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Seeing 'cutting waist bead' in your dream..


Bead   (Also see Aqiq.) Beads symbolize a woman, a servant, a girl or a slave, money, politeness, shrewdness, procreation, and boys.
• Finding beads:  (1) Money and gifts from God, as many gifts as beads.  (2) A beneficial trip.
• Finding white beads: Will get a good servant who fears the wrath of God.
• Finding green beads: Will have a pious servant.
• Finding black beads: Will obtain the services of a nonreligious, corrupt, and unkind servant.
• Seeing gemstones in the form of beads: Should be interpreted according to the meaning of each stone. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Bead • Scattered beads of various colours: Your mind is busy.
• Aligned beads of various colours:  (1) Sorrow for the corrupt.  (2) Money for the virtuous.
• Piercing beads: Will deflower or marry a virgin.
• Swallowing beads: Wisdom. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Beads (See Counting beads; Prayer beads) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Beads salesman (Beads; Chaplet; Necklace; Pearls; Prayer beads; Women) In a dream, he is a man who embellishes women's apparels or sells them. When a beads salesman is seen in a dream, he represents a man who interferes with or deals in women's businesses. (Also see Prayer beads) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Prayer bead s In a dream, prayer beads represent a righteous and a pious woman, a lawful and blessed livelihood, or loyal soldiers. (Also see Beads) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Waist belt (Belt; Cincture; Waistband) A waist belt in a dream represents a wife who owns a house or a property. A waist belt in a dream also could represent happy children, and for rich people it represents their housekeeper or their servants. As for everyone else, a waist belt in a dream means adornment, or money depending of its quality and value in the dream. (Also see Belt; Cincture; Waistband) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Waist-band A waist-band, if gilded, means the acquiring of wealth and the commanding of respect which will be a means of a person becoming boastful. It is also interpreted as him becoming a leader of his community which he will enjoy for the duration of half his life. And if it is glided and adorned with pearls studded therein, he will become very wealthy due to which he will become the leader of his household; or a son will be born to him who will command much respect. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Counting beads (See Counting) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Broken Waist-band If a person sees his waist-band as broken, snatched or altered in any way, it means harm coming his way. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Cutting off (Amputation; Beheading; Cutting; Decapitation; Scission; Chopping off; Severing) Cutting off one's hand in a dream signifies failure to perform one's obligatory prayers or being devoid of any need or an income that eliminates the need to ask others for anything, or it could mean repentance from sin. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Cutting off If one's hand and heels are cut off in a dream, it means corruption in one's religious life or forsaking the spiritual circles, or it could mean being barren or being freed from the duty to raise children. Cutting off one's nose or ear in a dream means a punishment for a crime, or it could mean poverty or missing someone's news. Cutting off one's tongue in a dream means invalidating one's argument or proof, or it could mean preventing him from asking for anything. If one sees himself dismembered in a dream, then it means that he will undertake extensive travels, or that members of his family will disperse into different locations, or it could mean severing one's blood ties or paying a penalty. (Also see Beheading; Rupture of relations) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Cutting a Limb Cutting and separating someone's limb such as the head, hand, feet means a quarrel is imminent between the one who does this and the person whose limb had been cut. The same is the interpretation if his flesh is cut. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Cutting remark (Oversight) A slip of one's tongue or to slip in a cutting remark in a dream may mean walking on a slippery surface in wakefulness or vice-versa. (Also see Slippery surface) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Cutting off family ties Bishr bin Abi Al-'Aliya said: "I asked Muhammad about someone who saw his jaws fall out in a dream." He replied: 'This is someone who has cut off his ties with his family." Here again, Prophet Muhammad went to the origin, and in this case, it is one's teeth. In Islam, breaking relations with one's family is considered a major sin. Jubair Ibn Mut'in reported that Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) has said: "One who breaks his family ties will not enter paradise." (Bukhari & Muslim) Abu Iluraira, God be pleased with him, reported that Prophet Muhammad, Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam, has said: "Whoever wishes his fortune to increase and his life to be extended, should preserve his family ties." (Bukhari) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Aqiq • One Aqiq stone: (1) Return of an absent one. (2) Recovery of a sick person. (3) The freeing of a prisoner. (4) More faith and the abiding by the Holy Prophet’s Tradition.
• One bead: A friend who has nobody to support him.
• Many beads: Illicit gains.
• Dreaming of Aqiq and of doing, at the same time, something prohibited, such as slaughtering a pig or presenting people with pork or dead meat while aware of the sinful character of such an act: The dreamer is ungrateful to his parents and to God, in view of the resemblance of the word Aqiq to oqooq, which in Arabic conveys that meaning of ingratitude.
• Being given Aqiq: Will follow the example of the donor. Losing it means the reverse. Owning plenty of aqiq: Money and general welfare, as much as was seen.
• Drinking from a container made of aqiq: Will have a child who will become honest and prestigious and will never be short of money.

Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Cummerbund If one is given a cummerbund, and if he does not wear it in the dream, then it means travels. A broken cummerbund in a dream means loss of power or perhaps one's death. If one sees a snake rather than a cummerbund around his waist in a dream, it represents a money belt. A cummerbund in a dream also means work for a jobless person, a wife for an unmarried person, and should it be carrying many ornaments, then it means the added blessing of having several children. (Also see Belt; Cincture; Waistband; Waist belt) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Cummerbund (Belt; Cincture; Sash; Waistband) In a dream, the broad band worn around the waist, also known as a sash or a cummerbund represents one's father, mother or paternal uncle. Tying a cummerbund around one's waist in a dream means that one has exhausted half of his life. Owning many cummerbunds in a dream means longevity. A cummerbund in a dream also represents one's son or it could denote a big man. If a ruler offers a cummerbund to someone in a dream, it means that he is appointing him to a high ranking position. Wearing a cummerbund without ornaments in a dream means that one will receive the help of a great and a noble person, including moral and financial support. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Slip of a tongue (Cutting remark; Oversight) A slip of one's tongue, or to slip in a cutting remark in a dream may mean walking on a slippery surface, or vice versa. (Also see Slippery surface) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Anus • Seeing the anus of an unidentified old man: Will be led astray and overwhelmed without knowing who is pulling the strings from behind.
• A prince cutting his anus or bottom: Will fire his piper.
• An ordinary man cutting his bottom: Will no longer honour his obligations toward his parents and in-laws.
• Seeing the mother’s anus or buttocks: (1) A planned pilgrimage will not be valid. (2) Earnings will fade and livelihood will grind to a halt.
• The anus of an unknown woman: The fading of the dreamer’s luck and livelihood.
• Penetrating the anus of a prelate: Will sweep dirt. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Ring • A ring with a gemstone: Power, influence, prestige, charisma, good renown, money, and other riches.
• A ring with a beryl, chrysolite, or peridot stone:  (1) Strength courage, and fearsome authority.  (2) A well-educated, polite, and pious boy.
• A ring with a bead: Weak and humiliating authority. A ring with a green ruby: A devout, shrewd, and knowledgeable boy will be born to the dreamer.
• Seeing the stone in one’s ring moving: Power and authority are about to wither away. Isolation is forthcoming. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

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