Glass If the name of a king is written on it, it means that the life of that king will soon come to an end. Glass seen in the form of a container is the least harmful. The Holy Prophet is said to have predicted the slaying of his own grandson, Al-Hussein (from his daughter Fatema Al-Zahrae), when told that he was seen in a dream holding a bottle. The Prophet said, “I shall collect in it the blood of Al-Husain.”28 Dreaming of dropping a glass bottle that breaks means the dreamer’s wife will die. If the dreamer is a bachelor, a female relative will pass away. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Nakedness Stark nakedness means that the person will soon cease to seek his pursuit or its means that the present phase will soon pass. But, if the observer of such a dream is a person whose pursuit is Deen, he will attain high status in piety, adoration, obedience and devotion to Allah. And if his pursuit is material wealth then he will attain this to the extremes provided none had seen his aurah (ie. Any portion between the navel and the knees). One the contrary if his aurah becomes exposed to people, then nothing good is to be expected of such a dream. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Christian • A Nosrani becoming a Muslim: (1) Will quickly embrace Islam. (2) Will soon pass away. • A Nosrani changing faith: He is not a good Christian. • Standing up and sitting down with the Nasara: The dreamer is extremely sympathetic to them and loves them. • A Nosrani committing a sacrilege toward Islam, like climbing the minaret of a mosque or standing at the mosque’s rostrum, et cetera: (1) A tragedy. (2) An atheist ruler will take over the reins of power. (3) The people of that area despise Islam. • A Nosrani entering the Haram (the Holy Mosque in Mecca (Makkah) or Madinah): Will embrace Islam and be safe from whatever he is scared of. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Paradise If one sees that one of the gates of paradise is closed in the dream, it means that one of his parents will pass away. If two of its gates are closed in the dream, it means that he will lose his parents. If all of its doors are locked in the dream, it means that his parents are displeased with him. If he enters paradise from whichever gate he pleases in the dream, it means that both of his parents are pleased with him. If one is let into paradise in a dream, it represents his death. It is also interpreted to mean that he will repent for his sins at the hands of a spiritual guide or a wise sheikh who will lead him into paradise. Entering paradise in a dream also may mean attaining one's goals, though paradise itself is surrounded with schemes and maneuvers. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Glass bottle The broken chips of a glass bottle in a dream represent money. A urine testing tube in a dream represents a prostitute. Thus, if one sees himself urinating inside such a tube in his dream, he should beware not to commit adultery. A bottle of wine in a dream represents a housekeeper who is hesitant about carrying money on her. A bottle of wine in a dream represents a pregnant woman who could suffer from hemorrhaging though she will deliver her child safely. Glass bottles of different colors and sizes in a dream represent people of different nationalities. A glass bottle in a dream also could mean exposing people's secret life or slandering disloyal people. If a glass bottle falls and breaks inside one's house in a dream, it means avoiding corruption or escaping from temptation that could take place inside such a house. (Also see Bottle) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Spiritual gathering If one sees himself sitting in the center stage, in the middle of learned people and religious scholars in a dream, it means that he will receive a greater knowledge and honor in his life. A gathering that involves a court case, or a marriage in a dream represents an unknown adversity that will safely pass. Admonishing people in a public gathering in a dream means that one's command will be obeyed. Sitting in the center stage in a spiritual gathering in a dream represents one's station or rank, or it could represent one's wife, child, property, or personal secretary. Anything that happens to such a gathering in the dream may reflect on any of them. (Also see Fellowship; Gathering; Mosque) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Testicles According to Al-Nabuls, the testicles are the center of pleasure and the organs responsible for hair growth. The left one, in particular, is where male children come from. They may also symbolize movement; endeavours; what a person lays his head on to sleep, like pillows; or certain pairs such as husband and wife, twin children, two trades, two chamberlains guarding a door, et cetera, especially female couples, like two sisters, two girls, two wives, and a mother and her sister. Whatever happens to the testicles in the dream will befall those persons. If the testicles are severed, for instance, the dreamer’s two wives will die or he will divorce them. If he knows of two female patients, they will pass away, and so on and so forth. Other possibilities include an allusion to money, the purse, parity and equity, and the persons without whose consent a marriage cannot take place. One testicle could be a reference to a steelyard. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Child birth • Merchants dreaming of delivering: Their capital will go. • Travellers dreaming of delivering: Will carry light luggage. • A person dreaming that his mother has delivered him anew: (1) If ill, will pass away, as the newly born are wrapped like the dead. (2) If a craftsman or a manufacturer, will encounter hurdles that will prevent him from carrying on his work. (3) If poor, will find someone who will feed and take care of him. (4) If rich, the wealth will not be kept or someone else will manage the dreamer’s fortune, like a child who must be under the tutelage of an adult. (5) If married, wife will no longer conceive. (6) If wife is pregnant, will give birth to a boy who will resemble the dreamer. (7) If a bondsman, will be favoured by his master, who will overlook or forgive his errors, but will not set him free. (8) If embarking on a journey, will not be able to leave the house. (9) If involved in a case or a dispute, the dreamer’s evidence will not be sustained by the judge. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Call For Prayer (Arabic: Athan) • A child launching the prayer call: His parents will be innocent from calumnies, by analogy with the story and origin of Jesus Christ. • Launching the praying call in a bathroom: Bad dream on both the spiritual and material planes. It could mean that the dreamer is a pimp. • Crying for prayers in the “hot house”23: Will have a shaking fever. Crying for prayers in the “cold house”: Will have a fever. • Launching the athan at the gate of the ruler: Will speak the truth. • Calling for prayer while clad indecently or showing one’s underwear: Will penetrate a woman. • Someone launching the athan in a souk (marketplace): Someone in that souk will pass away. • Hearing an unpleasant athan: Someone is inviting the dreamer to indulge in vice and abominations. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Vomit • Holding back the vomit: The dreamer will retain awe and prestige. • Drinking wine without getting drunk, then vomiting: The dreamer will take dirty money and restore it. • Drinking wine, getting drunk, and vomiting: The dreamer is a miser who spends very little on his children and family and regrets what he has spent. • Seeing one’s bowels coming out of the mouth: Children will die. • Very strong vomiting with hiccough: The dreamer will pass away. • Vomiting plenty of bright red blood: The dreamer will have a child. If it is collected in a container, the child will live; if it flows on the ground, the baby will die quickly. This kind of dream had by a poor person could mean money and plenty of riches. For whoever wants to deceive people it is a bad dream because it means his secret is coming out. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Paradise • Seeing Paradise with one’s eyes: Worries will disappear and the dreamer will obtain whatever he desires. • Seeing Paradise but refusing to enter it: The dreamer is a benefactor and a hard worker. Such a dream can be had only by the fair, never by the unjust. • Seeing Paradise but being barred from entering it: The dreamer will not be able to perform hajj (pilgrimage), engage in Jihad (holy war) or expiate for some sin, despite his desire to do so. • Seeing one of the gates of Paradise being closed or slammed in one’s face: One of the dreamer’s parents will die. If two gates are closed, both parents will pass away. In case all gates are closed, this means that the dreamer’s parents are displeased with him. Conversely, if he enters it from any gate, the dreamer is blessed by his parents. • Entering Paradise: (1) The dreamer will be happy and secure on earth and in the Hereafter. (2) Desires will be fulfilled after hardships, because the way to Paradise, it is believed, is fraught with dangers and evil things. (3) The dreamer is sociable and will mix with great and noble people. (4) The dreamer is observing religious tenets. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Archangels Azrail (the Archangel of Death) • Seeing Azrail: (1) Must prepare for death. (2) Death of a sick person. (3) A lurking enemy. (4) Will have a long life. • Azrail seeming happy: The dreamer will die as a martyr. • Azrail frowning and looking unhappy: The dreamer will die without repenting. • Wrestling with Azrail: (1) If he overcomes the Angel of Death, the dreamer will face death, but God will save him. (2) If the Angel of Death gains the upper hand, the dreamer will die. • Kissing Azrail or vice versa: (1) Inheritance. (2) Dispersal. (3) Something bad will happen. Israfil (the archangel who will blow the horn to summon mankind on the Day of Resurrection) • Seeing Israfil: Good tidings and a beneficial trip. • Israfil bending and blowing the horn and only the dreamer hearing its sound: The dreamer will pass away. Israfil bending and blowing the horn and other people in the area hearing the horn: (1) Death and atrocities will take place in that spot. (2) Justice will prevail and the unjust will perish. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Donkey • A donkey that goes along well or keeps the pace: The best of this world. • A saddled donkey: A child with a golden spoon (born and living in prosperity). • A donkey with a long tail: The dreamer’s empire or tradition will be preserved by his successors. • Death of a donkey: The owner will die, will be isolated, or will lose his money and his business or his shop will be destroyed or he will be ousted from it. Otherwise, the slave who serves him or his father or grandfather who supported him will pass away, his endeavours will fade, or his master, who was under his spell will die, sell him, or go away. For a woman, her husband will divorce her, die, move away, or travel and leave her behind. • A donkey whose owner is unknown and which, instead of obeying, keeps braying: An ignorant and loud person in view of a verse of the Holy Quran that reads as follows: “Be modest in thy bearing and subdue thy voice. Lo! the harshest of all voices is the voice of the ass.” (“Surat Luqman,” verse 19.) According to the ancient Arabs, it could also be a reference to Jews: “The likeness of those who are entrusted with the Law of Moses, yet apply it not, is as the likeness of the ass carrying books. Wretched is the likeness of folk who deny revelations of Allah. And Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.” (“Surat Al-Jumuah” [The Congregation], verse 5.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars