Kiss • Being kissed by an unidentified dead person: Will accept benefits or charity through an undesirable channel or way. • Being kissed with intense sexual passion by a dead person, whether known or unknown: Matters will be settled the way you want. • A patient dreaming that he is kissing a dead person: Will pass away. • A healthy person kissing the dead: The statements the dreamer is making at this time are improper. He had better remain silent. (His words should stop, as the dead have ceased to exist.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Clothes • The dead giving the dreamer something of what he is wearing and the former wearing it in turn: Deep trouble and an acute disease. If the cloth was left till the dead took it back, it means that the dreamer will quickly depart from this world. • A dead person giving the dreamer a tailored cloth that does not belong to the former and the latter taking and wearing it, then returning it to the dead, who wears it in turn: Those who live under the dreamer’s roof will die unless he had not returned the cloth to the dead, in which case the dreamer’s wealth will increase. • The dead giving the dreamer a tattered or dirty cloth: Will commit abominations. • Giving a cloth to the dead, but the latter neither unfolding nor wearing it: Harm will befall the dreamer’s fortune or health, but recovery will follow. • Taking off some clothes and giving them to the dead: Will die. If the dreamer recovers the clothes, it will be otherwise. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Necromancy • In the event of a kiss, it is the one who kisses who will benefit. • Marrying and going into a dead woman: Will revive a dead matter as important as the deceased was beautiful. If the dreamer had not overwhelmed her or gone into her, the fulfilment would not be perfect, as penetration is a higher state than simple touching. • A woman dreaming of being wedded to a dead man who then goes into her at his or her place: Her wealth will shrink, her condition will worsen, and her life will be scattered. If the act took place at the dead man’s unknown residence, she will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Incident - Separ or Lance in your hand (After many years) it is reported from Ibn Yahya that when he revealed the above incident to Abul Waleed (RA) the latter laughed saying: “I am the son of one of them. I have eleven maternal aunts and Aboo Ammaarah Attayyaan was my grandfather. May Allah shower His blessings upon him and us and all the Muslims.” Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
A Sword with a Broken Handle The father, paternal uncle or their equivalent will die. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Grave • Roaming about amid open graves: Will enter the homes of heretics or visit the jails. • Going to a grave and digging the earth with one’s nails or trying to unearth the dead: Will probe the life of the dead dwelling in that grave to follow his pattern. • Finding a dead person alive in his grave: Will become wise and pious and achieve orderly gains. • Going to a graveyard to unearth the dead and finding some of them alive and others not: Terrible deaths will occur in that spot or country. • Finding deadly reptiles or insects in a grave or flames coming out of it: (1) The dreamer is doing abominable things. (2) The dead person in that grave was a heretic. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Dress • Dreaming that unknown people have come to you and dressed you in pompous clothes without there being any feast or marriage, then left you alone in a house: You will die. • The dead giving the dreamer two well-washed Arab male robes: Will become prosperous. • The dead lending his robe to the dreamer, then asking for it back: That dead person has very few good deeds to his credit and cannot hope for much of God’s forgiveness. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Bondsman See Slave. BONE. • Entering a grave and stepping on the bones of the dead: Will be expelled. • Scattering the bones of the dead: You are spending your money otherwise than in your interest. • Gathering the bones of the dead: Money and other benefits. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
A Sword with a Good or Defective Handle Similar defect or good will become apparent in the father, uncle or their equivalent. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Mortuary Wash-House • Seeing someone washing the clothes of a dead person: The washer will do something good for the deceased. • Washing the dead with pure or holy water: The person seen dead will become poor, but more virtuous. • Being washed with impure liquids and soap or rather soiled with them: The dreamer is a libertine who fails to observe religious tenets and will be lost more and more while his tyranny will increase. • A dead person being washed with irrelevant or prohibited items: He is a religiously corrupt person preaching the senseless, unuseful, and irrational. • Lying on a mortuary washing table: Promotion and the end of worries. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Kiss • Kissing or going to bed with a highly sophisticated woman with plenty of makeup, et cetera: Will marry a widow, benefit from her wealth, have children by her, and enjoy a prosperous year. • Kissing an identified dead person: Will benefit from the latter’s intellectual legacy or money or something he had done during his lifetime. • Kissing an unidentified dead person: Will acquire money from an undesirable source. • Being kissed by a dead person: Benefits from the deceased or his heirs. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Accepting from or Giving to the Deceased Something Accepting something from the dead is regarded as good while giving him something is regarded as bad. If a person sees a dead person giving him something of this world it mean he will acquire livelihood from an unimaginable source. And if he sees himself giving a dead person clothes normally worn by living persons and he accepts such clothes and wears them it means he (the giver) has a short life span. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Mortuary Wash-House The mortuary wash-house is a merchant and a philanthropist who saves scores of people from worries. It could also refer to an honest man who brings back to the right path many people who had gone astray or were misleading others. • Washing a dead person: Will help an irreligious person repent. • A dead person washing himself: Those he left behind will have no more worries and see their money increase. • Seeing people requesting the washing of a corpse but failing to find it: The one seen dead has committed plenty of sins; people are trying to bring him back to his senses, but he pays no heed. • One or more dead persons requesting the dreamer to wash their clothes: The dreamer is requested to recall God, pray for someone, give sadaqa, or alms, settle a debt, satisfy an opponent, or carry out a will. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Flesh • Eating one’s own flesh: Abundance and tremendous power are in store. • Eating the flesh of a tortured person (crucified, hung, et cetera): Will obtain money from a wanted individual. It could also mean redemption and/or vengeance. • Eating the flesh of one’s enemy: Will triumph over him. • Eating the flesh of a dead person: Will speak ill of the dead, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that says: “O ye who believe! Shun much suspicion; for lo! some suspicion is a sin. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? …” (“Al-Hujurat” [The Private Apartments], verse 12.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Tooth The teeth symbolize all those living in the house of the dreamer. The upper ones are the men, the lower the women, the canine tooth the patriarch of the family, the right central incisor the father, the left the uncle or father’s brother. Otherwise, the latter two teeth represent two brothers or two sons or two friends who are brothers. The lateral incisor is the cousin or son of the brother’s father; the premolars are the mother’s brothers or sisters or their substitutes. The molars are the grandparents and little male children. The lower right central incisor is the mother, the lower left central incisor the father’s sister. In other interpretations, the latter two refer to two sisters or two daughters, or similar persons. The lower lateral incisor represents the daughters of the father’s brothers and sisters. The lower canine is the first lady of the family. The lower premolars are the daughters of the uncle and aunt from the mother’s side. The lower molars are the remote female relatives on the man’s side and the little girls. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Quranic Verses • Seeing a dead person reading or reciting “Ayat Al Rahma” or verses referring to God’s compassion and mercy: The dead person is enjoying God’s mercy. • Seeing a dead person reading or reciting verses alluding to God’s punishment: He is tortured by God. • Verses implying a warning: Beware of committing sins. • Verses referring to good tidings: Welfare is ahead. • Dreaming that you are reading verses about the tortures God is reserving for the unbelievers and stumbling over one of them (being unable to read it): Joy. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Marriage • Driving one’s wife to another man to have him marry her concurrently: Reduced power or business losses. • Conversely, wedding one’s wife to another man and bringing the latter to her doorstep: Business gains. • Seeing a sick man getting married without a woman (in the dream): The patient will die peacefully. • Marrying a prohibited relative: The dreamer will prevail over his family. • Marrying and penetrating a dead woman: The revival of a dead matter. But if the dreamer had neither penetrated nor even had intercourse with her, success in that matter would be shaky. • Having an incestuous marriage with the dead: The dreamer will resume his duties towards his parents and dependents. (Also see Incest.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Cemetery • Seeing a cemetery: (1) Fear for a person who feels safe and vice versa. (2) Prayers and aspirations. (3) Repentance. (4) A reference to the Hereafter, as a cemetery is the gateway to it; to the asylum; to asceticism; to weeping; to preaching; to death, since a cemetery is the house of death; and to atheist and heretic places or the dwelling of aliens in a Muslim country, since a cemetery houses the dead and death, according to the rules of interpretation, means religious corruption. Likewise, a cemetery could refer to those who indulge in luxury; brothels; bars where drunkards lie like the dead; the homes of those who fail to pray and remember God or do any good; and prison, for the dead is locked in his grave like the prisoner in his cell. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Shroud Or Mortuary Winding Sheet • Dreaming of being wrapped in a shroud like the dead, except for the head and feet, which remain uncovered: Religious corruption or simply things will go wrong. • Weaving a shroud for a dead person: The dreamer will do something good in memory of the deceased or in favour of his offspring as much as the winding sheet was big, beautiful, or valuable. • Weaving a shroud for a living person known to the dreamer: Hardships and trouble for the latter. • Weaving a shroud for a person dreamed of as unknown but alive: Good augury. • Snatching a shroud from a dead person whom the dreamer used to know: The dreamer will follow the example of that late person. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Jump • Jumping to cross a river, a pit, or a well, et cetera, and succeeding: A change for the better and will be saved from some evil and reach the safe shore very quickly. • Jumping but staying late in that jump till withering away: Will die. • The dead jumping out of their graves and returning to their homes: (1) Prisoners will be released. (2) Plants will grow again after they were dead in that place. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars