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Seeing 'cases' in your dream..

Case (Chest; Coffer) In a dream, a case represents a wife, a beautiful woman, one's house or one's shop. In a dream, a case also represents marriage for an unwed person and prosperity for a poor person. A suitcase in a dream means travels, or it may represent an ambassador. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Mummy case (See Sarcophagus) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Divorce In general, divorce means poverty, losses, or the end of a partnership. It could also mean parting from a once friendly, “royal” relation, as women are thought to be whimsical like kings. But certain dream interpreters believe that divorce means that the person will become self-sufficient. They refer to a verse of the Holy Quran in the sense that if husband and wife split, God would render each of them self-sufficient by His bounty. For Muslims, there are three types or three degrees of divorce because a man can divorce, up to three times only, each of his wives; following that, the wife needs to have an interim husband before he can marry her again for the last time. In certain cases, the husband may utter the words, “I divorce you three times.” Therefore, the possible reversal of the meaning of the dream or the hope it could raise or dissipate depends on the severity of the case in the dream. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Judge (Man; Person) Seeing a judge or a governor in a dream means involvement in the judicial business. If one is appointed to be a judge in a dream, it means that he will be just and righteous. If one sees himself sitting on the bench, but finds himself unable to handle people's cases with justice, it means that he is an unjust person. If one presides over people in a dream, it means that he may be dismissed from his job. If a traveller becomes a judge in a dream, it means that he will be held up by robbers, or it could mean that Allah's blessings upon him will turn into a curse. If one sees a known judge being unjust in a dream, it means that the people of that locality are inequitable and that they cheat in their weights and measures. If one sees himself standing before a judge, and if the judge treats him fairly in the dream, it means that he will find justice concerning a personal case involving himself and an adversary, or it could mean relief from depression and stress. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Pearl necklace If one's wife is pregnant, it means that she will give birth to a son who will grow to be a wise person, a man of knowledge, or a judge. This interpretation is possible in most cases except if the necklace breaks in the dream. In this case, if the necklace is broken, it means that one will break his promise, or forget his learning, become heedless, suffer eviction, deportation, or be exiled from his home or country. If one sees himself wearing one or even two pearl necklaces in a dream, it means that he subscribes to Allah's revelations, memorizes Allah's Words, recites the holy Quran, speaks words of wisdom, and that he is one of the carriers of the divine trust who demonstrates trustworthiness, piety, trueness, religious commitment and beauty of character. All depending on the beauty, radiance and clarity of one's necklace. If one sees himself in a dream carrying many necklaces and decorations, and if he finds them heavy and unbearable to carry, it represents his incompetence, or his inability to complete a job. (Also see Necklace) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

King If the person is a natural con artist, it means that he will be captured and imprisoned. If a man sees himself awarded a knighthood that is suitable only for woman, then it means his death. If one sees the king reprimanding him in a dream, it means peace between them. If one sees himself arguing a case with knowledge and wisdom before a king in a dream, it means that he will win his case and receive what he came for. If one sees himself complaisant with the king about his case in the dream, it means that he will lose his case and the judgment will go the king's way. If one sees himself walking with a king and rubbing shoulders with him in the dream, it means that he will oppose the king or disobey him. If he sees himself following the king in a dream, it means that he will pursue the king's traditions during his lifetime or after his death. If one enters the king's palace prostrating in a dream, it means that he will be appointed in a leadership position and receive the king's pardon. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Blood It could also mean troubles and unhappiness. Blood refers as well to the person’s good or bad genie that runs in him like the bloodstream. When seen in a jar or any container, blood represents menstruation. The cover of that jar or whatever is used to stuff its aperture is the cotton or hygienic towel. In some cases, blood symbolizes what could not happen to a human being unless dead, like red blood from a patient turning blue or yellow. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Proof To prove something in a dream is a testimony of one's right. To argue and prove one's case in a dream means a dispute with a colleague, whereby the one who wins the case in the dream is at fault in wakefulness. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Door It symbolises the head of the household and at other times the one who manages the household affairs which is, in most cases, one's wife. Any pleasant or unpleasant condition in such a door bespeaks of a similar condition in her. For example, a broken, displaced or burnt door could mean dispute or separation between wife and husband. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Rain It symbolizes assistance and blessings. The same applies to seeing clouds, But if rain or clouds are seen confined to a particular place, house or vicinity, it symbolizes famine and sickness or some worldly loss which the people of that place will suffer. In most cases it symbolizes difficulties and hardships which will afflict the people of that place. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Butcher The unknown butcher symbolizes the Angel of Death or a swordsman. The known one is whoever is fair in distributing his wealth to his children and other heirs. Usually, dreaming of a butcher is a harbinger of hardships, save in two cases: If the dreamer is indebted it means that his debts will be settled, and if he is chained he will be delivered.
• A butcher slaughtering a beast whose meat is prohibited: A reference to an unjust person who does not heed God’s injunctions.
• Distributing meat: The dreamer is slandering or backbiting.
• Distributing beef to one’s relatives: The dreamer will be good to them and allocate or bequeath his fortune fairly to them. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Seal (Brand; Lock; Stamp) If one sees a person in authority placing the seal of his ring on a document in a dream, it means that he will receive an important appointment. To see someone branding and sealing people's hearing, sights, mouth or hearts in a dream means that Allah Almighty abhors their actions and qualities. If a qualified person sees himself stamping cases of merchandise, or sealing coffers with his ring in a dream, it means that he may receive such a position or become a controller. If he is poor, it also means that his needs will be promptly satisfied. (Also see Cauterize) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Flesh Views on certain items of this chapter are widely divided and sometimes diametrically opposed. For instance, according to Al-Nabulsi:
• Eating somebody’s flesh: Will speak ill of such a person in his absence.
• Eating one’s own flesh: Will eat up gains. According to Ibn Siren, will eat away savings or whatever is hoarded. For Ibn Shaheen:
• Eating human flesh: Financial gains in any case. If the person whose flesh is being eaten is known to the dreamer, the latter will take a bite at the victim’s purse or property. In case the dreamer is eating such flesh voraciously and with great appetite while blood is spilling imminent, unquestionable, and huge financial gains will be achieved. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Banana The banana tree symbolizes a rich, pious, and polite person. It is one of the noblest trees. Seeing bananas in a dream is a particularly good omen, because exception is made for that fruit by the ancient Arabs, regardless of its yellow color, which in other cases always symbolizes disease. It is a good dream even if the bananas are not ripe or taste sour.
• Eating bananas:  (1) For a worldly person: Benefits and desires will be fulfilled.  (2) For a religious individual: Stronger faith.
• A banana tree growing in a house: A male child will be born in that house. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Chest (See Case) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Adultery Adultery symbolizes betrayal and theft.
• An adulteress flirting with the dreamer: Will obtain dirty money.
• A concupiscent person having sex with an adulteress: Will make sinful gains or will be involved in evil and intrigue.
• A virtuous and righteous person making love to an adulteress: Will add to his knowledge and blessings or will perform the pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah). The contradiction between the above two cases lies in that sex, in general, symbolizes the fulfilment of wishes, be they religious or worldly, because sex is nothing else but pleasure, satisfaction, delight, or ecstasy. And the woman, in dreams, symbolizes the world or the dreamer’s life and livelihood. Therefore, the meaning of having intercourse with a woman is contingent upon the tendencies of the dreamer, whether religious or earthly. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Coffer (Pomegranate; Treasure box. See Case) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Thin, Old, Torn and Short Carpet It is a bad omen. There is no goodness to be found in such a dream. The same is the case with a carpet that is folded or rolled up. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Date pit (Core; Pit) Having a date pit in a dream means winning one's case in a court of justice. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Eating Mutton In the above case if he sees himself as eating the meat of the animal it means he will usurp his wealth. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

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