Incest • Making love to one’s mother known to be dead in the dream: Will meet her if she is alive. • Making love to one’s dead mother: The dreamer will die, because mother is synonym for earth. • Having sex with one’s mother in her grave: Death. • A traveller dreaming that he is making love to his mother: Will return to her from his journey. • A poor man or a person whose mother is wealthy dreaming that he is having sex with her: (1) Will obtain all that he wishes from her. (2) She will die and he will inherit from her. • A sick man dreaming of having sex with his mother: Will recover. • Making love to one’s living mother: (1) Will be inimical to the father. (2) If the father is ill: The father will die and the son will look after his mother as a son and a husband. (3) If the son is hostile to his mother: She will show him love and affection. (4) The dreamer is good-natured, for nature is the mother of mankind. (5) If the son is involved in a feud over some property or a piece of land and is trying to purchase it: He will win. (6) If the son is a farmer or peasant: Bad omen, because he would be sowing the seeds in the dead earth where they would not grow. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Incident Soon after that, I visited my father, and my friend proudly reminded me of his interpretation. Later on, I travelled away from home. When I returned to my town, I passed by a graveyard. At the gate stood a woman who was guarding that cemetery and whose eye was bandaged with a blue piece of cloth. I knew her, so I stopped and asked her about the news. She said to me: 'May God grant you a long life. Your father has passed away.' Then she took me to his grave, and I fell on it, crying and wailing, exactly as I saw in my dream. Thus, my friend's interpretation did not come true, for he has no hand in it." Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Ring • Borrowing a ring: The dreamer will own something that will not last. • Taking a ring from a king: A house the dreamer enters, dwells in, or owns. The stone is the gate or door of that house. A girl or a woman whom the dreamer marries and whose ring-shaped vagina he will deflower by introducing “the finger of his belly” (penis) in it. The stone represents her face. • Wearing the king’s ring: (1) The dreamer will be given a province. (2) The dreamer will succeed his father. (3) In case the dreamer has no father or if his father is dead, the reverse of what he wishes will happen or he will be given a useless province. • A ruler dreaming that his ring has been taken away from him by force: (1) Will be deposed. (2) Will divorce. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Finger • The index finger being atrophied: A sister will die. • The thumb being atrophied: The father will die. • A man having four wives dreaming that four fingers were severed: All four will die. • Cutting someone else’s fingers: Will wreak havoc on his money. • The disappearance of the fingers: Servants will go. • Chewing fingers: The end of a fortune. • Contraction of the fingers: Will abandon or fail to sustain those female relatives with whom sex is prohibited in Islam (mother, sister, sister-in-law, et cetera). Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Dress • The dead giving the dreamer an old robe: The latter will become poor and miserable. • The dead giving the dreamer a new robe: The latter will become rich and powerful. • Holding one’s Arab robe and telling a dead person, “Take this and sew it,” or, “wash it,” without the cloth leaving the dreamer’s hand or becoming the property of the dead: Trouble, hardships, and depression. If the dead had taken and worn it, the dreamer would die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Necromancy • Sodomizing a dead man or a woman dreaming that a dead person had made love to her: Benefits from an undesirable source, the same as the dead are undesirable sex partners. • Sodomizing an identified dead man: Will do something good in memory of the latter, such as offering prayers, et cetera. • Having incestuous sex or making love to a prohibited dead relation: Again, will pray for, give alms in memory of, or visit that relative’s grave. • Making love to one’s mother seen dead in the dream: Will meet her if she is alive. Having sex with her in the grave means death. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Kiss • Being kissed by an unidentified dead person: Will accept benefits or charity through an undesirable channel or way. • Being kissed with intense sexual passion by a dead person, whether known or unknown: Matters will be settled the way you want. • A patient dreaming that he is kissing a dead person: Will pass away. • A healthy person kissing the dead: The statements the dreamer is making at this time are improper. He had better remain silent. (His words should stop, as the dead have ceased to exist.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Clothes • The dead giving the dreamer something of what he is wearing and the former wearing it in turn: Deep trouble and an acute disease. If the cloth was left till the dead took it back, it means that the dreamer will quickly depart from this world. • A dead person giving the dreamer a tailored cloth that does not belong to the former and the latter taking and wearing it, then returning it to the dead, who wears it in turn: Those who live under the dreamer’s roof will die unless he had not returned the cloth to the dead, in which case the dreamer’s wealth will increase. • The dead giving the dreamer a tattered or dirty cloth: Will commit abominations. • Giving a cloth to the dead, but the latter neither unfolding nor wearing it: Harm will befall the dreamer’s fortune or health, but recovery will follow. • Taking off some clothes and giving them to the dead: Will die. If the dreamer recovers the clothes, it will be otherwise. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Incest Also see Sex and Sodomy. • A reference to an illegitimate birth. • Marrying a relative whom Islam prohibits: Will prevail over one’s family. • Sodomizing one’s father: Will oust him from the country or be hostile to him. • Having sex with one’s father or mother without ejaculation: Will be good to him or her. If the dream had ended with an orgasm, it would mean the reverse. • A man dreaming or someone dreaming of him that he is having sex with his mother, sister, brother, or similar prohibited relations seen as dead in the dream: He is not supporting them as he should, but will change his attitude and become fair. It could also mean trouble and worries or, on the contrary, benefit to both parties. If they are seen to be alive in the dream, he does not have much affection for them. In case he dreamed that the act took place during the Muslims sacred months, he would go to Mecca (Makkah) for the pilgrimage. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Ibrahim - Abraham • A father of many children seeing Ibrahim: One of his boys will divorce. • Accompanying Ibrahim or walking beside him: (1) The dreamer will get into trouble with foes but emerge victorious and become a just ruler (authoritative man) or an imam (spiritual leader). (2) The dreamer will befriend some folk who will submit him to a hard test on their part. • Being summoned by Ibrahim and responding promptly: Elevation in life. • Being called by Ibrahim and failing to respond or the dreamer seeing Ibrahim talking to him with remonstrance's or looking sad: (1) Will fail to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah) despite ability to do so. (2) Will abandon prayers. (3) Will backbite the imam. (4) Will behave like a hypocrite. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Necromancy • In the event of a kiss, it is the one who kisses who will benefit. • Marrying and going into a dead woman: Will revive a dead matter as important as the deceased was beautiful. If the dreamer had not overwhelmed her or gone into her, the fulfilment would not be perfect, as penetration is a higher state than simple touching. • A woman dreaming of being wedded to a dead man who then goes into her at his or her place: Her wealth will shrink, her condition will worsen, and her life will be scattered. If the act took place at the dead man’s unknown residence, she will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Swallow If one sees swallows flying away from his house in a dream, it means that his wife or a relative will abandon him, or separate from him and travel away from that town. In general, swallows and starlings in a dream represent people who are financially comfortable, or they could represent death, grief, or good deeds, movement, chanting, benevolence, or weddings. Seeing a swallow in a dream also may mean marriage to a trustworthy woman, or it could represent a good household manager. If one is transformed into a swallow in a dream, it means that thieves will rob his house. Seeing a dead swallow in a dream is a warning to revert one's actions and to engage in doing good. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Kiss • A kiss from an old woman: Apologies for saying something wrong. • A father being kissed by a son of his who has reached the age of puberty: The father will obtain some benefit from the son or from his own father. • A father kissing his son with sexual passion: The former has amassed money, which he wants to give to the latter. If the kiss was without passion, the father would obtain benefits and the boy or his mother would fill his life with joy. • A man dreaming that another man has kissed his eyes: Marriage is ahead. • Kissing or getting sexually involved or sleeping with a man with pleasure, excitement, and passion: Will have matters settled the way you want. The active partner will obtain whatever he wants from the other, in terms of good deeds, knowledge, or proper enlightenment. If there is no passion, it is the kissed one who will get those things from the active partner. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Grave • Roaming about amid open graves: Will enter the homes of heretics or visit the jails. • Going to a grave and digging the earth with one’s nails or trying to unearth the dead: Will probe the life of the dead dwelling in that grave to follow his pattern. • Finding a dead person alive in his grave: Will become wise and pious and achieve orderly gains. • Going to a graveyard to unearth the dead and finding some of them alive and others not: Terrible deaths will occur in that spot or country. • Finding deadly reptiles or insects in a grave or flames coming out of it: (1) The dreamer is doing abominable things. (2) The dead person in that grave was a heretic. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Spider The spider is among the metamorphosed (human beings turned into animals as a result of a curse, according to religious belief). It symbolizes a damned and detestable woman who abandons her husband’s bed in favour of others. • Seeing a spider: Will meet a weak but showy and vexatious man, a nouveau riche, or newly rich, person. • Seeing a cobweb: An association with an irreligious woman. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Dress • Dreaming that unknown people have come to you and dressed you in pompous clothes without there being any feast or marriage, then left you alone in a house: You will die. • The dead giving the dreamer two well-washed Arab male robes: Will become prosperous. • The dead lending his robe to the dreamer, then asking for it back: That dead person has very few good deeds to his credit and cannot hope for much of God’s forgiveness. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Bondsman See Slave. BONE. • Entering a grave and stepping on the bones of the dead: Will be expelled. • Scattering the bones of the dead: You are spending your money otherwise than in your interest. • Gathering the bones of the dead: Money and other benefits. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Mortuary Wash-House • Seeing someone washing the clothes of a dead person: The washer will do something good for the deceased. • Washing the dead with pure or holy water: The person seen dead will become poor, but more virtuous. • Being washed with impure liquids and soap or rather soiled with them: The dreamer is a libertine who fails to observe religious tenets and will be lost more and more while his tyranny will increase. • A dead person being washed with irrelevant or prohibited items: He is a religiously corrupt person preaching the senseless, unuseful, and irrational. • Lying on a mortuary washing table: Promotion and the end of worries. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Column If one becomes a pillar in a dream, it also could mean his death, or it could mean crying. A pillar in a dream also represents a father, a son, money, capital, a partner, a vehicle, one's wife or a leader. A marble column in a dream represents a great wealth, a great man, or a great woman. A column made from granite in a dream represents someone who despises himself. If it is from stone, it means fast changing conditions. If it is a wooden column in the dream, then it represents a hypocrite. The pillars of a mosque represent the Imam, the muezzin, the servants and the people who pray in it. (Also see Base) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Grandfather To become a grandfather in a dream means longevity or earning respect. Seeing one's grandfather in a dream also means enjoying a happy life. A grandfather in one's house in a dream represents one's own father. Therefore, any interpretation relative to one's father should apply here. If one's grandfather dies in a dream, it means loss of one's determination and will. (Also see Father) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin