding himself on and whom he relies upon, especially the upper lip, but the lower one is more important in terms of the likelihood of the dream coming true. The lips also allude to Eve. • Having pain in one’s lips: Friends are not doing so well. • One’s upper lip having been severed: Will be deprived of one’s friend and supporter. • Seeing oneself with the two lips having disappeared: The dreamer is gossipy. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
A Scorpion in the Hand Holding a scorpion in the hand while it stings the people means the person holding the scorpion will speak ill of the people behind their backs. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Lips In a dream, lips represent man's pride, strength, virility, his helper, clarity of expression, eloquence, or special love for one's friend. The lower lip has more advantages than the upper lip in a dream. The upper lip represents a close friend, or someone one depends on in everything. Anything that affects one's lips in a dream, will manifest in any of the above. Lips in a dream also represent one's wife, child, or relatives. If one suffers pain from his lips in a dream, it means that such pain will come from one's friends. If one's lips are chopped off in the dream, it means that he engages in backbiting others. If only the lower lip is chopped off in the dream, it means that one may lose a helper or a provider. If the upper lip is missing in a dream, it means that one's life is void of blessings. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin