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Seeing 'bat bite' in your dream..


Bull Seeing a bull in a dream also means fame. If one sees himself eating the head of a steer or a bull in a dream, it also means winning a leadership seat in the government, except if the bull is red. If one is a merchant, then it means profit and prosperity for that year. If a steer is transformed into a wolf in a dream, it means that a government's employee will turn corrupt. A white bull in a dream means glad tidings and profits. If a steer or a cow butts against someone in the dream, it means that Allah is displeased with him. Eating bull's meat in a dream means financial comfort. If a bull bites someone in a dream, it means suffering from an illness or begetting children who will grow to be honorable and righteous people. If one sees an ox mooing at him in the dream, it means undertaking a distant or a long journey. If a farmer sees an ox plowing his fields in a dream, it means a good harvest for that year. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Dog • Killing a dog: Will triumph over enemy.
• Eating dog meat: Will triumph over enemy and take a bite at his money.
• Drinking dog milk: Fear.
• Using a dog as a pillow: The dog is a friend who will prove useful and whom the dreamer will be proud of.
• Being accompanied by a dog: Disappearance, in view of the story of Ahlel Kahf  (The Companions of the Cave), in the Holy Quran. (“Al-Kahf” [The Cave], chapter 18.)
• Seeing the dog of Ahlel Kahf, whose name was believed to be Qitmir: Fear, prison, or evasion.
• Seeing the dog of Ahlel Kahf in another country: The ruler or the regime will be changed. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Flea Any leaping bloodsucking insect when seen in a dream represents a weak person who uselessly occupies himself at defaming others. Fleas in a dream also represent Allah's soldiers. If one sees an army of fleas stinging him in a dream, it means threats and distress caused by a rubbish type of people. A flea bite in a dream also means earnings. A wounded flea in a dream represents a weak enemy and its blood represents receiving money from a lowly person. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Lice Lice in a dream mean worldly success and prosperity. If one finds lice in his shirt in a dream, they mean receiving an endowment, or renewal of a leadership position. In a dream, lice in one's shirt also may represent something one does not care for it to last. If one's shirt is made of a rag, or if it is tattered in the dream, it means indebtedness. Lice on the floor in a dream represent weak people. If they surround the person in his dream, it mean that he mixes with such people. If he hates them in the dream, then they represent his enemies, though they cannot cause him any harm. If they bite him in the dream, then they represent people who slander him. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Flesh Views on certain items of this chapter are widely divided and sometimes diametrically opposed. For instance, according to Al-Nabulsi:
• Eating somebody’s flesh: Will speak ill of such a person in his absence.
• Eating one’s own flesh: Will eat up gains. According to Ibn Siren, will eat away savings or whatever is hoarded. For Ibn Shaheen:
• Eating human flesh: Financial gains in any case. If the person whose flesh is being eaten is known to the dreamer, the latter will take a bite at the victim’s purse or property. In case the dreamer is eating such flesh voraciously and with great appetite while blood is spilling imminent, unquestionable, and huge financial gains will be achieved. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Intestines The appearance of the intestines or anything from within the body means that savings will come out or whatever is hoarded will reappear. It could also mean that the dreamer himself or a member of his household will be authoritarian and prevail.
• A person eating his own intestines: He is eating up his money.
• Eating somebody else’s bowels: Will take a bite at his savings or eat up his money.
• The intestines coming out of the body:  (1) A daughter will get married.  (2) Disgrace.
• Part of the bowels coming out: The dreamer is implementing the will of a person, looking after that person’s daughter and insisting on wedding her to somebody. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Wall Gecko (Lizard) A wall gecko in a dream represents an evil person who is proud of himself, who encourages mischief, and dampens people's spirit to do good. A gecko in a dream also represents a backbiter and a slanderer. Getting hold of a gecko in a dream means encountering such a person. Eating a gecko in a dream means backbiting people. If a gecko takes a bite from someone's flesh in a dream, it means that someone will speak ill of him in public. A gecko in a dream also represents an avowed enemy who incessantly belittles his opponent and who drives from one place to another. (Also see Lizard) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Adultery • Committing adultery with the wife of a person known to the dreamer: The dreamer wants to take a bite at his fortune.
• Sleeping with somebody else’s wife while the husband is present and raises no objection: That man will entrust the dreamer with the responsibility of looking after his household.
• Dreaming of reading the Quranic verse: “The adulterer and the adulteress, scourge ye each one of them  (with) a hundred stripes. And let not pity for the twain withhold you from obedience to Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of believers witness their punishment”  (“Al-Nur” [Light], verse 02): The dreamer is an adulterer or an adulteress.
• Seeing a man flirting with a married woman: That man is coveting her husband.
• Entering a place where adultery occurs or is in vogue and being unable to get out of it: Will die fast. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Dog (Bitch; Canine; Desire; Greyhound; Japanese spaniel; Pekingese; Lust; Puppy; Shepherd's dog; Tyke) In a dream, a dog represents an insolent man who dares to indulge in sinful actions. If he barks in the dream, it means that such a man is impudent and has a repulsive and an abominable character. A dog bite or his scratch in a dream means harm caused by one's enemy and its effects will depend on the amount of pain one suffers in the dream. It could also mean falling sick or suffering from great affliction or harm caused by a close companion or a servant. If a dog tears off one's clothing in a dream, it means that a vile person is slandering and backbiting him. If one does not hear the barking of the dog in the dream, it signifies that one's enemy has left him inflected with a small loss. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Monkey A monkey in a dream represents someone with every type of faults. Fighting with a monkey and beating him in a dream means falling sick then recovering from one's illness. If the monkey wins the fight, then it means falling to an illness that has no cure. A monkey in a dream also represents a sinner and a criminal. Monkey's bite in a dream represents a fight or having an argument with someone. A monkey in a dream also represents a deceitful person, a sorcerer, or an illness. If one becomes a monkey in a dream, it means profiting from sorcery, or engaging in adultery. A monkey in a dream also represents a defeated enemy. Riding on the back of a monkey in a dream means winning a war against one's enemy. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin - Cookie Policy