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Seeing 'scholars discussing' in your dream..

Star In general, stars in a dream represent political leaders, the most knowledgeable of scholars, the most noble of people in the society and the richest of the rich. Seeing many stars inside one's house in a dream also may signify having a large family. Seeing the seven major stars, or the fixed stars of the solar system in a dream represents the trades, businesses, knowledge and the leadership in the land. Each of such stars brings a different luck. Seeing a brilliant star in a dream means happiness and leadership. If a rich person sees the skies without stars in a dream, it means loss of his wealth. If a poor person sees the skies without stars in a dream, it means his death. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Jesus Christ • Turning into Jesus Christ, looking like him, or wearing some of his clothes.  (1) For a ruler or a chief: Will become more powerful.  (2) For a scholar or a worshiper: Usefulness and good deeds will increase, and virtue will become more obvious.  (3) For a medical doctor or a healer: Will become more successful.
• A sick person dreaming of Jesus Christ: Will be out of danger and recover fully.
• Jesus Christ appearing sick: The dreamer will die.
• A child seeing Jesus: Will become an orphan, be raised by his mother, and lead a chaste life. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Jesus Seeing Jesus Alayhi-Salam in a dream also means answering one's prayers, or wrath against people from the upper social class, or against those who challenged him to bring down a table of food from the heavens then had doubt about Allah's power again. Seeing him in a dream also represents bounty, good luck, or having good friends. If a child sees Jesus in a dream, it could mean that he will grow up as an orphan, or be reared by his mother and live as a scholar and a righteous person, or he may travel frequently between Syria and Egypt. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Death • Death of an animal: The interpreter should bear in mind what the animal symbolizes. For instance, a lion or an elephant would refer to the supreme authority in the country. The elephant represents a huge man, the cat and the mouse are thieves, and females are, indeed, women.
• Death of a ferocious animal with fangs and claws: Triumph over enemies and safety from harm.
• Death of a domestic beast: Bad omen, especially if it is the only beast that the dreamer possesses.
• Difficult passage from life to death: Severe chastisement in the Hereafter.
• Death of a child: Death of a woman and vice versa, because Muslim scholars used to find that women and children have this in common: lack of religious faith and reason.
• Terrible death occurring in a certain place: A fire will break out in that place. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Jinn  - Or Djinn In general, the sight of a jinn in the dream symbolizes a great, wicked, and deceitful enemy. The kings of jinn  (singular and plural in Arabic) or jan or jinnah or jannan  (plural) allude to:  (1) Prominent leaders.  (2) Rulers.  (3) Sheikhs or tribal chieftains.  (4) Ulema, or Muslim scholars.  (5) Sponsors and guarantors. Ordinary jinn refer to the following:  (1) Crooks and those who seek worldly pleasures and vain things, unless the one seen in the dream was of the good and wise and learned type who can speak, comprehend, and do good things.  (2) A blaze.  (3) Whatever is made by using fire, like pottery and glass.  (4) Snakes, scorpions, and all that harm man.  (5) Losses.  (6) Ordeals.  (7) Terror.  (8) Enemies.  (9) Loss of religious faith.  (10) Passions and whims.  (11) Immoral gains. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Star Seeing the stars scattered in a dream means the death of great leaders or scholars, or it could mean a war. Seeing the stars falling down on earth then disappearing, or the lights of meteors entering the earth atmosphere in a dream, represents a great destruction and death. The falling of small stars in a dream signifies the death of unknown people and the meek ones, while the falling of large stars represent the death of renowned people. Seeing the stars falling from the skies also could mean becoming bald or losing one's hair. Whereby, the stars represent one's hair and the skies represent one's head. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Reference book (Compilation; Encyclopedia; Quranic commentaries; Manual; Journal; Papers; Rare book; Source book) Reading any reference book, Quranic commentaries, or compilation of the prophetic sayings in a dream means correcting one's actions and thoughts and walking on the straight path. Reading the studies of religious scholars or science books in a dream means acquiring knowledge and benefiting from it. Reading history books or journals in a dream means becoming close to people in the government. Reading a book on logic, rhetorics or explicative apposition in a dream means working in an amazing field of science and discoveries. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Flag (Banner; Woman) In general, flags in a dream represent leaders, governors, judges and scholars. Carrying a flag in a dream means signing a marriage contract. A flag in a dream also means avoiding a dispute. Carrying a flag and a spear in a dream represents one's death or the sudden death of his son. A hoisted banner inside one's house in a dream means a funeral. Carrying a flag in a dream also connotes a woman. Carrying a red flag in a dream also could represent an evil woman. If it is a white flag, then it represents a pious and a chaste woman. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Shoemaker (Beautician; Broker; Woman) A shoemaker in a dream represents someone who brings peace and unity between adversaries, a lawyer, a peacemaker, a scholar or a sheikh who specializes in jurisprudence relating to inheritance laws. A shoemaker in a dream has many meanings. Some shoemakers specialize in repairing women's shoes. In that case, in a dream, he represents a pimp or a brothel owner. As for those specializing in men's shoes, seeing him in a dream means travel, or employing people to work in one's business. (Also see Tailor) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Garden In other interpretations, the garden could represent the dreamer’s wife. Its fruits are her money, dresses, and jewels; the trunks of its trees are her weight and silhouette; their height are the length of her life; the area covered by the garden is the wife’s comfortable livelihood. Likewise, a garden refers to the marketplace, forums or the courts of rulers and scholars grouping people of all walks of life or of various nationalities, a wedding ceremony, in which case the trees are the tables and the fruits the various dishes; or whatever is useful to man, like utilities of all kinds, domestic animals, and servants. It is important in dreams involving gardens to consider the season in which the dream occurred. Dreams that occur in spring or summer when the water flows and everything flourishes are a good augury. Those that take place in autumn or winter are a curse. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Grape Grape juice, especially wine, symbolizes women, in view of its delicious taste. It also represents sex, because it is like the semen. Likewise, it refers to a generous and useful man, a good-doer, owing to the multifarious benefits of grape. He could be a ruler, a scholar, or a person who gives money to the needy. White grapes in the right season allude to the best of this world, like money that will come earlier than expected. In winter, grapes allude to rain. To the ancient Arabs, every bunch of grapes was one thousand dirham's  (currency units). Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Death • Death of the king: The country will be lost.
• Death of the imam  (Muslim spiritual leader):  (1) Havoc in the city or country.  (2) Loss of the dreamer’s religious faith.
• Death of a ulema  (Muslim religious scholar): No more learning or Islamic Law in that place.
• Death of either parent: Will deteriorate materially and/or spiritually.
• Death of the father: Quandary regarding the dreamer’s livelihood.
• Death of the mother:  (1) Worries and sorrow.  (2) Aims will not be fulfilled.
• Death of a son:  (1) Will get rid of or be safe from one’s enemy.  (2) An inheritance. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Judge If one is not suitable for such blessings, then it means that he will be falsely accused of a crime, or that he may be robbed during a trip. If a judge looks cheerful in a dream, it means glad tidings. Seeing the bench of a judge in a dream means a scare or a fight. Seeing the seat of rulers, judges, speakers, scholars, or teachers in a dream means disturbance, sorrow, money, business losses, sickness, depression, or the surfacing of hidden secrets. If a sick person sees himself standing before a judge in a dream, it means his death. However, if the case is decided to his favor in the dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If one who is facing adversities sees himself sitting in the judges bench in a dream, it means that he will triumph. An unknown judge in a dream represents Allah Almighty. A known judge in a dream represents a physician. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Pilgrimage If one sees himself as a pilgrim in a dream, and if he disdains from actually perform his pilgrimage, though he possesses the means to do so, it means that he is a reprobate and an ungrateful person. Performing one's pilgrimage in a dream also indicates the necessity to serve one's parents and to be true to them, or the duty to serve one's teacher and be truthful with him. Performing one's pilgrimage in a dream also means visiting a gnostic, a saint, a sheikh, a scholar, or it could mean getting married, acquiring knowledge, satisfying one's needs, recuperating from an illness, repenting from sin, or joining the company of pious people. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Palm Tree The date palm symbolizes the knowledgeable man and his children, tribe, or folk. It specifically refers to a noble, honest, and esteemed Arab who likes to benefit people, perhaps a scholar. It also means long life. However, the trunk of a palm is a bad augury. It symbolizes torture in view of a Quranic verse: “ (Pharaoh) said: Ye put faith in him before I give you leave. Lo! he is your chief who taught you magic. Now surely I shall cut off your hands and your feet alternately, and I shall crucify you on the trunks of palm tree, and ye shall know for certain which of us hath sterner and more lasting punishment.”  (“Ta-Ha,” verse 71.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Tooth • Dreaming of an incisor growing over a current one: A new member will join the household. But if pain ensues, it means that the newcomer will bring about shame and troubles.
• Extracting one’s teeth: The dreamer is not supporting his family or is spending unwillingly.
• Throwing one’s teeth by pushing them with the tongue: The dreamer’s family will be harmed by foolish statements on the dreamer’s part.
• Teeth made of gold: Good dream for a scholar or an orator; otherwise it means disease or a fire.
• Having silver teeth: Financial losses. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

