Shoe • Shoes with a sole made of lead: A weak and puny woman. • Shoes with fire soles: An authoritarian woman. • Wooden soles: A hypocritical and treacherous woman. • Colored soles: A woman of mixed blood. • Horse leather soles: An Arab woman. • Cow leather soles: A foreign woman. • Lion skin soles: A tyrant of a woman from the ruling class. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Beating (Blow; Hit; Lash; Whip) To hit someone with a staff in a dream means bringing back to life something that died away or investigating the cause of a death or clarifying something. To beat someone with a wooden stick in a dream means failing to fulfill a promise, or it could mean lying to someone. If someone in authority hits his employee in a dream, it means that he will give him a raise. If he hits him on his back in the dream, it means that he will pay his debt. If he hits him on his backside in the dream, it means that he will give him a daughter in marriage. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Arched bridge If on the other side of the bridge one ends in a fertile farm, luscious fields, or meets with an old woman in his dream, it means money, benefits and prosperity. If the other side of the bridge leads to a mosque in the dream, it means that one will achieve his goal, fulfill his intention or perform a pilgrimage to Allah's House in Mecca. If one becomes a bridge in a dream, it means that he will acquire extensive powers or becomes an inspiration to others, or that people will come to need his authority and help. Crossing a wooden bridge in a dream means meeting with a group of hypocrites. (Also see Bridge) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Minaret Climbing a wooden minaret and calling people to prayers in a dream means attaining authority and rising in station through hypocrisy. Sitting alone on the top of a minaret, praising Allah's glory and glorifying His oneness in a dream means becoming famous, while the loud glorifications mean that one's distress and sorrow will be lifted by Allah's leave. The minaret of a mosque in a dream also represents the chief minister of the ruler, or it could represent the muezzin. (Also see Lantern; Mailman; Masjid; Mosque; Muezzin; Watchtower) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Transformation If a woman sees herself transformed into a man, or if she grows a beard in a dream, it means that she will re-establish her connection with a missing child. As a man in the dream, and if she is pregnant, it means that she will beget a son who may die in his early youth, but if she is not pregnant, it means that she is no longer fertile. If one sees himself flying with wings in a dream, it means travels. If one sees himself transformed into a wooden staff in a dream, it represents his insolence. If one sees himself transformed into an iron rod in a dream, it means longevity. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Idol Worship If a person sees himself worshipping idols, it means he will attribute Falsehood to Allah Taala, propagate falsehood, become a habitual drinker of wine and indulge in sinful acts. If the idol is of silver it means he will either be in close proximity with sins or he will say falsehood (lie) to his wife. An idol of gold suggests that he will soon face an unpleasant situation provoking him to become angry. A wooden idol suggest that he will soon associate with a man who is a renegade. An idol of steel, iron or copper means his single obsession in life is to seek the wealth and pleasures of the world. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Cow If a dairy cow allows the person to draw her milk in a dream, it means conferring benefits. Otherwise, if it refuses to allow the person to milk her in the dream, it means dissonance and discord. If a servant sees himself milking his master's cow in a dream, it means that he will marry his wife after the master dies, and that he will become extremely rich. If a cow enters one's house and thrusts against him, or butts against him in the dream, it means losses and mistrust in one's own family. If one sees himself hitting a cow with a wooden stick or biting a cow in a dream, the cow then represents his sins. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Key • Holding many keys: Will wield a considerable influence. • Holding a wooden key: The dreamer should be careful not to entrust his money to anybody, as wood symbolizes hypocrisy. • An iron key: A powerful and dangerous man. • Holding a key without dents: The dreamer will be unfair to an orphan. • Opening a door or a lock: Will triumph over enemies, probably with the help of a strong man. • Opening a door or a lock without using any key: The dreamer will obtain what he aims for, thanks to his prayers and good deeds or to his parents prayers for him. • Keys being thrown to a woman: Will get married. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Stove • An iron stove: A woman from a powerful and prestigious family. • A stove made of brass or bronze: A woman whose family enjoys all the riches of this world, including money, jewelry, and children. • A wooden stove: A women whose folk are hypocrites. • A stove made of gypsum or plaster of Paris: A woman whose folk are like pharaohs. • A stove made of clay: A woman belonging to a religious family. • A stove with the fire on: Authority. • An idle stove: Idleness, impediments. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Column If one becomes a pillar in a dream, it also could mean his death, or it could mean crying. A pillar in a dream also represents a father, a son, money, capital, a partner, a vehicle, one's wife or a leader. A marble column in a dream represents a great wealth, a great man, or a great woman. A column made from granite in a dream represents someone who despises himself. If it is from stone, it means fast changing conditions. If it is a wooden column in the dream, then it represents a hypocrite. The pillars of a mosque represent the Imam, the muezzin, the servants and the people who pray in it. (Also see Base) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Grill • The one who grills meat: (1) A tutor or educator of young princes, free children, and young girls or female slaves. He teaches them a profession or a craft. (2) A surgeon. (3) A troublemaker and an antagonist. (4) A torturer using wooden, iron, and other infernal devices. (5) A looter. (6) One who takes people’s lives. (7) The one who captures girls and women as war booty. • Going to the cook of grilled meat to buy a well-done steak or the like: The dreamer will hand over his son to a tutor to teach and educate him. • Buying grilled meat for a sum of money: Will hire a boy or a girl brought up by a man of letters or a shrewd merchant, who will obey and act according to the dreamer’s will. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Key A key in a dream represents money, a helping hand, entering the path of knowledge, or it could mean receiving divine guidance. Carrying a bunch of keys in a dream means prosperity, knowledge and security against one's enemy. Keys in a dream also represent one's children, emissaries, spies, servant, wife or wealth. Keys in a dream also mean attaining one's goal, or fulfillment of one's prayers. A key in a dream also may mean victory over one's enemy. Holding a wooden key in a dream indicates the character of one who refuses to help others, or if he holds their money in trust, it means that he does not repay them, for wood in a dream means hypocrisy. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Constellations In a dream, Alcyone means dirt or wealth — Aldebran means retreat or one's sexual organs — Aldromeda means a woman in distress — Alhena means satisfaction or impotence — Antilia means iron — Apus means a heavenly bird — Ara means flying — Arctunus means unlawful earnings or actions — Argo means travelling by sea — Auriga and Corvus mean fortune and blessings — Bootis represents a shepherd or servitude — Castor means advancement — Cepheus represents a ruler — Corona Australis means marriage — Corona Borealis means forgiveness and safety — Cygnus means a swan — Grus means departure — Libra means adultery — The Celestial equator means happiness — The Little Bear, the Great Bear, Aquila, Orion, Spica, Arietica or Aquarius among others, if one sees them or owns them or controls them or recognizes their names in a dream, it means befriending someone or marriage to a woman with that name or zodiac sign or character, or it could mean begetting a son. The celestial pole in a dream represents a devout worshiper or a high ranking commander — Pollux means delays — The Ursa Major and Ursa Minor mean pursuit, following, signs of guidance or tracks of moving around — Triangulum means conditions — Vela means confrontation — Viergo means a contraceptive — and Vulpicula means screaming. (Also see Celestial spheres; Dog; Star) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Tooth • Having glass or wooden teeth: Death. • In general, falling teeth mean obstacles or the settlement of debts. • Teeth falling without pain: Hopes will be dashed. • Teeth falling with pain: Something will disappear from the dreamer’s house. The front teeth falling: The dreamer will be unable to achieve something by pleading. If there is pain or blood or flesh being snatched, hopes will be dashed. • The front teeth falling and others pushing instead: Things will change or be rearranged. • The upper teeth falling into one’s hand: Money is coming. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Yoke (Bond; Bondage; Harness; Shackles; Yoke of matrimony) In a dream, a yoke means benefits for most people except for people in bondage. In their case, seeing a yoke in a dream means harsher subjugation to their masters. If someone is suffering from bondage, or if a prisoner of war, or a political prisoner sees a broken yoke in a dream, it means that he will be set free. The wooden frame which is attached to the plough-iron or the colter in a dream means marriage, bearing children, or work. A yoke in a dream also represents the turning of circumstances against one's liking, or meeting with obliging conditions. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Spearman A battle between spearmen in a dream represents a blow of fate, a mishap, or a calamity. The way to avoid such a mishap is by spending money and efforts on Allah's path. Such a battle also could mean an attack against one's religion, a calumny, or mocking another perbond faith, or speaking ill of righteous people, or being sarcastic about religion, or it could mean slander, defamation, confuting someone, defaming him, vilification, or making libellous statements against someone. If one sees himself stabbing someone with a spear, a sword, a lance, or a wooden post in a dream, it means making or publishing libellous statements about someone, and in that case, he is the assailant and he is liable for his actions, also he will be subjected to the same destiny. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Toilet • The depth of the toilet’s pit means that the wife knows how to manage her own affairs and look after the house. • Seeing blood in the toilet pit: The dreamer will sleep with his wife during her menses. • The toilet hole being filled to the brim: The wife is too careful to the extent of being austere and is preventing her husband from overspending. • Stirring whatever is in the toilet pit with a wooden stick: There is a divorced woman in the dreamer’s house. • The toilet pit being full without the dreamer fearing that it overflows: His wife is pregnant. • Sweeping the floor of the toilet: Will become poor. • Falling and drowning in the toilet pit: Will go to jail. • Pouring milk or pissing milk or honey in the toilet: The dreamer is a sodomite. • Being locked in the toilet: Will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Sword An iron sword in a dream represents a son. A brass sword in a dream means a rich son. A lead sword in a dream means an effeminate son. A wooden sword in a dream means a son who is a hypocrite, and a tarnished sword in a dream represents an unattractive son. To draw out one's sword from its sheath in a dream could represent some words one is prepared to say. If the sword is sharpened, bright and scintillating in the dream, it means that his words will be sweet and true. If it looks rusted or tarnished in the dream, it means that his words will be harsh and false. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Ring Receiving a ring that is inlaid with a precious stone from one's son in a dream represents the good character and qualities of such a son. A stone which is made from worthless glass beads in the dream denotes a weak authority. A ring that is inlaid with a green sapphire in the dream means begetting an intelligent son who will become a great man of knowledge. A wooden ring in a dream represents a hypocritical woman. If a woman is offered a ring in a dream, it means that she will get married, and for a married woman, it means that she will give birth to a son. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Rope If the rope is made from wool in the dream, then it represents a religious person. Twisting a rope in a dream means going on a trip. Twisting it around one's own neck in the dream means getting married. Throwing it over one's shoulders in the dream means an important appointment resulting from a business trip. Twisting one's beard to make a rope out of it in a dream means perjury, receiving a bribe and giving a false testimony. Twisting a rope, making one, or measuring it in a dream means travels. Attaching a rope to a wooden stick or a staff in a dream means indulging in an evil act, or engaging in sorcery. (Also see Cable) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin