Embrace The embrace symbolizes: (1) Long life. (2) Love and cordiality. (3) Good words. (4) Travel. (5) The return of an absent one. (6) The end of worries. (7) Sex. • Embracing a dead person: Will have a long life. • A dead person holding the dreamer tight and inescapably to defeat and humiliate him: Will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Tree • Seeing many date palms in a garden or a fertile land and taking their fruits: Will obtain money from honest and noble people. • A dead person sitting on top of a tree or owning one: • If the tree is big and beautiful, the dead man is in Paradise. • If the tree seen in the dream is ugly and full of thorns or black and filthy, like the Zachum oil tree or the thorn tree, he is being tortured in Hell. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Egg • Eating eggshells: The dreamer is a graverobber. • Dreaming that wife has laid an egg: She will give birth to an atheist, in view of Quranic verses addressed to atheists and comprising examples of God’s might and miracles, such as: “… he bringeth forth the dead from the living” (“Al-Rum” [The Romans], verse 19.) • Putting an egg under a hen that cracks to give way to chicks: A dead matter will be revived, and a pious son will be born to the dreamer or as many sons as there were chicks, in view of the Quranic expression in the same verse: “He bringeth forth the living from the dead….” • Placing eggs under a cock, which is hatched to give chicks: A tutor will arrive for the young boys. • Breaking an egg: Will deflower a virgin. If the dreamer fails to break it, he won’t be able to pierce the hymen. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Christian • Being or becoming a Christian: (1) For a pious person: Will inherit one’s uncle or aunt (the mother’s brother or sister). (2) For a debauchee: Dissatisfaction with God’s bounty and sacrilege by insulting or speaking ill of God. (3) In case the dreamer refuses to eat from the food presented to him: He is dissatisfied with his lot and has committed many sins. • Seeing an old Christian: A harmless enemy. • Being a Nosrani: Perdition, heresy, and rejection of Islam. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Resuscitate (Live Again) • Marrying a resuscitated woman, abstaining from touching her, but settling in her house: Will die. • Finding a dead person alive in his grave: Will become wise and pious and achieve orderly gains. • Going to a graveyard to unearth the dead and finding some of them alive and the others not: A bloodbath will take place in that spot or country. • A pharaoh resuscitating and ruling a country: Tyranny or corruption will prevail and the people’s condition will deteriorate. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Flying • A horseman dreaming of flying: Good horsemanship. • Dreaming of flying on a stretcher, a litter, a bed, or the like: (1) Legs will be affected by a severe ailment. (2) Will become very ill. (3) Will die. • A dead person flying: Will escape danger. • A bier flying and people with it: (1) A chief or a scholar will die without anybody knowing about it. (2) A great man will die in a foreign land, during a pilgrimage, or in a battle for the sake of Allah (Jihad). (3) If the dead man on the bier is identified, it means that man in particular. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Palm Tree One palm tree is a reliable and powerful friend. It could also refer to an honest woman famous for her charity. The palm branches or leaves symbolize more children and progeny. They could also allude to women’s hair. Its clusters mean money in view of the Quranic verses: “And lofty date-palms with ranged clusters, provision (made) for men; and therewith We quicken a dead land. Even so will be the resurrection of the dead.” (“Qa,” verses 10–11.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Incest • Making love to one’s mother known to be dead in the dream: Will meet her if she is alive. • Making love to one’s dead mother: The dreamer will die, because mother is synonym for earth. • Having sex with one’s mother in her grave: Death. • A traveller dreaming that he is making love to his mother: Will return to her from his journey. • A poor man or a person whose mother is wealthy dreaming that he is having sex with her: (1) Will obtain all that he wishes from her. (2) She will die and he will inherit from her. • A sick man dreaming of having sex with his mother: Will recover. • Making love to one’s living mother: (1) Will be inimical to the father. (2) If the father is ill: The father will die and the son will look after his mother as a son and a husband. (3) If the son is hostile to his mother: She will show him love and affection. (4) The dreamer is good-natured, for nature is the mother of mankind. (5) If the son is involved in a feud over some property or a piece of land and is trying to purchase it: He will win. (6) If the son is a farmer or peasant: Bad omen, because he would be sowing the seeds in the dead earth where they would not grow. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Wash It could also refer to an honest man who brings back to the right path many people who had gone astray or were misleading others. • Lying on a mortuary washing table: Promotion and the end of worries. • One or more dead persons requesting the dreamer to wash their clothes: The dreamer is requested to recall God, pray for someone, give sadaqa, or alms, settle a debt, satisfy an adversary, or carry out a will. • Seeing someone washing the clothes of a dead person: The washer will do something good for the deceased. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Marriage • Conversely, marrying a religiously prohibited relative (wife’s sister, for example) who is alive and well: Will not support parents and in-laws. • A woman dreaming of a dead man marrying and penetrating her: Her wealth will shrink, she will suffer from instability, and her luck will change. If the dead man took her to his home, which she had not seen before, she would die. • Marrying a woman who then dies: Will endeavour in a matter, only to reap nothing but sorrow. • Marrying a woman of a different faith: Will have a spouse who will induce you into a sinful or unlawful experiment or to apostasy. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Sword • Wearing the supports without the sword itself: Will be entrusted with some responsibility. • The sword breaking: Father, mother, uncle (father’s brother), or aunt (mother’s sister) will die. • The sword’s blade breaking: A servant or companion will die. • Playing with a sword: Smartness and shrewdness, eloquence, or admiration of one’s son. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Jew Interpreters widely differ on the sight of Jews in a dream. For some: • Seeing a Jew, be he young or old, means: (1) An enemy, in view of the Quranic verse that reads: “Thou wilt find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe (to be) the Jews, and the idolaters. …” (“Al-Maidah” [The Table Spread], verse 82.) (2) The dreamer will inherit his uncle or aunt (on the father’s side). (3) The dreamer will become wise and follow the right path. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Necromancy • A man dreaming of someone dreaming of him that he is having sex with his mother, sister, brother, or similar prohibited relations, seen as dead in the dream: He is not sustaining them as he should, but will change his attitude and be fair to them. It could also mean trouble or worries or, on the contrary, benefit to both parties. If they are alive, it means the reverse and that he does not have much affection for them. In case, according to his dream, the act took place during the Muslims sacred months, he would go to Mecca (Makkah) for the pilgrimage. • An identified dead person making love to a living one: The latter will get some benefit from a bequest of the heirs of the former, be it material or otherwise. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Sodomy vigour, as the words grandfather and endeavours are homonyms in Arabic. • An identified dead man sodomizing a living human: The latter will obtain a share from the former’s bequest or from his heirs or kith and kin. • Sodomizing a dead man: The dreamer will pray for the latter. • Being sodomized by the caliph (or ruler): The dreamer will rule over a province or be given an important position. Sodomizing a man without problems: Harmony prevails between the two partners during that period, and the passive one will benefit from the other, be he identified or not. • Penetrating the anus of a prelate: The dreamer will sweep dirt. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Tahayyat (arb. Testimonial greetings) The last segment of the regular Islamic prayers which is recited in a sitting posture. Once completed, one may ask for his personal needs or pray for others. If one reaches this segment of his prayer in a dream, it represents a condition or an agreement that must be fulfilled between two partners, or it could mean finding a guardian for one's intended wife (i.e., her father, uncle, brother, etcetera), without whom the marriage is not legitimate. Reciting the Tahayyat in a dream also means bartering material property for spiritual gains. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Veil • A woman dreaming of removing her veil in a public place: Will no longer have any shame or prudence. • A woman dreaming that her veil is gone: Her husband will abandon her. If she finds it back, the husband will return. If she is not married, the ordeal will be faced by her brother or uncle, et cetera. • Something wrong with the veil: The husband will have a tragedy. • A man dreaming of wearing a veil or a mask: Will have a slave girl or a servant. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Jump • Failing to reach the desired destination: A change for the worse. • Using a stick or a perch to jump: That stick or perch symbolizes an extremely powerful person or a strong asset on whom the dreamer could rely in whatever he aims for. • Jumping to cross a river, a pit, or a well, et cetera, and succeeding: A change for the better and will be saved from some evil and reach the safe shore very quickly. • Jumping but staying late in that jump till withering away: Will die. • The dead jumping out of their graves and returning to their homes: (1) Prisoners will be released. (2) Plants will grow again after they were dead in that place. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Tree • Seeing many date palms in an unusual place: Will command as many men. • Seeing many date palms in a garden or a fertile land and taking their fruits: Will obtain money from honest and noble people. • A dead person sitting on top of a tree or owning one: • If the tree is big and beautiful, the dead man is in Paradise. • If the tree seen in the dream is ugly and full of thorns or black and filthy, like the Zachum oil tree or the thorn tree, he is being tortured in Hell. • A sick man sitting on top of or owning a tree: His fate will depend on the condition of the tree as witnessed in the dream. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Bread • Loaves of bread spread on the dining table: An enemy will emerge. If the dreamer eats from them, hostility will break out. • A dead person giving bread to the dreamer: Money or welfare from an undesirable source. • A dead person taking a loaf of bread from the dreamer to let it fall in the fire on tar or in an empty place: The dreamer’s sick wife, if any, will die or lose faith. • Seeing bread above the clouds, on a rooftop, or high in a palm tree: The price of bread will go up. • Bread on the ground and people stepping on it: A huge, thankless man who promotes luxury. • Pissing on bread: Will have sex with a prohibited relative. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Resuscitate (Live Again) • Resuscitation of a brother: The dreamer’s weakness will turn into strength in view of the following verses: “ (My Lord), appoint for me a henchman from my folk, Harun [Aaron], my brother. Confirm my strength with him.” (“Ta-Ha”, verses 29–31.) • Resuscitation of a sister: An absent one will return from abroad, bringing joy, owing to the Quranic verse that reads: “And she said unto his sister: Trace him. So she sighted him from afar, whereas they perceived not” (“Al-Qasas” [The Requital, verse 11) . • Resuscitation of an uncle or an aunt: Return or revival of a matter that had gone out of the dreamer’s hands. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars