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Seeing 'praise allah almighty' in your dream..


Paradise If one sees himself entering paradise carrying money and leading a herd of sheep in a dream, it means that he will enter it through his charity and paying his due alms. Entering paradise together with one's wife means a good family relationship and giving respect to one's wife. Seeing paradise in a dream also represents one's devotion, piety, renunciation, and being of benefit to one's companions. The trees of paradise in a dream represent the Gnostics, the true servants of Allah Almighty and the callers to Allah Almighty. If one is thrown out of paradise in a dream, it means that he needs to understand the story of Adam, Alayhi-Salam. Circumambulating paradise in a dream means dispelling fear, overcoming one's difficulties, or getting married. (Also see Key) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Adjuring (To command solemnly; to swear by Allah; or to take an oath.) If one sees himself swearing in Allah's Name before someone in a dream, it means that the other person will deceive him. To swear solemnly by the stars, the celestial signs or by any physical sign in a dream means arrogance, deception, humiliation, hypocrisy or heedlessness. If one is truthful in his oath in a dream it means that he will win his argument, speak the truth or perform an act that pleases Allah Almighty. To swear by Allah in a dream when failure to perform requires atonement means following the truth and emulating the leading example of Allah's Prophet, Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Lily  - Arabic: Sawsan There are controversial interpretations about this plant. Some say it symbolizes good praise and others evil, for etymological reasons relating to the Arab language. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Kiss Kissing Allah's right Hand in a dream means attending a pilgrimage to Mecca and kissing the black stone. Kissing Allah Almighty in a dream means kissing the holy Quran, or kissing Allah's holy Name. If one sees Allah Almighty kissing him in a dream, it means that his deeds are accepted. Kissing an adorned woman or sleeping with her in a dream means marrying a wealthy widow. Kissing a known deceased person in a dream means benefiting from his knowledge or inheriting his money. Kissing an unknown dead person in a dream means that one will receive money from an unexpected source, or perhaps do business with his heirs. If a deceased person kisses someone in a dream, it means that the latter will receive unanticipated benefits. Lustfully kissing a deceased person in a dream means satisfying one's needs, lust, or completing a project. If a sick person sees himself kissing a deceased person in a dream, it means his own death. Finally, if a healthy person kisses a deceased person in a dream, it means that his words are not true. (Also see Rose) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Fasting If one is sick, it means that he will recover from his illness. If he is lost in heedlessness, it means that Allah Almighty will grant him guidance. If he is indebted, it means that he will be able to repay his debts. If in his dream, one intentionally breaks his fast during the prescribed fast of the holy month of Ramadan, it means that he could kill someone. Similarly, if one sees himself killing someone in a dream, it means that he has intentionally broke his obligatory fast. Observing the two months of atonement for the sin of breaking the fast during the holy month of Ramadan or for any such fast for the expiation of sins in a dream means that one may fall sick and repent to Allah Almighty from his sins. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Coercion If one adamantly refuses to obey and resists the coercion of evil people or refuses to be intimidated by evil companions in a dream it represents his faith in Allah Almighty, fear of wrongdoing and making offerings that are pleasing to Allah. (Also see Horn; Recalcitrant child) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Yahya (Allah's prophet Yahya, Alayhi-Salam; John) Seeing him (Alayhi-Salam) in a dream means being endowed with piety, love for Allah Almighty, fear of wrongdoing and being distinct and unequalled in one's time. Seeing Allah's prophet Yahya in a dream also means that one will acquire power and receive glad tidings. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Pardon (Absolution; Amnesty; Acquittal) If one forgives someone a sin, or a mistake, or an error in a dream, it means that Allah Almighty will forgive him his sins. It also means that he will live a long life, earn fame for his piety, live in Allah's protection, have a good heart and a forgiving nature. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Arabic months (Lunar months) : 1- Muharram; 2- Safar; 3- Rabi-ul-Awwal; 4- Rabi-al-Thani; 5- Jamada-al-Awwal; 6- Jamada-al-Thani; 7- Rajab; 8- Shaaban; 9- Ramadan; 10- Shawwal; 11- Zul-Qidah; 12- Zul-Hijjah) Seeing a dream during the month of Muharram means that the dream is most true as it is seen. Thus, having a dream during the month of Muharram could be even called a vision and it never fails. Such a dream means success, relief from difficulties, release from a prison, or recovering from an illness. If the person had retreated from his town, he will return to it. This interpretation is based on the story of Allah's prophet Jonah, Alayhi-Salam, after he emerged from the belly of the whale. Perhaps the person in the dream may face a great spiritual challenge in his life, or it could mean the death of a great man of knowledge or the emergence of such a Gnostic or wise man in that city. If the person seeing the dream is a sinner, it means dream means will repent of his sins, for Allah Almighty has accepted the repentance of Adam, Alayhi-Salam, during that month. If the person in the dream is one who hopes for a station of honor, he will attain it, because Allah Almighty has raised the prophet Enoch (Idris) Alayhi-Salam, to a high station during that month. If a traveller sees a dream during that month, it means that he will safely return home from a long journey, because it is the month in which the prophet Noah Alayhi-Salam, was saved with his people, and it is the month in which the arc settle on top of Mount Judiyyi. If the seer desires a son, then he will beget a righteous son, because it is the month in which Allah's prophets Abraham and Jesus, Alayhi-Salam, were born. If the person he is dream is suffering from tight financial circumstances and if he desired a wayout, it means that he will see the light or escape from the danger of his enemy, because this is the month in which Allah's prophet Abraham Alayhi-Salam was saved from the fire of Nimrod, or perhaps, if he had followed a path of innovation and falsehood, he will turn back to Allah Almighty and repent of his sin, because it is also the month in which Allah Almighty forgave the prophet David, Alayhi-Salam. If the person in the dream is impeached from his leadership position or stripped from his status, he will return to his office and regain honor, because it is also the month in which Allah Almighty returned the prophet Solomon to his kingdom. If one is bedridden, it means that he will recover from his illness, because it is the month in which the prophet Job (Alayhi-Salam) recovered from his illness, or perhaps it could mean that one will be sent as an emissary with a mission, or as an ambassador, because it is during this month that Allah Almighty spoke to His prophet Moses Alayhi-Salam. As for the second lunar month, known in Arabic as afar, having a dream during it could be interpreted as follows; If one is pessimistic about what he saw, then it could mean the opposite. If he is sick, it means recovering from his illness. If one is needy, it means that his needs will be satisfied. If one is suffering from stress and worries, it means that they can cause him no harm. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Noah Allah's prophet Noah (Alayhi-Salam) in a dream also may represent a genealogist, a zoologist, a botanist, a phytologist, a horticulturalist, an ecologist, or a mammalogist. Seeing Allah's prophet Noah (Alayhi-Salam) in a dream also may mean regretting something, distress, penitence for an attitude toward one's own family, or perhaps that one's son will stray away from Allah's path, or it could mean the death of a son because of his disobedience to his father. If a woman sees Allah's prophet Noah (Alayhi-Salam), or Allah's prophet Lot (Alayhi-Salam) in a dream, it means that she is disobedient to her husband, and rather she obeys her own family and clan. On the other hand, if a woman sees Egypt's Pharaoh in a dream, it means that she is a true worshiper and an obedient believer in Allah Almighty. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Thunder Hearing the sound of thunder in a dream also represents hymns, praising Allah Almighty, glorifying Him, or it could mean a sickness, fear, deafness, or the sound of drums in a wedding. If the one seeing the dream is an atheist, it means that he will be guided and have faith in Allah Almighty. If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent for his sins. Hearing the roaring of thunder in a dream on the first day of October means death. If it is heard during the first six days of that month, it means benefits, or lower prices, but if it is heard near the end of the month, then it means a plague or a disaster. Hearing the sound of thunder at any other time during the month of October in a dream means evil. If it is heard during the month of November in a dream, it means blessings for the land, prosperity, the spreading of Allah's words in a new land, the falling of a comet in a populated area, the death of a leader, a pollution that will devastate bird life, or a heavy rainstorm with limited damages. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Knowledge To learn about Allah Almighty, or about the prophetic traditions of His Messenger, Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam, in a dream means being encompassed with Allah's mercy and subtle kindness. To learn about sorcery, black magic or similar arts in a dream mean following innovation and walking the path of heedlessness. (Also see Learning) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Sweets shop In a dream, a sweets shop represents faith in Allah Almighty and submission to His will. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Shivering (Shake; Shudder) Shivering in a dream means fear of Allah Almighty. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Bowing in prayers (arb. Ruku) Seeing oneself bowing to Allah Almighty in prayers in a dream means submission to His will, abstaining from arrogance and establishing Allah's rules in one's life. Bowing in prayers also means fulfilling one's aspirations in this world and quickly triumphing over one's enemy. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Noah (Allah's prophet Noah, Alayhi-Salam.) In a dream, Allah's prophet Noah (Alayhi-Salam) represents longevity, adversities, sufferings, triumph, children from a disgraceful wife, though one will remain content and grateful to Allah Almighty for His gift. It is said that one who sees the prophet Noah (Alayhi-Salam) in a dream will become a scholar, an assiduous worshipper and an obedient servant who exercises patience and forbearance. He will also triumph over his enemies and receive a magnificent endowment from his Lord. His companions will disobey him and by Allah's leave, he will win over them too. Seeing Allah's prophet Noah (Alayhi-Salam) in a dream also means rain and floods. Seeing him (Alayhi-Salam) in a dream also means suffering from many enemies, and from the jealousy and envy of one's neighbors. At the end, they will all suffer from Allah's punishment, and he will be saved from their evil. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Judge If the judge is inequitable in the dream, it means that one will lose to his adversary. If someone sees a judge holding the scale of justice and that the scale tilts to one's favor in the dream, it represents glad tidings of a great reward from Allah Almighty for one's deeds. However, if the scale of justice tilts to the opposite direction, then it represents a warning from Allah Almighty for one to repent of his sins, or abandon his involvement in a sinful ventures. If one sees the judge weighing pennies or bad monies in the scale of justice, it means that one will give a false testimony which will be accepted. If one sees himself as a judge, a wise man, a scholar, or a righteous man in a dream, it means that he will attain fame, good reputation, ascetic detachment and spiritual knowledge if he qualifies for that. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Zachariah (Zachar; to remember; Allah; The prophet Zachariah, Alayhi-Salam.) If one sees the prophet Zachariah in a dream, it means that Allah Almighty will restore fertility to him and to his wife at an advanced age. Seeing Allah's prophet Zachariah (Alayhi-Salam) in a dream also means begetting a righteous son who will grow to be a sire. (Also see Zikr) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Desisting from evildoing Desisting from evildoing in a dream means trusting in Allah Almighty, turning to Him for one's needs, and victory over one's enemy. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Charity Giving charity in secret in one's dream also could mean seeking the friendship of people in authority, or to join the circles of people of knowledge. If a man of knowledge is asked to give money in charity, and if he complies in his dream, it means that he will expound his knowledge to others. If he is a merchant, it means that he will benefit others with his business or teaches them his trade. If he is a craftsman, he will teach people his craft. If one who is under pressures, or if one is scared of something sees himself feeding a beggar who is undergoing his own trials in a dream, it means that one's fears and stress will be dispelled. Charity in a dream also denotes celebrating Allah's praises, devotion, visiting the graveyards and doing good. To spend money on Allah's path in a dream means that one will surely receive money in wakefulness. (Also see Alms tax; Endowment; Good deeds; Loan) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

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