Suit of mail (See Leather shield) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Clothing Wearing a tightly buttoned shirt in a dream means experiencing tight circumstances or reuniting with a traveller returning home, or it could mean marriage for an unwed person. Wearing a stately apparel in a dream means honor and dignity. Wearing a soldier's uniform in a dream means war. Wearing a scholar's robe or a teacher's vest in a dream means studying to become a learned person. Wearing an ascetic's woollen wrap in a dream means becoming a renunciate. Wearing a salesman's suit in a dream means hard work or looking for work if the suit looks expensive in the dream, for people mostly wear expensive looking suits when they are still searching for work. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Coat of mail A coat of mail also represents one's son who is strong and capable, who suffices himself and helps his father. Wearing a coat of mail in a dream is a blessing and a favor one receives from a third party who will support him and defend him under all circumstances. Wearing one in a dream means protection for one's wife, properties and interests. If a woman sees herself wearing a coat of mail in a dream, it means a husband and protection. It also could mean a supporting brother, a compassionate son, money, clothing or strong supporters. Wearing a suit of mail in a dream also means having a strong son, or it could mean travels. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Wedding • On the contrary, a wedding party in which dancing or any form of entertainment takes place heralds a tragedy. A particularly bad omen is the zaghrouda, the strident, long-drawn, and trilling shrill produced by Arab women by moving the tongue with the rapidity of the drumstick of an electric bell as a manifestation of joy. One zaghrouda means minor worries. • A person giving a wedding party: Catastrophe. • Being invited to a wedding ceremony: Joy and happiness, provided no food or banquet is seen. • Organizing or looking after the preparations of a wedding party: Some members of the dreamer’s family will attend his funeral. • If the wedding ceremony takes place in a house where a person is ill: The latter will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Silk Seeing loose silk in a dream means being enamored, or falling in love. If a person in authority wears silk in a dream, it represents his arrogance. Wearing yellow or red silk in a dream means a sickness. If a warrior wears one of these two colors in his dream, it means that he will be decorated for his chivalry. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Cincture As for a Muslim person, wearing a cincture in a dream is a sign of faith, certitude and determination, fulfilling Allah's commands, goodwill or opposing fallacies. A cincture in a dream also means adultery, fornication or being a middle aged person. Whatever good or bad that may happen to one's cincture in a dream will reflect in his life. If one wears a new cincture over his gown in a dream, it means begetting a son. If one wears his cincture under his gown in the dream, it means fallaciousness, dissent, heinous corruption in one's spiritual life and evil in his worldly aspirations. (Also see Belt; Waistband; Waist belt) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Clothes that are Jointed Joined clothes, if they are soiled, means the one who wears them will become poor and needy. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
White and Clean Clothes Donning white, clean clothes reflects a favourable condition of the person who wears them. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Reciting Surah Nahl The one who reads it in his dream, his rizq will be safeguarded. He will be included amongst the party of the beloved Prohet (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) even though he did not witness his company. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) Presenting a Gift If someone sees Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) giving him any of his garments to wear or his ring or sword or any other item it means that whatever he acquires (such as land, knowledge, fight, the ability to other constant devotion to Allah) he will acquire it to its maximum. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Leather shield (Suit of mail) In a dream, a leather shield means the same as a coat of mail, though providing more protection. Buying a leather shield in a dream also means getting married. (Also see Armor; Coat of mail) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Wedding There are conflicting views on this symbol. In general, a wedding ceremony is not a happy dream. But all depends on whether the person is holding it or is invited to it and on whether the party is silent or tumultuous. • A quiet sophisticated wedding: Welfare and blessings, especially if traditionally good symbols are seen. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Caterpillar (Saturn; Silkworm) In a dream, a caterpillar represents a devious thief who wears the cloak of a pious person, who gently and slowly steals people's money or encourages them to invest in losing business ventures. However, no one will suspect him of wrongdoing because of his good looking appearance. (Also see Butterfly) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Seeing Two Bangles In A Dream Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) as saying: While I was sleeping, the treasures of the earth were presented to me and I was made to wear in my hands two gold bangles. I felt a sort of burden upon me and I was disturbed and it was suggested to me that I should blow over them, so I blew and both of them disappeared. I interpreted them as two great liars who would appear at any time, one is the inhabitant of Sana' and the other is that of Yamama. (Muslim) Dream Interpreter: Imam Muslim
Vice-regent A vice-regent or a caliph in a dream also represents aloofness, seclusion, truthfulness, volunteering one's services, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil, developing one's own certitude and faith, repentance, abstaining from sinful actions, imprisonment, sickness, or travels. If one sees himself being awarded the seat of the vice-regent or caliph in a dream, though he does not suit the position, it means that adversities and temptations will befall the land, though the people of knowledge and the righteous ones will escape such danger. It could also mean that he will suffer humiliation, and that the people whom he manages may rise to preside over him. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Resurrection Such a dream also could be interpreted to suit a person who is seeking the impossible, or one who is adamant at pursuing the path of wrongdoing, falsehood and lies. Recognizing the eminent final signs of the Day of Reckoning in a dream means that one is unaware of his heedlessness and such dream constitutes a warning. If one's reckoning is easy in a dream, it denotes his wife's piety, compassion and love for him. If one's reckoning is detailed and painful in a dream, then it represents major losses. If one's good deeds weigh heavier than his bad deeds in the dream, it means that his devotion is true and that his reward will be greater. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Patient It is not desirable for a patient to see himself stained with blood or riding on a camel, a donkey, a pig, or a cow. A good dream would have him look fat, tall, and large, or see cattle and cows from afar, wash with water, drink clear and pure water, wear a wreath, or climb on a fruitful tree or to the top of a mountain. The dreamer seeing anything reduced or deteriorated in him means that he is going astray on the religious plane. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Wearing Torn Garments If a person wears torn clothes while he is mending them it means his financial condition will improve. Also he is to acquire adequate sustenance. In all conditions, garments bespeak a persons condition (as understood from above). Similarly, if he is a sinner, his condition will improve through repentance. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Fruit (Dried fruits; Fresh fruits) In a dream, a sweet tasting fruit represents blessings, knowledge or money. Even a sour tasting fruit means the same when it suits the taste of the person eating it in his dream. When a sour tasting fruit does not agree with the perbond taste in the dream, then it means unlawful earnings or aggravation of his illness. Eating or drinking any by-product that is made of fruit in a dream means debts or facing challenges in a foreign land. Seeing one's most preferred fruit in a dream represent profits earned from one's own sweat and such profits will equal the amount of efforts exerted to earn them. A large size fruit in a dream represents earnings that are not yet free from due alms. A fruit without seeds or hull in a dream represents success and lawful earnings. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Contract In a dream, a contract represents a necklace of pearls, a marriage contract, a prenuptial agreement or a business agreement. A contract in a dream also could signify a covenant or making a bond with the other signing party. (Also see Knot; Pledge of allegiance) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin