Bird The unknown bird symbolizes the Archangel of Death; a traveller; labour; or a man’s actions or deeds. Big and ferocious or rapacious birds are the kings, chiefs, prominent people, scholars, and rich people or those who make a good living. Waterbirds represent the nobles who hold two posts at a time, since these birds do as they like in the water and in the air. They could also symbolize people who travel by land and by sea. Dreaming of them is better than dreaming of any other species, because they have an easier livelihood and are less rapacious. Singing birds or those that wail simply refer to singers. Small birds are the young boys. • An unknown bird picking up a gravel, a leaf, or some worm and taking off to the sky from a house in which someone is ill: The patient will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Mirror it symbolises a perbond wife. If a person sees himself as looking into a mirror, if his wife is expecting, she will give birth to a son who will resemble him. But if she is not nor does he have a son it means he will lose his job and someone else will take his position. If a pregnant woman sees herself looking into the mirror she will give birth to a girl who will resemble her in every way. But if she is not pregnant it means her husband will marry another woman who will occupy the same house. If a little boys sees himself looking into a mirror, a brother resembling him will be born. And if a little girl happens to see the same dream her moth will give birth to a girl. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Egg For medical doctors, gifted persons, and poultry farmers, eggs mean welfare. For the rest, few eggs mean benefits; many eggs means deep worries. Big eggs refer to boys and small ones to girls. For bachelors, eggs often symbolize marriage. For married people, eggs are the forerunners of childbirth. Eggs also represent hidden things. • Eggs in a container: Slave or maiden girls, in view of the Quranic expression “[Pure] as they were hidden eggs [of the ostrich].” (“Al-Saffat” [Those Who Set the Ranks], verse 49.) • The dreamer’s hen having laid an egg: Will be blessed with a male child. • Cooked eggs without shells: Blessed gifts and benefits. • Eating raw eggs: (1) Will accept dirty money. (2) Will be plagued by many worries. (3) Will commit a sin. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Adam • Seeing Adam: (1) The dreamer has committed a sin and should repent. (2) A reference to one’s father or ruler or to knowledge. (3) Will become a ruler or governor if eligible for such an honour. (4) Will be deceived and captured by one’s enemies, then released after some time. (5) A reference to the interpreter of dreams, because Adam was the first ever to have dreamed (of Eve) and understood what dreams expressed. (6) A harbinger of the pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah). (7) A coming together of the beloved ones. (8) Will have plenty of children, but more boys than girls. (9) Forgetfulness and absentmindedness. (10) Trickery and ruses. (11) The dreamer is mixing with snake charmers, poison makers, spiritualists and mediums, who are the demons spokesmen. (12) A reference to rough garments, weeping, or a malaise due to unhealthy food. (13) A long journey, perhaps to where Adam first descended on Earth. (14) An allusion to servants and to prostration before kings. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Egg • Eating eggshells: The dreamer is a graverobber. • Dreaming that wife has laid an egg: She will give birth to an atheist, in view of Quranic verses addressed to atheists and comprising examples of God’s might and miracles, such as: “… he bringeth forth the dead from the living” (“Al-Rum” [The Romans], verse 19.) • Putting an egg under a hen that cracks to give way to chicks: A dead matter will be revived, and a pious son will be born to the dreamer or as many sons as there were chicks, in view of the Quranic expression in the same verse: “He bringeth forth the living from the dead….” • Placing eggs under a cock, which is hatched to give chicks: A tutor will arrive for the young boys. • Breaking an egg: Will deflower a virgin. If the dreamer fails to break it, he won’t be able to pierce the hymen. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Pigeon (Dove; Ringdove; Turtledove) Seeing a pigeon in a dream means glad tidings. It is also said that Allah Almighty will accept the prayers of one who sees pigeons in his dream. In a dream, a pigeon also represents a trustworthy messenger, a truthful friend, a comforting beloved, a chaste wife, striving to sustain one's family, or a fertile woman with a large family. The cooing of pigeons in a dream means lamentation. Pigeons eggs in a dream represent one's daughters or female neighbors. A domesticated pigeon in a dream represents a beautiful woman from Arabia. Pigeon's nest in a dream represents women's parties. Pigeon chicks in a dream represent the boys in a family. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Pearl Pearls and other jewels symbolize beauty, perfection, and sexual passion for women and boys. Raw, ill-shaped, or scattered pearls are a reference to children and to good words; hidden pearls refer to exceptionally beautiful girls, slaves, or servants in view of verses from the Holy Quran about Paradise: “And (there are) those with wide, lovely eyes, like unto hidden pearls … Lo! We have created them a (new) creation and made them virgins, lovers, friends …” (“Al-Waqiah” [The Event], verses 22–23, 36–37.) The pearl also alludes to a male child who won’t live. Perfectly shaped or aligned pearls represent the Holy Quran and good learning. Likewise, big pearls are preferable to small ones, as they represent, for example, the longer chapters of the Holy Book or financial prosperity. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Ring The ring symbolizes tremendous power or a great ruler—a king. Its stone is the awe he inspires. The armorial bearings or seal on a ring means the exercise of the king’s influence as well as his assets and the scope of his realm. The seal as such is a symbol of the dreamer’s authority and ability to command. The carvings are what he wants or desires. The ring also represents what the dreamer owns and what he can do. It refers as well to children, women, boys, the purchase of a slave, a house, an animal, and money or a realm, in case the dreamer is eligible. One exception is that for a man a golden ring means subservience and humiliation. Nevertheless, if it has a stone in it, it alludes to the man’s power, prestige, and endeavours. The stone also alludes to a male child. • A pious or ascetic person receiving a silver ring from God: The dreamer will be favoured by the Almighty and immune from Hell. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Lips Lips in a dream also represent a door attendant, boys, guards, locks, knowledge, guidance, food, drinks, marriage, happiness, sadness, or keeping secrets. Having no lips in a dream means loosing any of the above, or one's dream could mean a broken door, or loosing one's keys, or perhaps it could mean the death of one's parents, husband or wife. Lips in a dream also represent the livelihood of singers or musicians who play wind instruments for a living, or the livelihood of a glass blower. If one's lips look thin and rosy in a dream, they denote clarity of speech, guidance, good food, good drink and happiness. Thick lips with black or blue color in a dream represent laziness, languor, failure to present a verifiable proof or to bring a strong witness, or they could mean discomfort, or difficulty in earning one's livelihood. If a sick person sees his lips black or blue in a dream, it could mean his death. Closed lips in a dream represent one's eyelids, a vagina, the anus, the banks of a river or a well. (Also see Body) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin