Gray hair If a rich person sees his body covered with gray hair in a dream, it means major business losses, while for a poor person it means debts that he cannot repay. The gray hair of an unknown woman represents a drying crop. If a soldier sees his hair gray in a dream, it means his weakness or defeat in the battlefield. If a sick person sees his hair gray in a dream, it means his death and shrouding. If a person is afraid of something then sees his hair gray in a dream, it means appeasement of his fears, or amnesty given by a ruler or a judge deciding in his favor. It is also said that woman's gray hair in a dream means that she will be insulted by her in-laws, or it could mean divorce. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Gray hair For young people, gray hair in a dream means dignity and it could mean longevity, weakness or poverty. If gray hair grows in one's beard and head in the dream, it means poverty. Seeing half gray hair mixed with one's beard in a dream means strength, dignity and honor. If one's wife is pregnant, and if he sees his hair turned gray in the dream, it means that she will beget a son. If one sees himself plucking out gray hair from his beard in a dream, it means that he respects the elderly people and honor religious scholars. If a woman sees her hair turned gray in a dream, it means the arrival of guests, or it could mean that her husband is having a mistress. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Pubic Hair • A man shaving his pubic hair: Will lose his religious faith and no longer follow the Tradition of the Holy Prophet, thus getting into trouble. • A woman’s pubic hair: A garden full of flowers. • A woman shaving her pubic hair: Divorce. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Short hair Shortening one's hair in a dream means appeasing one's fears. (Also see Hair; Shaving) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Seeing Hair on the Palm The growing of hair on the palm or any such place where hair does not grow suggests that he will incur debts which will shatter his peace, causing him extreme anxiety. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Curly hair If a head shaved person or a bald person sees himself having curly hair in a dream, it means following the leading example of Allah's Prophet, Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam. Having curly hair in a dream also means receiving financial compensation from a business, family, wife or husband, or it could mean wearing a new garment. Wrinkling one's hair in a dream is interpreted here as a sign of beauty and liking to wear extra ornaments. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
The Hair of the Head Hair symbolises a man's wealth and assets or that of his employer's. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Ruffled hair In a dream, seeing one's hair ruffled means stinginess and love to hoard money, or doing little for others. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Black Hair Seeing one's white hair turning black suggest that his present condition will be transformed. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
White Hair Seeing one's black hair turning white in the dream means that he will gain credibility and respect among his people. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Dirty hair (See Filth) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Goat Hair It is the same as wool in all respect. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Dyeing the Hair of the Head Dyeing the hair symbolises concealment and protection. Thus, if a person sees himself dyeing his hair it means that Allah will protect him from the evil consequences of what he intends to do. But if the dye does not stick to his hair, it means he will not be granted protection. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Hair of the Human Body It symbolises a man's assets. If he has merchandise or crops, it will increase or decrease according to the amount of hair he had seen. If he sees the hair shining he will become a destitute if he is wealthy. Or he will become wealthy if he is a destitute; if he is perturbed, he will become pleased; if he is ill, he will be cured; if he is in debt, it will be paid. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Plucking out facial hair If a rich person sees himself plucking out his facial hair in a dream, it means losing money, while if a poor person sees that, it means that he will repay his debts. (Also see Shaving; Temples) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Combing the Hair and Beard His grief and anxiety will disappear shortly. Some say it means goodness and happiness through beneficial knowledge. Likewise, people will also derive maximum benefit from his knowledge just as they do from a king, mufti, doctor or khateeb. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Clipping Hair or Wool with a Scissor If a person sees himself cutting or clipping hair or wool using scissors it means he will amass great material wealth. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Rubbing Oil on the Hair, Beard or Body Normally oiling of the hair, beard or body suggests beauty and elegance. But if excessive oil is seen flowing on the face or clothes, it suggests grief and sorrow. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
The Black Woman With Unkempt Hair Salim bin 'Abdullah narrated from his father about the dream of the Prophet (s.a.w) who said: "I saw a black woman with unkempt hair going out of Al-Madinah, until she stood in Mabaya'ah, and it is Al-Juhfah. So I interpreted that to be an epidemic in Al-Madinah that would spread to Al-Juhfah." Dream Interpreter: Imam Tirmidhi
Incident - Dreamers hair became Shaven A person approached Ibn Sirin (RA) and said : “ I have seen a dream that I have shaven my hair” or he said “ I have seen my head shaven. Please interpret the dream for me”. The Imaam said: “This slave of yours will be separated from you either by becoming free or by your death or his”. (The narrator says ) that the master died within five or six days after seeing this dream. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin