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Seeing 'perfume and woman' in your dream..

Incident - Short Black Woman A man told Imam Ibn Sirin: "I saw that I was betrothed to a black woman who was short in the dream." Ibn Sirin replied: "Go and marry her, for her blackness is her richness, and her size represents the span of her life. For you will shortly inherit her wealth." Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Woman Acquiring a Spinning Wheel If a woman dreams that she has acquired a spinning wheel, if she is expecting, she will give birth to a girl. Otherwise a sister will be born, if such a spinning wheel has a spindle or rod, it means she will get her daughter married. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

The Black Woman With Unkempt Hair Salim bin 'Abdullah narrated from his father about the dream of the Prophet (s.a.w) who said: "I saw a black woman with unkempt hair going out of Al-Madinah, until she stood in Mabaya'ah, and it is Al-Juhfah. So I interpreted that to be an epidemic in Al-Madinah that would spread to Al-Juhfah." Dream Interpreter: Imam Tirmidhi

The Black Woman With Unkempt Hair Narrated Salim's father: The Prophet (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) said, "I saw (in a dream) a black woman with unkempt hair going out of Medina and settling in Mahai'a. I interpreted that as (a symbol of) epidemic of Medina being transferred to Mahai'a, namely, Al-Juhfa." (Bukhari) Dream Interpreter: Imam Bukhari

The Black Woman With Unkempt Hair Narrated 'Abdullah: The Prophet (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) said, "I saw (in a dream) a black woman with unkempt hair going out of Medina and settling at Mahai'a, i.e., Al-Juhfa. I interpreted that as a symbol of epidemic of Medina being transferred to that place (Al-Juhfa)." (Bukhari) Dream Interpreter: Imam Bukhari

The Black Woman With Unkempt Hair Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: concerning the dream of the Prophet in Medina: The Prophet said, "I saw (in a dream) a black woman with unkempt hair going out of Medina and settling at Mahai'a. I interpreted that as (a symbol of) the epidemic of Medina being transferred to Mahai'a, namely, Al-Juhfa." (Bukhari) Dream Interpreter: Imam Bukhari

A Woman with Male Generative Organ (penis) If a person sees a woman with a male generative organ it means she will give birth to a son if she is pregnant in real life. Moreover, the son will grow up with good character and leadership qualities. But if she is not expecting in reality, and she already has a child it means that whenever she does give birth she will do so to a son whose upbringing will be as mentioned above. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - A woman shaving the Dreamer's Hair and Beard It is narrated that a person came to Imaam Jafar Saadiq (RA) and said: “I dreamed that a woman shave my beard and hair. What is the interpretation?” He said: “Indeed, you have seen amost unpleasant dream. For the woman symbolises the year (time) and the head symbolises man's honour, respect beauty and all the Allah favours him with. You will lose all of these. But since you have seen a woman do this, all these bounties will be recovered shortly.” (The narrator says that) the dream came true after a short period of time. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Civet (Castor; Civet cat; A fatty substance with a musk like scent which is secreted by a gland near the genitals of a civet, a deer or a beaver. This substance is also used in making perfumes.) In a dream, a civet represents honorable profits or valuable properties, botanical gardens, a school from which one can acquire knowledge and draw benefits, or a business from which one can make profits, or it could mean a profitable leather trade. If one prepares the civet on fire in the dream, it means that he is preparing amber perfume, musk or aloe perfume that is extracted from an aromatic heartwood of the mezereum tree family. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Saffron (Aroma; Perfume; Stigma) In a dream, If dried saffron does not stain the skin or a gown, then it represents lauding someone, commending him, or speaking good of someone. If its color does stain the skin or one's gown in the dream, then it represents an illness. Grinding the dried purple saffron flowers in a dream to use it as powder, or as an additive for making perfumes in a dream represents a severe illness, though many people will pray for the recovery of the person who is struck by it, but to no avail. It is also said that saffron in a dream represents benefits, except if it touches one's skin or stains it. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Galia moschata (Oils; Perfume made of a mixture of musk and ambergris) Anointing oneself with galia moschata in a dream means happiness, joy, peace, praises, commendations and celebrations. Anointing oneself with this perfume in a dream also could mean performing a pilgrimage to Mecca or begetting a son. Wearing galia moschata in a dream also could denote distress from an allegation that will be handed down by someone in authority. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ud (arb. Aloe perfume; Civet; Incense burning Ud) Aloe or Ud wood chips or incense sticks in a dream represent a vocative and an articulate person who has a praiseworthy reputation. Carrying a chip of Ud or aloe incense in a dream means finding a lost object, or hearing comforting words. Smelling the fragrance of Ud or seeing the smoke of Ud burning in a dream means receiving a commendation and experiencing a fright along with it. Seeing Ud or an Aloe tree growing inside one's house in a dream means begetting a son who will grow to be a sire or a leader in his community. (Also see Aloe perfume; Civet) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Good manners (See Perfume salesman) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Beautician (See Perfume salesman) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Etiquette (See Perfume salesman) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Oils (See Amber; Musk; Perfume) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Burning incense (See Aloe perfume; Civet; Incense; Ud) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Face Frowning in someone's face in a dream also means suffering at his hand. If a woman sees her face blackened with soot in a dream, it means the death of her husband. If she sees herself putting makeup and anointing herself with perfume in a dream, it means good news for her and for her husband. A smiling and a cheerful face in a dream connotes happiness and righteousness whether the person is alive or dead. The beauty of a woman's face or that of a child in a dream means blessings. Having two faces in a dream mean a grievous and an woeful end, for Allah Almighty does not look at someone who has two faces. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incense burning (See Aloe perfume; Civet; Incense; Frankincense; Ud) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incense Perfuming oneself with sweet incense in a dream means having a good friendship. An incense burner or holder in a dream represents a certitude that is praiseworthy. Perfume in a dream basically means good, though to a bedridden person it means death. This category includes; amber, henna plant (Lawsonia inermis, bot.), or fumigating oneself with sweet incense, though there is a danger that could arise from the smoke in the dream. Perfuming oneself with amber in a dream means increase in earnings that will come through the labor of a rich person who is associated with the one seeing the dream. The seeds of any dark colored perfume such as carnation, clove, or their powder, etcetera, means receiving praises. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

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