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Seeing 'daughter sister law' in your dream..

Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) Delivering a Khutbah Dreaming of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam)as delivering a khutbah suggests that his Ummah will obey the laws of Shariah. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Cow The same interpretation of horses colours should apply to cows, which, as mentioned, refer to women or years.
• Seeing in one’s house a cow sucking the milk of her own calf: A woman is trading in her own daughter.
• A man slave milking his master’s cow: Will marry the latter’s daughter.
• Being scratched by a cow or a bull: Will be ill inasmuch as the scratch was severe.
• A cow or a bull raping the dreamer: Will experience hardships and punishment and might even get killed.
• Falling on a cow’s back: Luck will change during the year.
• An ox falling on the dreamer: Will die during that year.
• Having a dispute with a cow: Controversy with a hot-tempered and impolite woman.
• Being bitten or kicked by a cow: Children will betray their father.
• Beating a cow or an ox with a stick or biting either one: The dreamer has plenty of sins and should seek God’s forgiveness. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Incident - The moon entering the planet Taurus His sister came to himasking: “ What's the matter with you? Why has your face turned pale? He said “Why should it not when this lady has brought to me the news of my death after seven days?” And truly, the Imaam (RA) passed away on the seventh day after this dream. May allah have mercy upon him. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Son In a dream, a son may mean a daughter or a servant. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Kidneys (Daughter; Son; Servant. See Body) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Eyelid They also represent one's teacher, brothers, sisters, family, wife, children, coffer, veil, guards, confidant or trustees. Eyelids in a dream also mean something to be overlooked. Having bleared eyelids in a dream means being in love. If one's eyes are interpreted to represent his wealth, then they mean protection, or paying alms tax. If the outer edge of the eyelid turns white in a dream, it means an illness affecting one's head, eyes or ears. (Also see Body) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bisexual A bisexual man seeing only his male genitals:  (1) Will repent and become exclusively heterosexual.  (2) Will divorce his wife or abandon his mother and some in-laws. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Nipple The nipple of the female breast in a dream represents one's personal wardrobe, or it could mean marriage. If water or milk comes out of it in a dream, it means finding a compatible husband. Otherwise, it may mean loss of a child or a sister. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Separ or Lance in your hand Aboo Ammaarah Attayyaan (RA) reported to us that he revealed a dream of his to Ibn Sirin (RA) that it was as if he had seen a separ or lance in his hand. The Imaam asked whether he had seen the point of the lance or not. He said no. Upon this he said: “Had you seen the point, a son would have been born to you. But now you will have female issues only.” He pondered for a moment, then said: “ In all, twelve daughters will be born to you”. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Testicles • Willingly giving away the left testicle to somebody: An illegitimate boy will be born to the dreamer and will bear someone else’s name.
• Contracting a hydrocele  (swelling of the scrotum around the testicle):  (1) Will make gains and give them away to the enemies.  (2) Will lose something.
• A woman dreaming that she has a pair of testicles: Might get twins.
• Seeing one’s testicles having been severed, though the penis is still there: Will have no more daughters. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Returning a merchandise (Business) Returning a merchandise to the merchant in a dream represents a highway robber, a thief, obstructing the trade, delaying a traveller, failing to observe the laws, or being careless about violating the law. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - A Pitcher with Two Heads A man told Imam Ibn Sirin: "I saw myself drinking from a pitcher with two heads in a dream." Ibn Sirin replied: "You have a wife, and you are trying to tempt her sister to sin with you, so fear God." The man answered: "You spoke the truth. Bear witness that I repent from my doing." Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Station of Abraham (Maqam Ibrahim, arb.) One who stands at the Station of Abraham at the Sacred Mosque in Mecca and offers his prayers in a dream is a pious person who observes the divine laws and who may be invited to perform a pilgrimage. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Arafa If one dreams of being on the Day of Arafa  (part of the Muslim pilgrimage rites to commemorate the day on which God brought together Adam and Eve), one will (1) Resume his support to his parents and in-laws. (2) Make peace after a dispute. (3) See one’s enemy humiliated. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

A Shoe Sometimes one shoe symbolises his partner or brother. If this is seen as torn or cracked while he walks in the other it means he will separate from his partner, brother or sister. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Conformance (Agreement; Consent) Consenting to obey Allah's commands in a dream or conformance with the divine laws in a dream means love for one's brethren, associating with the righteous ones and renouncing the fellowship of evil companions. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bread Eating from a loaf of bread which is half baked in a dream means that one may suffer from high fever. If a poor person eats sweetbread or a cake in a dream, it means sickness or loss of what he maybe expecting to receive. Eating the thin variety of rock baked bread in a dream means increase in one's earnings. A thin loaf of bread in a dream also could mean a short life. Holding two loaves of bread in a dream means marrying two sisters, one after the other. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Intestines (Bowels) In a dream, intestines represent one's personal property, or they could mean a pouch. If the intestines are seen outside the stomach in a dream, they represent one's step daughters, or an illness in that house. If the tissue of the intestines has a cut, or if it breaks in the dream, then it means death. Intestines in a dream also mean money. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Embellishment of the Ear Seeing the ear adorned with jewelry of any sort serves as a glad tiding that his daughter or wife are living a tranquil and happy life. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - The Moon merging in Alcyone Ibn Sirin suddenly shook, and said to the woman: "Tell me how did you see it?" The woman repeated her dream, and Ibn Seer'in's face became grim. His sister who was then sitting with him at the table said: "What disturbed you, Oh my brother?" He replied: "This woman is claiming that I will die in seven days." On the seventh day, Ibn Sirin was buried. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

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