• Dreaming of alms giving depends on the dreamer. Such a dream made by a religious scholar or an erudite man means that he will be conveying his knowledge to others. The same dream made by a ruler means that he will be in charge of more people. To a craftsman it means that he will teach his craft to certain persons, etc.
• Giving sadaqa to the poor:  (1) No more worries.  (2) No more fear.
• Feeding an atheist: The dreamer is fortifying the enemy. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Treasure A treasure in a dream also represents a profitable business, or it could represent a money changer, a jeweler, or remembering something. Discovering a treasure that is difficult to reach in a dream represents a stingy person who hinders the distribution of charities, or if he is a scholar, it means that he does not like to share his knowledge with others, and if one is a judge, it means that he is unjust. If a woman discovers a treasure in her dream, it means that she is careful about spending money and managing her household. If the trunk has no cover or lid in the dream, then it means the opposite. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Peg A metal peg in a dream represents money, strength, pain, distress, sorrow, or rising to a high ranking position to become firmly established therein. It also means being drafted to accept a governmental position, or it could mean impeachment from office or travels. If a peg is interpreted to represent a son or a wife in a dream, then it denotes longevity. Standing on top of a pole in a dream means acquiring knowledge from a great scholar. A peg in a dream also implies money, love, marriage, distress, sorrow, or hypocrisy. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ball (Baseball; Basketball; Cricket ball; Football; Glob; Golf ball; Handball; PingPong ball; Pushball; Snowball; Tennis ball; Volleyball) A ball in a dream signifies a dispute, an argument, a fight to control the world and its resources. Some will desire it and others will reject it. A ball in a dream also could signify travels or moving between places. Usually, a ball in a dream represents a man. If it is made from leather, then it represents a leader, a boss, or a scholar. Playing ball in a dream means a fight. (Also see Games) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

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