Latch (Doorjamb; Door latch) A door latch or a doorjamb in a dream represents a door attendant, a guard dog or a servant. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Link (Ring; Bond; Door knocker) In a dream, a link represents the religion of Islam. Holding to the like of a chain in a dream means steadfastness in one's religion. In general, a door knocker in a dream represents the door attendant, an announcer, a messenger, a warning post, or a guard dog. If the knocker is made of gold or silver in the dream, it means honor and prosperity of the people of the house. If one pulls off the door knocker, and if it brakes in the dream, it means that he follows a path of innovation. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Smashing (Bang; Collide; Hit; Impact; Knocking) To bang one's head against a rock or a wall in a dream means suffering from failing to perform one's night prayers, (arb. Isha) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
House • Carrying a house: Will sustain a woman. • Reclining on a house: A woman will cater to the dreamer’s livelihood. • Entering a house and the doors getting locked behind: Will refrain from disobeying God in view of a verse in the Holy Quran: “And she, in whose house he was, asked of him an evil act. She bolted the doors and said: Come! He said: I seek refuge in Allah!…” (“Yusuf’ [Joseph], verse 23.) • Getting out of a narrow house: Worries will be left behind. A house without a roof wherefrom the dreamer could see the sun rising or the moon: A woman will get married therein. • Seeing a tunnel under the house: A cunning man, especially if the tunnel was made of concrete or clay, in which case it would mean that the man’s wickedness is in the religious field. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Padlock A padlock in a dream represents an employee who is treated roughly and unfavorably. A padlock made from wood in a dream represents deceit and hypocrisy. Locking one's door securely in a dream means managing and controlling one's business in accordance with the divine laws. If one's door does not have a lock in a dream, it means that one has no control over which way his life goes, and that he cares little about its consequences. Attempting to lock one's door, but to no avail in a dream means one's failure to complete an important project. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Panderer (Bully; Cadet; Pimp; Procurer) Seeing oneself as a panderer, or a pimp, but failing to see an accompanying prostitute in the dream represents a door to door salesman. Pandering in a dream also means giving a false testimony. (Also See Driver 1; Primp) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Threshold In a dream, a threshold represents one's gown, garment, one's adornment, makeup, money, or it may denote closing a subject, spreading it, or it could represent a beautiful woman who embodies all the attributes man desires, including beauty, good character, intelligence, wealth and fertility. Buying a new threshold or sitting on one in a dream means that either the husband or the wife may suffer a bodily injury. If one sees himself sitting under the threshold of his door in a dream, it represents an adversity or an illness. If one sees himself being carried over the threshold of his door in a dream, it represents his funeral. (Also see Doorstep; Door lintel; Doorplate) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Doorstep If he removes the door lintels of his house in a dream, it means divorcing his wife. If the door lintels are taken away and one could no longer see them in the dream, it means his death. If he can still see them in the dream, then it means a sickness from which he will recover. The door lintel in a dream also represents a woman or the house bottler. If a governor sees the doorsteps of his house being removed in a dream, it means that he will be impeached. Whatever happens to the doorsteps in a dream should be interpreted as relating to one's wife or a woman. (Also see Threshold) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Silver • Hoarding silver: Will go to Hell. “… they who hoard up gold and silver if not in the way of Allah, unto them give tidings (O Prophet Muhammad) of a painful doom, on the day when it will [all] be heated in the fire of Hell, and their foreheads and their flanks and their backs will be branded therewith (and it will be said unto them): Here is that which ye hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of what ye used to hoard.” (“Al-Baraah” or “Al-Taubah,” verses 34–35.) • Silver roofs, houses, stairs, doors, or couches: A reference to atheism in view of verses 33 to 35 of “Surat Al-Zukhruf” (Ornaments) in the Holy Quran: “And were it not that mankind would have become one community (of disbelievers), We might well have appointed, for those who disbelieve in the Beneficent, roofs of silver for their houses and stairs (of silver) whereby to mount, and for their houses doors (of silver) and couches of silver whereon to recline, and ornaments of gold. Yet all that would have been but a provision of the life of the world. And the Hereafter with your Lord would have been for those who keep away from evil.” • Melting silver: Will be angry with one’s wife and people will speak ill of the dreamer. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Key Opening a door or a lock without a key in a dream means attaining the same through prayers. Finding a key in a dream means finding a treasure, or profits from a farmland. If a wealthy person finds a key in his dream, it means that he owes alms tax and he should immediately distribute what he owes, pay charities and repent for his sins. Holding to the key of the holy Kabah in a dream means working for a ruler or an Imam. If a woman receives keys in a dream, it means her betrothal. Having difficulty to open a door, even with a key in a dream means hindrances in one's business, or failure to attain one's goal. A key in a dream also represents new knowledge for a scholar or a learned person. Putting a key inside a door in a dream means placing a deceased person inside his coffin or grave, or it could mean having sexual intercourse with one's wife. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
House Whatever happens to houses or apartment blocks in a dream applies to their dwellers in reality. The walls represent men and the ceilings women, as men uphold women. The corridor refers to an influential servant who can solve or complicate matters. A man’s house symbolizes his person, his ego, and his body, because it is his address, with which he is identified. Likewise, it alludes to his glory, his name and reputation, and his well-being. It could also refer to his money, which he relies or falls back upon and his clothes, as he puts them on. In case it represents his body, the gate or door of the house is the dreamer’s face. It is easy to imagine what the components of a house refer to when the house alludes to the wife. Assuming that the house symbolizes his livelihood and money, the door is the source of that livelihood. When we compare the house to a man’s clothes, the door is the edge of such clothes. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Locksmith A locksmith in a dream represents a broker. If he locks the door of his own house in the dream, it means that he arranges marriages, or works as a wedding consultant. If he locks the door of his shop in a dream, it means that he brokers merchandises and businesses. Seeing a locksmith in a dream also means concealing a secrets, or it could mean marriage. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Breast Feeding If a person sees himself breast feeding or being breast fed, he will soon be imprisoned and the prison doors will be closed on him for a long time. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Pine A pine nut in a dream also represents a renowned person who has a noble character, a allahly person who is respected, holy but poor, or it could represent someone who has little to offer, or a person who shelters thieves out of compassion. The same interpretation applies to owls and crows. Building a door for one's house from pine wood in a dream means hiring a servant or a doorman who has little politeness and who is filled with foolish ideas. If a merchant or a businessman builds such a door in a dream, it means that he will unknowingly employ a thief. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Key • Holding many keys: Will wield a considerable influence. • Holding a wooden key: The dreamer should be careful not to entrust his money to anybody, as wood symbolizes hypocrisy. • An iron key: A powerful and dangerous man. • Holding a key without dents: The dreamer will be unfair to an orphan. • Opening a door or a lock: Will triumph over enemies, probably with the help of a strong man. • Opening a door or a lock without using any key: The dreamer will obtain what he aims for, thanks to his prayers and good deeds or to his parents prayers for him. • Keys being thrown to a woman: Will get married. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Padlock Breaking a lock and entering a house in a dream represents a conqueror or benefits that will come through such a person. A padlock in a dream also represents a bolt, a door latch, one's son, a handicapped wife, taking shelter away from one's enemy, a hidden treasure, or a burial ground. A padlock in a dream also may denotes sorcery, concealing secrets, or hindrances obstructing one's travel plans. Putting a padlock on one's door in a dream means prosperity after suffering from poverty, or receiving honors after being humiliated. A padlock in a dream also could represent a bastard son, or a foundling. (Also see Close; Lock) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Testicles (Male reproductive glands) In a dream, testicles represent the elements of husband and wife, one's two children, trade, business, doors, doormen, money pouch, or the female members of one's family, including sisters, daughters, mother or aunts. Whatever affects one's testis in a dream may manifest in events affecting any of the above. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Doorjamb (Door post. See Latch) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Vagina (Also see Semen.) The Arabic word for vagina or vulva is farj, from faraj, meaning “relief.” Thus the vagina symbolizes: (1) Relief and comfort. (2) The honey, date, or wine peddler, because sex is as sweet as sugar. (3) A ripper or a bloody person. (4) A wicked deceiver, obedient and humble during daytime and profligate and out of control at night. (5) A foolish slave. (6) A bird’s nest containing eggs. (7) Deep trouble. (8) The fulfilment of requests. (9) Marriage, for the bachelor. (10) Resumption of spending on one’s parents and in-laws. (11) Repentance. (12) Resumption of praying. (13) The prayer niche in a mosque. (14) The Qiblah (the point toward which Muslims turn their faces when praying). (15) A journey. (16) The key to a man’s secret. (17) The unveiling of secrets. (18) A contract53 to set up a company. (19) The discovery of metals, minerals, and all hidden things. (20) The very vagina of a docile woman who gives it only to her man. (21) A prison. (22) The main gate or door of a house that, according to Islamic tenets, visitors should use. (They must never come through back doors, windows, et cetera.) (23) The bathroom, for all the water, heat, et cetera, that is in it. (24) A valley surrounded by hills and mountains. (25) A disease and a medicine that might revive then kill the patient, as the penis becomes erect, strong, and full of vitality when it comes into contact with the vagina, then dies down when its sperm (which feeds it) gets out. (26) A furnace. (27) The oven where paste is introduced to come out as finished bread. (28) The spouse. (29) Pregnancy. (30) Hell or the fatal attraction to it (same as for the penis), since it is the center of burning pleasure. (31) The grave. • A sick person seeing a vagina: (1) The dreamer is about to die. (2) The dreamer’s grave is being dug. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Pot (Cooking pot; Vessel) In a dream, a cooking pot represents one's wife, his livelihood and home, while the lid represents the husband. If the pot looks in a good condition and of value in one's dream, then it represents his nobility and honor. A pottery cookware salesman in a dream represents comfort and one does not need to travel to earn his livelihood, while a copper cookware or other types of cookware salesman in a dream represent a livelihood based on travelling from door to door. A cooking pot in a dream also represents a scholar or a man of knowledge who is sitting in the teacher's chair, while the meat, vegetables and spices inside the pot represent his knowledge, wisdom and their benefits for the seeker. A pot on fire with water boiling inside it in a dream represents a divorced woman. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin