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Seeing 'daughter sister law' in your dream..

Anus If one's anus bleeds in the dream, it means money. If one sees himself excreting in a dream, it means spending money with a clear intent of benefiting from it. Seeing the anus of an unknown woman in a dream means material losses, or it could mean difficulties in acquiring the necessary money for one's livelihood. Seeing worms coming from one's anus means departing from one's children or loss of one's children. If a cloth comes out of one's anus in a dream, it means severing relations with strangers who took advantage of one's children and abused their rights. Having sexual intercourse with a woman through the anus in a dream means asking for something in the wrong way. If one sees a peacock coming out of his anus in a dream, it means that he will beget a beautiful daughter. If he sees a fish coming out of his anus in a dream, it means that his wife will beget an ugly looking daughter. (Also see Pederasty; Sexual intercourse; Sodomy) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Unknown Greenery The growing of any unknown greenery in a place where it does not normally grow such as a house or masjid, suggest that a man will come along either to seek in marriage the hand of his daughter or to establish a business partnership. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Delivering a Female Issue If a person sees a daughter born to him it means he will soon find relief from his difficulties and he will receive plentiful sustenance. The same applies to purchasing a female slave. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Christian • Being or becoming a Christian:  (1) For a pious person: Will inherit one’s uncle or aunt  (the mother’s brother or sister).  (2) For a debauchee: Dissatisfaction with God’s bounty and sacrilege by insulting or speaking ill of God.  (3) In case the dreamer refuses to eat from the food presented to him: He is dissatisfied with his lot and has committed many sins.
• Seeing an old Christian: A harmless enemy.
• Being a Nosrani: Perdition, heresy, and rejection of Islam. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Descrating the Holy Quran Tearing or destroying the Holy Quran means he is guilty of negating the Holy Quran. Eating its pages means he is making fun of it; he has no regard for its laws; he treats it with contempt. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Pledge of allegiance (Contract; Homage) Making a pledge of allegiance to the blessed family of Allah's Prophet, Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam, or to their descendents, or true Gnostics and leaders among his followers in a dream means following true guidance, walking on the straight path and truly observing the divine laws and abiding by them. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Male organ Castration in a dream means that one will bear no more daughters. If a pregnant woman sees herself having a male organ in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. If she never had children before, it means that she is barren. If one is circumcised in a dream, it means that he will fulfil his religious covenant, or pay a debt. A pubic area which is excessively hairy in a dream represents an insolent person. Feeding one's sexual organ in a dream means dying an ugly death. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Illness If one sees himself suffering from a terminal illness in a dream, it means that his sins will be forgiven, and he will die with Allah Almighty pleased with him. An illness in a dream also signifies a calamity, distress, fear of something, desiring something, or trouble. The illness of a woman in a dream represents her step daughters from her husband. Man's sickness in a dream also could signify abstaining from sexual course with his wife during her menstrual period. The illness of scholars means weakness in their religious adherence. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ibn 'Umar's Dream Narrated Ibn 'Umar: I saw in a dream a piece of silken cloth in my hand, and in whatever direction in Paradise I waved it, it flew, carrying me there. I narrated this (dream) to (my sister) Hafsa and she told it to the Prophet who said, (to Hafsa), "Indeed, your brother is a righteous man," or, "Indeed, 'Abdullah is a righteous man." (Bukhari) Dream Interpreter: Imam Bukhari

Fingers They symbolise his brother's and sister's chidren (ie. Nephews and nieces ). At other times they symbolise the five daily salaah. Thus, if any defects are seen in a persons fingers, it is suggestive of similar short comings in his salaah; or it forewarns mishaps regarding his nephews or nieces-depending entirely on which of the two aspects are implicated in the dream. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bread Eating simultaneously from two loaves of bread, one in each hand in a dream also means a marriage to two sisters. Eating pretzels in a dream means adopting a good health diet. Stale bread in a dream means inexpensive or shoddy prices. Dough in a dream means debts or loans. A flying loaf of bread with two wings means high prices. Eating a flat loaf of bread, or a loaf of pita bread in a dream means easy living or prosperity. Eating a bun in a dream denotes a decent financial stability. In a dream, a loaf of bread also represents little money or little earnings, or a small wage. (Also see Dough) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - a Snake in your House Another person revealed his dream to the Imaam saying that he had seen a snake in his house. It had bitten him on the hand and back causing him much pain. The Imaam asked “Yous have a brother and a sister?” he said: “yes.” The Imaam said: “Then you have a relative in your hoe whose heart is filled with malice towards you. Soon he will cause you great harm.” The person said: “ I have a step brother who has stolen all that I had inherited. He has absconded since three days”. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

One-eyed If a humble and a hard-working person sees that, it testifies to the trueness of his faith. If an impious person, or a corrupt person, or an impostor sees that dream, it means distress, a sickness that could bring him near his death, or to lose one hand in an accident, or to lose one's wife, or sister, or partner, or loss of blessings, or becoming sacrilegious and profane. (Also see Antichrist) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Stoning (Capital punishment; Cleansing; Curse; Damn; Death; Lapidate) Stoning someone in a dream means insulting him, backbiting him, or it could mean slandering a woman. Stoning someone to death in a dream means purification from sin only when it relates to fulfilling the divine laws. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Sword • Wearing the supports without the sword itself: Will be entrusted with some responsibility.
• The sword breaking: Father, mother, uncle  (father’s brother), or aunt  (mother’s sister) will die.
• The sword’s blade breaking: A servant or companion will die.
• Playing with a sword: Smartness and shrewdness, eloquence, or admiration of one’s son. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Aisha She was the daughter of the caliph Abu Bakr and second wife of the Holy Prophet. She died in A.D. 678.
• Seeing Aisha: Welfare and blessings.
• A woman dreaming of Aisha: Will be well seen, well known for her virtue, and lucky with her husband and parents. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Worms (An organism living on another; Children; Insects; Parasites; Silkworm) In a dream, worms represent daughters or children living under their father. The same goes for all worms, annelids, intestinal worms, or parasites that live on cadavers. Seeing tapeworms coming out of one's backside in a dream represents one's grandchildren. If one sees worms coming out of his mouth in a dream, it means that some members of his family are plotting against him, though he knows about it, and he will finally escape from their danger, but at his own expense. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

School (Institute; Learning; Tutoring) In a dream, a school represents its teachers, scholars, a gnostic, a school of thought, or its founder. Seeing a school in a dream also could mean divorcing one's wife then returning her to wedlock. It also means righteousness, establishing the divine laws, promoting a business, or inviting trouble. (Also see Institute) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Star • Manipulating or seizing the stars and putting them on one’s knees: The dreamer will become a leader, a judge, or a king, if eligible. Otherwise, he will become an astronomer.
• Stars falling on the head of a sick person:  (1) He will die.  (2) He will be assailed by creditors.
• A star falling on a pregnant woman: She will give birth to a male or female child, depending on whether the star in question had a masculine or feminine name. It could also mean that the lady will die if there are other signs to this effect in the dream.
• Seeing stars in daylight: Scandals and notoriety, major events, catastrophes, ‘failure to find suitors for one’s daughters, et cetera. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Caliph (Caliphate; Deputy; King; vice-regent) A caliph in a dream represents order, leadership, justice or a deputy who establishes Allah's Laws on earth. If one sees himself attempting to kill the caliph in a dream, it means opportunism or seeking an important advancement that one will attain. (Also see King) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

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