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Seeing 'handshake friend' in your dream..


Incident - Falling Down From High Altitude A man saw himself in a dream falling down from a high altitude. When he woke up, he said to himself: "I will avoid going out of my house or seeing people for a while." During the middle of the afternoon of that same day, a close friend came to see him, and called him from downstairs. When the man stood up to look through the window, the shutters broke, and he fell with them. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Yearning To feel a yearning or a desire to see one's homeland in a dream means divorce between a husband and a wife, or separation between friends, or it could mean becoming rich after being poor. Yearning in a dream also connotes evil if accompanied with crying or lamenting. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Homeland To feel a yearning or desire to see one's homeland in a dream means divorce between a husband and a wife, or separation between friends, or experiencing richness after poverty. Such a yearning in a dream also connotes evil if accompanied with crying or lamenting. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Scorpion It symbolises a wicked, cunning and deceitful person who harms a friend and enemy alike. Such a person is very dangerous in that he employs his tongue artfully in causing disharmony amongst people. He has no religion nor is he a man who honours his word. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - a pot filled with Milk and a pot filled with Honey What is poured into it has nothing to do with inherent purity. Your eating of the scum means waste, and neither you nor your friends will benefit from it, for God Almighty has said: "For the scum will be thrown off." (Qur'an 17:13) As for the camel in your dream, it represents an Arab leader, and in this case, he is the Prince of the believers, the Caliph Omar Bin 'Abdul- Aziz, and you are backbiting him and sweetening your calumny with honey." Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bracelet for the Upper Arm If symbolises some unpleasant matter caused by his brother or friend. If it is made of silver the matter will be less unpleasant and it will disappear in a short period of time. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Frog The frog is a devout individual who does his best to earn God’s satisfaction. Many frogs in a country mean torture.
• Eating frog: Benefit from some friends.
• A frog talking to the dreamer: Will become a king. The frog is said by the ancient Arabs to have put down the fire at Namruth  (possibly the Assyrian military capital of Nimrud). Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Emerald The emerald, the beryl, and the peridot symbolize the polite, polished brothers and children, the good money made through honest gains, and the genuine and candid references to virtuous teachings and philanthropy. They could also refer to a devout, pious, and noble friend. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Kite The kite symbolizes an obscure but extremely harmful king who is humble but unjust and very able. The reason is that the kite flies low and hardly misses any prey. One kite is a woman who betrays her man without hiding. That bird refers as well to thieves, highway bandits, purse snatchers, and cheats who take welfare from their friends. The baby kites are children. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Exhibition If one thinks that the officer is pleased with him in the dream, then it implies Allah's blessings. The high-ranking officer or the review officer in such a dream also represents a compassionate person who cares, and who frequently asks about his friends, helps them solve their problems, and assists them in every possible way. (Also see Hearing board; Inquisitional court) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Kill • Killing without slaughtering: The one seen killed in the dream will benefit from his assailant.
• Killing by slaughtering with a knife or a sword: The killer will commit an injustice toward the victim or will compel or incite the latter to disobey God.
• A woman dreaming of killing her husband with the help of friends: She is inciting him to commit a sin. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Jet (Lignite; Velvet-black coal used for jewelry.) In a dream, jet denotes festivities, celebrations, happiness, honor, or marriage. In a dream, jet also represents suspicious money, tainted profits, or a friend for interest, and if one's wife is pregnant, it means that she will deliver a son. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Meat • Eating frog meat: Benefit from some friends.
• Eating crabmeat: Financial benefits and news from a distant land.
• Eating cooked ram meat: Fertility and abundance. Fat meat is better than lean.
• Eating raw ram meat: Absence. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Arm (Forearm; Limb; Member; Wing) One's two arms in a dream represent his two brothers, his two close friends, two sons or partners. If one sees a person with short arms in a dream, it means that he is courageous, generous and wondrous. One's arm in a dream represent his brother and supporter or a spiritual example he follows. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Skewer (Brochette; Fastener; Leaning; Piercing; Pin) Skewers in a dream mean fulfilling one's needs, satisfying one's goals, reconciling two friends, or interceding to give advantage to someone for his comfort, or they cold mean money. A skewer in a dream also represents the butler of the house, or the household servant who manages its business, teaches many workers their duties, arts, and commands the various interests of his employer. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Artist (Architect; Painter) Seeing him in a dream means consenting to reason. He also could represent an opinionated person, an expert, a friend, a real estate broker, a scientist, a commander, or an architect. (Also see Architect; Painter) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Forearm The forearms symbolize two relatives or friends, like, for instance, a brother and an adult son whom the dreamer can rely upon or benefit from.
• A man dreaming of a woman with bare arms: Worldly life.
• Pain in one’s arms:  (1) Sorrow.  (2) A halt to all the person does or produces with his hands.  (3) Nobody will serve the dreamer any longer. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Oars (Paddles) Oars in a dream represent the movement of a ship, or they could mean having a secret affair. Oars in a dream also mean reaching safety, or finding a helping friend. (Also see Boat; Ship) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Hermitage (Retreat; Sanctuary) A hermitage in a dream represents a spiritual retreat, abstinence, good character, seclusion, ascetic detachment, controlling one's desires and wants, divorcing one's wife, abandoning one's friends, or it could mean an illness. If a sick person sees himself in a hermitage in a dream, it may mean his death, or it could mean suppressing one's sexual desires. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Jumping Otherwise, it could mean facing dangerous or severe adversity. In a dream, jumping from place to place also means false news, fabricated accusations, changing moods with one's friends, or finding oneself bored with them. If one jumps over a wall in a dream, it means that he will change from a believer into a disbeliever or follow the advice of a disbeliever. (Also see Jump) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

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