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Seeing 'daughter husband died' in your dream..

Nasal mucus (Blowing one's nose; Snot) In a dream, nasal mucus means a son or a daughter. To blow one's nose in someone's house in a dream means marrying someone from that family, or betraying the house master by having a secret affair with his wife. If a mother blows her nose in a dream, it means that she will wean her child. If the wife of such a friend wipes the nasal mucus of her husband's guest in a dream, it means that she will betray her husband and carry the child of his friend. If one blows his nose in a dream, it also means paying a debt, or it could mean rewarding someone for a favor. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Veil The veil symbolizes the dreamer’s religion and the woman’s husband, decency, ornament, and welfare or her chief.
• A pure veil: The husband or chief has plenty of money.
• A white veil: The husband or chief is religious and prestigious.
• A black veil: The husband is stupid and poor. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Tooth The teeth symbolize all those living in the house of the dreamer. The upper ones are the men, the lower the women, the canine tooth the patriarch of the family, the right central incisor the father, the left the uncle or father’s brother. Otherwise, the latter two teeth represent two brothers or two sons or two friends who are brothers. The lateral incisor is the cousin or son of the brother’s father; the premolars are the mother’s brothers or sisters or their substitutes. The molars are the grandparents and little male children. The lower right central incisor is the mother, the lower left central incisor the father’s sister. In other interpretations, the latter two refer to two sisters or two daughters, or similar persons. The lower lateral incisor represents the daughters of the father’s brothers and sisters. The lower canine is the first lady of the family. The lower premolars are the daughters of the uncle and aunt from the mother’s side. The lower molars are the remote female relatives on the man’s side and the little girls. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Armlet Wearing a silver armlet in a dream means giving one's daughter in marriage to one's nephew. Wearing an armlet made from beads in a dream means suffering pressure and distress caused by one's brother or sister. Any jewelry that is worn by a woman in a dream represent her husband. (Also see Bracelet) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Breasts These symbolise a perbond daughters. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Jewel light of the father's eyes In a dream, it means one's sons or daughters. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Collapsing walls If a daughter or a sister or another woman live in that house, it means that the guest will seek her hand for marriage. If a hurricane destroys his entire house in a dream, it means that death will take locality in that place at the hands of a tyrant. If one sees himself demolishing an old house or edifice in a dream, it means evil. If a woman sees her walls caving in on her in a dream, it means the death of her husband. (Also see Destruction) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Central pillar of the house breaking While the husband is in town, the woman saw the same dream again, and she sought to ask Prophet Muhammad (Alayhi-Salam) about it. When she did not find him, Abu Baler was present, so she told him the dream, and he replied: "Your husband will soon die." In the first interpretation of the above dream, the husband was absent, while in the second dream, he was present. The conditions changed, and the meaning also changed. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Abraham and the Forty Camels Sheikh Muhammad bin Isa al-Rikhawi of Aleppo, Syria, once saw in a dream that God's prophet Abraham, Alayhi-Salam, came and gave him forty camels. Shaikh Muhammad went to Shaikh Ahmad Shahabu Deen Al-Maghribi and told him his dream. Sheikh Shahabu Deen replied: 'You will live forty years from this day." On the thirty-ninth year, Sheikh Muhammad visited Sheikh Shahabu Deen who encouraged him to perform his pilgrimage that year. Sheikh Muhammad died three days after his return from Mecca. Sheikh Shahabu Deen led the funeral prayer and buried him beside his father. Shortly after that, Sheikh Ahmad Shahabu Deen died and was buried in their vicinity. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Veil • A woman dreaming of removing her veil in a public place: Will no longer have any shame or prudence.
• A woman dreaming that her veil is gone: Her husband will abandon her. If she finds it back, the husband will return. If she is not married, the ordeal will be faced by her brother or uncle, et cetera.
• Something wrong with the veil: The husband will have a tragedy.
• A man dreaming of wearing a veil or a mask: Will have a slave girl or a servant. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Silver • A man wearing two silver bracelets:  (1) Benefits obtained the hard way.  (2) Hardships of one’s own making and deep regret, especially if the metal is twisted.
• Seeing a silver bracelet: The dreamer will get a male servant or have a child.
• A silver armlet or bangle: Worries and hatred, but less than if it were gold.
• An armlet on a man’s upper arm: His daughter or his brother’s daughter will get married.  (The upper arm and the forearm represent the brother.)
• A silver pendent: A pretty girl, servant, or slave. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hair • A woman seeing her hair black:  (1) Her husband loves her.  (2) Her husband is straight and righteous.
• A woman dreaming of uncovering her hair: Her husband will be absent. If the hair remained uncovered, the husband will not come back to her. If she is not married, the dream means that she will never get married.
• A woman dreaming that her hair is very thick and that people are gazing at it: She will have a scandal.
• A married man seeing a lock of hair: Will have a blessed son.
• A bachelor dreaming of locks of hair: A maiden, a slave, or a maid for each lock of hair.
• A woman dreaming of a lock of hair: Will have a son who will one day become a leader. The lock of hair also symbolizes a fertile year. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Bowl (Cup; Plate; Tray) In a dream, a bowl represents man's money pouch or what his wife would like to receive from him. If one sees himself receiving a bowl filled with sweets in a dream, it means receiving abundance of love from one's beloved. If the bowl is filled with sour food or some green raw vegetables in the dream, it means that animosity will develop on the part of his beloved, and it will provoke despise and fighting between husband and wife. Seeing a bowl in a dream also means increase in one's earnings. A bowl also represents a servant, a child, a daughter, a nanny, or a handmaiden. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bull The bull symbolizes the lad or workman, because it is a working animal. It also refers to a Bedouin or a farmer who tills the land; a revolutionary, as it turns the earth upside down by scratching and digging with its hooves  (the Arabic word for bull being thawr and for revolution thawrah); a helper, a slave, a servant, or a brother, as it is of great use to the farmer in tilling the land and to the Bedouin for various purposes; or fecundity and sex, in view of its well-known nature. Bulls also symbolize foreigners. One to thirteen bulls signify animosity, more than fourteen war.
• A bull with big horns: An active person, a real worker full of strength, ardour, and authority, a rich and armed man  (in view of the horns, which are terrible weapons).
• A hornless bull: A feeble and despicable man, the kind of person unable to earn his daily bread, a poor chief, or a pariah.
• A lady owning or taming a bull: Will get married, control her husband, or marry two of her daughters. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hair Braiding the hair of one's legs in a dream means earning money through improper methods, or engaging in something which contradicts the divine laws. Woman's hair in a dream represents her protection, husband or family. Hair in a dream also denotes farming, money, a wife, a husband or marriage. If one's hair looks ugly and smelly in a dream, it represents the living condition or the state of the husband and wife. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Gold • Finding a gold ingot or gold bar: Will lose one’s money or encounter trouble commensurate with the size or number of gold bars. Otherwise, the dreamer will be forced by the ruler or his chief to do something against his will or will pay a fine.
• Melting gold: Will be involved in a scandal and become the talk of the town.
• Seeing one’s house made of or plated with gold: The house will burn.
• Manufacturing gold bars: Evil will befall the dreamer, and he will be destroyed.
• Seeing one’s hands made of gold: The hands will be paralyzed.
• Seeing one’s eyes made of gold: Will become blind. For others, seeing gold:  (1) Joys and/or marriage ceremonies.  (2) Welfare.  (3) Good deeds.  (4) Husbands.  (5) Children.  (6) Knowledge and wisdom.  (7) Jewelry and ornaments. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Dye • A woman dreaming that her hands are tattooed: She will use her makeup to achieve what is right. If the tattoo was made of mud, it means that she uses her rosary quite often. If the drawings on her hands get mixed up, harm will befall her children.
• A woman seeing her hand dyed or tattooed with gold:  (1) She is giving her money to her husband.  (2) Her husband will bring her joy.
• A man dreaming that his two legs are dyed and tattooed: His parents will die.
• A woman seeing her legs dyed and tattooed: Her husband will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Eyes If one's eyes become white in a dream, they represent sorrow, or loss of a beloved. If one sees his eyes white, and if the white veil is lifted in the dream, it means that he will be reunited with his beloved and his distress will be dispelled. The right eye in a dream represents one's son and the left eye represents one's daughter. If a father sees one of his eyes being transposed to mix with the other eye in a dream, and if he has a son and a daughter, he should separate their bedrooms. Eating someone's eye in a dream means steeling his money. Seeing one's eyes without eyelashes in a dream means defying Allah's laws. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Intestines The appearance of the intestines or anything from within the body means that savings will come out or whatever is hoarded will reappear. It could also mean that the dreamer himself or a member of his household will be authoritarian and prevail.
• A person eating his own intestines: He is eating up his money.
• Eating somebody else’s bowels: Will take a bite at his savings or eat up his money.
• The intestines coming out of the body:  (1) A daughter will get married.  (2) Disgrace.
• Part of the bowels coming out: The dreamer is implementing the will of a person, looking after that person’s daughter and insisting on wedding her to somebody. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Head-cloth or Odhni A wife's head-cloth (ie. Hijab, Odhni, scarf etc.). izaar, or burqa represents her husband. Any excellence or defect seen in any of the above is a reflection of a similar excellence or defect in her husband. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

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