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Seeing 'seeing man eating fish' in your dream..

Anus • Drinking water through one’s anus: The dreamer is constipated or congested.
• Seeing worms or lice coming out of the rectum or anal tract: Will part from one’s children.
• Blood coming out of the anus: A reference to the grandchildren.
• Being stained with one’s own anal blood: Illicit money.
• Seeing a duster coming out of one’s anus  (or stomach): Will move away from strangers who are eating up the money of your children. Seeing a peacock coming out of one’s anus: A beautiful girl will be born to the dreamer.
• A fish coming out of one’s anus: The dreamer will have an ugly girl. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Bread • Eating bread without food: The dreamer will be sick without anybody looking after him and will die lonely.
• Eating bread with honey: Will seek knowledge and wisdom and be better off, because honey indicates good knowledge and bread comfortable living.
• Eating bread and salt: Contentment.
• Eating vinegar with bread: Long life.
• Eating thin  (unleavened) bread: Contradictory interpretations like short life, few gains, and abundance.
• Unfinished bread: Strong fever, as this bread has to go back to the oven for completion.
• Hot white wheat bread: Children. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Meat • Eating fox meat: Will fall ill and recover very fast.
• Eating duck meat: Will receive money from slave women or servants or will be blessed with a rich woman.
• Eating falcon meat: Money from the king or any supreme authority.
• Vulture meat: Money and influence.
• Eating tortoise meat: Money and knowledge. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Shark (Fish) A shark in a dream represents high spirit, or it could mean belonging to the upper class or to a noble lineage. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Seafood restaurant (Fish) In a dream, a seafood restaurant represents adversities, fights, evil, stress, depression, or relief from difficulties. (Also see Fishery) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Meat Eating a chicken in a dream means receiving benefits from a woman. Meat in a dream also means forbearance and patience for someone who is hot tempered, or who gets angry easily. Eating meat in a dream also could mean recovering from an illness, an end to one's distress, trouble and adversities. Eating the meat of an unlawful animal in a dream means receiving unlawful money. Eating a suspicious meat in a dream means earning suspicious money, or having an illegitimate marriage. Eating fowls meat in a dream means profits for a traveller. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Meat (Flesh; Knowledge; Money; Substance; Wealth) Cooked meat in a dream means money. Eating raw meat in a dream means illness and pain. Eating raw meat in a dream also may mean benefits. Seeing raw meat and not eating from it in a dream could have adverse meaning. Eating cooked meat in a dream means increase in one's wealth. Eating a meat dish with an old man in a dream means becoming renowned, or entering the inner circle of a governor. Buying meat from the butcher in a dream means adversities. Tender meat in a dream mean death or backbiting. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Flesh • Eating one’s own tongue:  (1) The dreamer is the silent, concealing, and self-restrained type.  (2) The dreamer’s eloquence will help him. To come back to the general interpretation:
• A woman eating her own flesh: Will commit adultery.
• A lady eating another woman’s flesh: Will have a lesbian experience with her, or each of them will try to overpower the other physically or otherwise. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Flesh • Eating one’s own flesh: Abundance and tremendous power are in store.
• Eating the flesh of a tortured person  (crucified, hung, et cetera): Will obtain money from a wanted individual. It could also mean redemption and/or vengeance.
• Eating the flesh of one’s enemy: Will triumph over him.
• Eating the flesh of a dead person: Will speak ill of the dead, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that says: “O ye who believe! Shun much suspicion; for lo! some suspicion is a sin. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? …”  (“Al-Hujurat” [The Private Apartments], verse 12.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Apple • Picking, gathering, owning, or eating apples: Success in the dreamer’s field. Sweet apples mean honest gains. Sour ones represent sinful earnings.
• Eating an apple: Eating up money in a way as to become the talk of the town.
• Picking an apple: Will obtain money and praise from an honest man.
• Smelling an apple in a mosque: Will get married.
• A woman smelling an apple in a party or at an orgy: Will become the center of a scandal.
• A woman eating an apple in a place she knows: Will give birth to a good boy. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Flesh Views on certain items of this chapter are widely divided and sometimes diametrically opposed. For instance, according to Al-Nabulsi:
• Eating somebody’s flesh: Will speak ill of such a person in his absence.
• Eating one’s own flesh: Will eat up gains. According to Ibn Siren, will eat away savings or whatever is hoarded. For Ibn Shaheen:
• Eating human flesh: Financial gains in any case. If the person whose flesh is being eaten is known to the dreamer, the latter will take a bite at the victim’s purse or property. In case the dreamer is eating such flesh voraciously and with great appetite while blood is spilling imminent, unquestionable, and huge financial gains will be achieved. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Truffle • A poor person collecting and eating truffles and the like: Will become rich.
• A rich person collecting and eating such plants: Will get richer.
• An ascetic person unearthing and eating truffles: Will come back to the pleasures of the flesh.
• Moving from one truffle field to another: Will undertake pleasure trips or move from one market to another or from one trade to another. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Planet • Riding on a planet: Benefits, welfare, power, influence, and leadership.
• Planets under the ceiling:  (1) Home will be destroyed  (as, the home having no roof anymore, the planets could be seen from within the house).  (2) The owner of the house will die.
• Eating planets: The dreamer is eating up people’s money and destroying them, except if he is a scientist or an astronomer, in which case it would mean that he will do something great and be better off. The crowd eating planets means death. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Market The unspecified market refers to the mosque and vice versa, because man trades and earns in both.39 It also refers to the battlefield, where some people win and others lose. In the Holy Quran, God has used the word commerce as a synonym for Jihad  (holy struggle): “O ye who believe! Shall I show you a commerce that will save you from a painful doom?”  (“Al-Saff’ [The Ranks], verse 10.) Likewise, the souk or marketplace could allude to the person’s luck commensurate with the size of the market; the learning institution; the asylum; and the pilgrimage season. The meat market, in particular, symbolizes the war zone. The jewel and the cloth markets represent commemoration ceremonies and learning establishments. The money changers market is a reference to the ruler’s court, where people weigh what they say and matters are evaluated carefully. Sometimes souks represent lies, injustice, worries, and misery. They allude as well to the sea, where the big fish eat the small fish, and to compulsory spending, as often brought about by spouses, or marriage itself, and the birth of new children. Indeed, each specific market has a different interpretation. But it is noteworthy that the Muslims  Holy Prophet was said to consider the souk as the abode of devils. He advised Muslims always not to be the first to step into or the last to leave the marketplace. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Butter Eating butter in a dream means enjoying one's earnings and using them for worthwhile projects, or it could mean profits from one's business. It is said that eating butter in a dream means visiting the holy land. Eating butter in a dream also represents good harvest, plenitude, prosperity, good deeds, or the ease with which one handles his daily work. (Also see Cream; Ghee) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Damson • Eating immature or green damson: Will give alms or heal from a disease.
• Eating yellow damson: Will obtain money but get ill.
• Eating damson from a tree: Will befriend a wealthy but irreligious person.
• Picking damson from a tree: Will marry an heiress.
• Breaking a branch of a damson tree:  (1) Will be ungrateful to a source of living and lose it.  (2) Will abandon prayers and abstain from fasting.  (3) Will squander someone’s money. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Soup Eating a lion's soup in a dream means presiding over heartless and inhumane people, along with mistrust and fears. Eating a dog's soup in a dream means presiding over a loathsome and a despicable business, working with evil people and earning black profits. If the soup has no fat in the dream, it means deprivation, poverty and humiliation. Eating the sopped bread of such soup means death. Eating a falcon's or eagle's soup in a dream means taking a business trip, or making profits out of ignorant people who unwillingly submit to their losses. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Onion Eating a raw onion in a dream denotes an evil happening. If a sick person eats a small amount of onions in a dream, it means that he will die from his illness, but if one sees himself eating a large quantity in his dream, it means that he will be cured of his illness. However, eating a green onion, or a scallion in a dream means prosperity and good health, though they will be accompanied with stress, sadness or separation from one's wife. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Food Eating the food of poor people or pious ones in a dream means repentance from sin or receiving guidance. Eating the food of nomads or Bedouins in a dream means travels, rising in station or changes in one's conditions. Eating a meal that is cooked with meat in a dream means richness for a poor person. Eating a meal that is cooked without meat in a dream also may mean poverty, or it could mean devotion. If one's meal turns into something better in the dream, it means advancement in one's spiritual life. If one's food turns bitter or sour in the dream, it means changing a spouse or a job. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Snot • Putting snots in another man’s house: Will have legal  (marriage) or illegal sex with a woman living under his roof.
• Putting snots in another man’s bedding: Will betray him with his wife. Putting snots in his handkerchief means the dreamer will have sex with his servant.
• A woman taking the dreamer’s snots: She will entice and deceive him and become pregnant against his will.
• Washing away someone else’s snot: The dreamer is trying to conceal the adultery of a friend, but to no avail.
• Eating one’s snot: Eating up the money of his children.
• Eating someone else’s snot: Eating up the money of somebody’s children.
• Mucus flowing from the nose: Will have children who will resemble him.
• A person putting snots in the dreamer’s clothes: Will have a marital relationship. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

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