A Well in the House If a person dreams that he has dug a well in his house or he merely dreams of a well present in his house and such a well swells with water it means that Allah will grant him much barakah in his wealth and such wealth will become a means of earning him increased livelihood without much toil and hard work. In this case if the well is seen sending froth all its water until it becomes exhausted, it means he will lose much of his wealth with very little remaining. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
An Ox in the House If an ox is seen entering his house and he ties it up in such a manner that it is under his control it means he will acquire wealth which he will guard closely. Thus, he will become prosperous. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
A Cat Entering a House If a cat is seen entering a house it means a thief will enter that house. And if it is seen snatching something it means something will be stolen from his house. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Entering a house If one sees himself entering someone else's house in a dream, it means that he will defeat him, gain the upper hand in business over him or control his interests. To enter the house of the governor and to feel comfortable and at ease therein in a dream means that he is soliciting the governor's assistance in a personal business. The coming of a just person to a house in a dream means blessings. If an unjust person enters a place in a dream, it means that evil and calamities will befall such a house. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Sweeping a House The sweeping of one's own house means that poverty is in store for him. The sweeping out of another house means he will acquire much wealth from the owner of that house. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
House garden A house garden in a dream also represents one's private devotion, fasting, asceticism, piety, fear of wrongdoing, celebrating Allah's praises and exalting His holiness. A house garden in a dream also could mean a marriage within the family, insanity on the part of that house dwellers, paying a financial penalty, or it could mean an imposition. (Also see Garden; Nursery) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Seeing Allah in Someone's House Seeing Allah present in a particular house suggests that the occupants of such a house will be favored with peace, happiness and assistance. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Possessing a House If a person sees himself owning a house known to him it suggests that he will acquire worldly gains proportionate to the spacious ness, attractiveness and elegance of such a house. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
A Familiar House If a person sees himself owning a house which is not strange to him, it means he will soon find a wife for himself. Sometimes, the mere seeing of a house suggests a persons material wealth and assets. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Demolishing a House If a person sees himself demolishing an unknown house, it suggest that all his previous anxieties have been removed and that all his sins and evil doings are revoked. But if the house is known to him, it suggest that he will lose all his worldly possessions due to his evil doings and squandering. If only a portion of his house is demolished it means he will suffer worldly loss proportionate to how much is demolished. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Glass house (Dwellings; House) Sitting on the rooftop of a glass house in a dream means marriage to a beautiful woman from a noble family and who may die soon after her wedding. (Also see Dwellings) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Entering a house If it is customary for such a person to enter that place, then no harm will incur from his coming or going. If one sees himself entering a house of unfamiliar substance, ground or structure, and if he meets departed souls whom he recognizes in the dream, it means that he has entered the realms of the dead. If he sees himself going into that sphere, then coming out of it in the dream, it means that he will near his death, then recover from a serious illness. Entering the Sacred House in Mecca in a dream means entering one's house as a newlywed. (Also see Marketplace) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
An Unknown House If a person sees himself in a house whose foundation, location and occupants are not known to him, it symbolizes his abode in the Hereafter every feature of such a house-eg. Narrowness, spaciousness, ugliness, beauty – is an identical replica of his abode in the Hereafter. Subsequently, this is a reflection of his deeds and actions in the world. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
A Snake in the House If a snake is seen entering a perbond house then this represents his women folk and close relatives who are his enemies. If if seen leaving his house then they are his distant relatives who are his enemies. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Carriage house (Barn; Byre; Coach; Cowshed; Stall) A carriage house in a dream represents the assembly place of politicians, leaders, scholars, merchants, visitors or spectators. The condition in which the carriage house appears in one's dream reflects the state of such groups of people. (Also see Barn; Stableman) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
An Unplastered House An unknown and unplastered house symbolizes a woman. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Selling a House Seeing oneself selling one's house in indicative of the termination of his life. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Building a House The building of one's own house or anothers suggest pursuit of worldly gains proportionate to the construction. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
A Ruined House Seeing one's house in ruins or raised to the ground means that his future will be ruined as a result of his evil deeds. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
An Extended House Seeing one's house or its foundation extended means that the beholder's wealth and assets will increase in proportion to the extensions. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin