Medlar tree (Crab apple; Crataegus azarolus; Mespilus germanica) Eating a bitter tasting apple like fruit of the medlar tree or any of such varieties that are also used in making preserves, or eaten yellow, spoiled, or unripened in a dream means a sickness. The more yellowish is its color in the dream, the more pain and suffering such an sickness will bring. Eating a green medlar fruit in a dream represents no such danger. Eating any yellowish fruit in a dream represents a sickness, except for citron, apples, or the lotus fruit, for their yellow color in the dream does not cause any harm, since their substance is a viable medicinal cure. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Almond An almond tree in a dream also represents one who is stingy with people, though generous with his wife and children. Eating sweet almond in a dream also means tasting the sweetness of one's faith. Bitter almond in a dream means truth. Eating almond in a dream means money and a good health. An almond tree also represents a stranger. Seeing oneself showered with almond shells in a dream means receiving a new garment. Dry almond in a dream means sorrow, rage and clamor. Eating a leaf from an almond tree in a dream means receiving money from someone in authority and enjoying the gift. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Fresh produce (Damp; Food; Humid; Produce; Ripe; Tender) Fresh vegetables or fruits in a dream and in their season represent a political appointment in a populated village or a small town. Eating fresh produce out of season in a dream means an illness. As for a merchant, eating fresh produce in a dream means profits and plenitude. Fresh or ripened fruits in a dream represent glad tidings, spiritual awareness, victory over one's enemy, chastity, lawful earnings or absence of trouble. Eating a ripened fruit out of season in a dream also may mean a miraculous recovery from illness and a blessing. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Egg • Eating eggs: Will marry a rich woman. • A crane egg: A poor boy. • A parrot egg: A pious maid or a maiden. • Being given an egg: Will be blessed with an honest son. If the egg was broken, the son would die. • Shelling cooked eggs: Will obtain money from rulers. • A bondsman or servant dreaming of receiving a boiled egg from his mistress, shelling it, and eating it: He will bring up her child according to the instructions of her husband, which will provide a source of living for the dreamer. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Flesh According to Ibn Siren, it makes no difference whether the eaten person is a man or a woman, but the younger the subject, the more likely the dream will come true. • Eating another person’s flesh raw: Will slander that person or backbite one of his relatives. • Eating another person’s flesh cooked or grilled: Will swallow the other’s capital. • Biting and snatching one’s own flesh and spitting it on the ground: The dreamer is an evil person and a slanderer. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Sheep • Buying a ram: Will be needed by an honest man to be saved from disease or destruction. • Becoming a ram: Will enjoy fame and fortune in the shadow of a rich and influential but honest man or will serve a king. • Fighting a ram: Will be at loggerheads with a giant of a man. Whoever wins the combat will triumph in reality, because the two are of different kinds.49 • Riding a ram or eating cooked ram meat: Fertility and abundance. In dreams, fat meat is a better symbol than lean. • Eating raw ram meat: Absence. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Grill • Seeing an expert grilling veal: (1) Marriage of a bachelor. (2) Marriage ceremony. (3) New children. • Seeing oneself grilling meat and selling it: Will collect money for the ruler through injustice and confiscation. • Grilled meat: (1) A hint about what the future holds. (2) Coming relief. (3) Earnings and prosperity, even if it is poultry meat or sausages. (4) Triumph over enemies. (5) Will have more male children, especially if it was grilled veal. (6) A fat grilled mutton: Less money and earnings the hard way. (8) Eating grilled mutton: The dreamer will nibble at his son’s earnings. (9) Eating underdone meat: Trouble from the son’s side. (10) Grilling cow meat: (a) The end of fear. (b) If the wife is pregnant, she should expect a son. (11) Eating beef: Will meet the ruler. (12) Eating grilled veal: Earnings and fertility. (13) Eating grilled kid (baby goat): Will have a male child. (14) Grilled camel meat: (a) Fear will disappear. (b) A reference to a boy versed in literature and overcoming all obstacles. (c) If the meat is underdone, the boy will not be smart at his job. (d) Joy and prosperity. (e) The marriage of a bachelor. (f) Harmony and love. (g) The return of a traveller. (h) The cutting of one’s bread (end of livelihood). (i) Prison. (j) Complications. (k) The splitting up of families. (l) Fevers. (15) Seeing a grilled part of a camel talking to you: A favourable turn of events and escape from peril. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Meat The meat of a lion in a dream means receiving money from a ruler and the same goes for the flesh of all predatory animals or birds. Hog or swine's meat in a dream means unlawful money. Eating sausages or dried meat in a dream means speaking ill of deceased people. Camel's meat in a dream means earning money from a rich and a powerful enemy unless if the one seeing it does not touch it in his dream. However, touching camel's meat in a dream means suffering from such a strong person. Eating it cooked in a dream means defrauding someone, then falling sick and recovering from one's illness. It is also said that eating camel's meat in a dream means earning money from a ruler. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Lobster In a dream, a lobster represents a strong and a perfidious person who is untouchable, difficult to deal with and who is difficult to associate with, or who requires delicate handling. Eating lobster meat in a dream represents earnings from a distant land. Eating his meat also may mean earning unlawful money. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Leek • Dreaming of leeks or wild leeks: (1) Money from a deaf person. (2) Benefits and welfare. (3) The poor will obtain their rights. • Eating leeks: (1) Will eat up too much money and commit a sin, which will bring about notoriety. (2) Will say something and be sorry for it. • Eating cooked leeks: Will repent. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Head • Having a bird head: Will travel very often. • Seeing severed heads: People will submit to the dreamer’s authority. • Eating a person’s head raw: Will backbite a chief and obtain money from some leaders. • Eating a cooked head: Will eat up capital. • The dreamer’s head having been removed without being hit: Separation from the chief. The head being subsequently displaced means money will go. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Pretzel (Bagel; Bread; Twist) Pretzels in a dream mean travels, hoarding money, evil, or having an argument. Eating a pretzel in a dream also means prescribing to a healthy diet. If someone who has no teeth receives a hard pretzel in his dream, it means distress, burdens and trouble. Eating a pretzel in a dream also means recurrence of good and bad experiences. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Leek (Herb; Regret) In a dream, leek represents a deaf person. Eating it raw in a dream means earning unlawful money, though feeling good about it. Eating it cooked in a dream means refraining from pursuing such avenues. Taking a bunch of leek in a dream means saying something one will regret. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Drainage See Gargoyle. DRAWING LOTS. • Drawing lots against someone and winning: Will triumph in a righteous matter. • Drawing lots and being rejected: Will have worries and go to jail, then be saved, in view of the story of Yunus (Jonah) in the Holy Quran: “And lo! Jonah verily was of those sent [to warn], when he fled unto the laden ship. And they drew lots and was of those rejected; and the fish swallowed him while he was blameworthy; and had he not been one of those who glorify (Allah), he would have tarried in its belly till the day when they are raised.” (“Al-Saffat” [Those Who Set the Ranks], verses 139–44.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Trotter (Tripes) In a dream, trotters represent an orphan's property or money. Eating trotters or licking up their marrow in a dream signifies swindling the trusted inheritance of an orphan by his guardian. Eating tripes in a dream means defrauding rich and honorable people from their monies, for a sheep is the most noble animal, comparatively speaking, after the human being. (Also see Sheep) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Eggs (Eggs in a basket or a place.) Eggs represent the element of prosperity, or the fear of depleting one's riches. Eggs in a dream also represent marriage for an unmarried person and children for a married one. If one's chicken lay eggs for him in a dream, it means a new born in his family. Eating a boiled egg in a dream means comfort and income while eating a raw egg means unlawful earnings, adultery or distress. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Pumpkin Resting under the shade of a pumpkin in a dream means soliciting peace and safety. It is also said that a pumpkin plant in a dream represents a poor person. Finding a pumpkin in the middle of a plantation of melons in a dream means recovering from a dangerous illness. A pumpkin in a dream also could mean censure, reproof, or a scolding. Eating a cooked pumpkin in a dream also means acquiring knowledge, or memorizing some of it, or it could mean re-establishing broken ties. Pumpkin in a dream also means distress, trouble, tight financial standing, sickness, or imprisonment. A pumpkin in a dream also denotes vigilance and clarity of mind. Serving plates or kitchen utensils that are made from dried pumpkin skin in a dream represent beautiful, humorous and noble women. Eating a pumpkin curry dish in a dream means distress, sadness and sorrow. Eating a steamed pumpkin without spices in a dream may mean earnings. (Also see Food) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Piss • Pissing sand or mud: The dreamer performs his ablutions neither properly nor regularly. • Pissing fire: (1) The dreamer will have a powerful son. (2) The dreamer will have a son who will become a thief. • Pissing a lion: The dreamer will have an unjust son. • Pissing worms: The dreamer will be prolific. • Pissing a snake: The dreamer will have a son who will turn hostile to him. • Pissing a she-cat: The dreamer will have a girl by an Oriental woman born in a coastal area. • Pissing a fish: The dreamer will have a girl from a woman he brought from a coastal area, like the shores of the Arabian Sea. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Apple In a dream, apples represent beautiful children. An apple in a dream also denotes one's determination and good will. To a king, apples in a dream represent his kingdom. To a merchant, they represent his merchandise, and to a farmer they represent his crop. Eating apples in a dream means determination. Eating a sweet apple in a dream means lawful earnings, while eating a sour tasting apple means acquiring unlawful earnings. Sour apples in a dream mean divisiveness and hurt, while its tree represents torpor. If a king throws an apple at one of his subjects in a dream, it means good news or attainment of one's goals. Planting an apple tree in a dream means adopting or caring for an orphan. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Carrot In a dream, carrots represent reprimand, suppression or an obscene and an odious person. However, if one sees himself holding or eating a carrot in a dream, it means overcoming one's difficulties. It is also said that holding or eating carrots in a dream means grieve and depression. Other dream interpreters hold carrots to represent the opposite and perceived benefits in seeing them in a dream, including the freedom of a prisoner from his jail. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin