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Seeing 'view sky' in your dream..

Wedding There are conflicting views on this symbol. In general, a wedding ceremony is not a happy dream. But all depends on whether the person is holding it or is invited to it and on whether the party is silent or tumultuous.
• A quiet sophisticated wedding: Welfare and blessings, especially if traditionally good symbols are seen. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Kidney According to Ibn Siren, the kidneys are the organs responsible for wealth and discrimination between right and wrong. They also allude to relatives.
• Having fat kidneys: The dreamer is rich, outspoken, and often right.
• Having lean kidneys: The dreamer is poor and holds incorrect views. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Satan • Chaining up or tying up Satan: Glory in view of the Quranic verses: “And the unruly, every builder and diver  (made We subservient), and others linked together in chains… “48  (“Sad,” verses 37–38.)
• A devil diving or descending on the dreamer: He will lie and commit an abomination in view of the Quranic verse: “They descend on every sinful, false one.” [The Poets], verse 222.)
• Whispering to Satan: The dreamer will connive with his enemies and plot against the pious but fail, in view of the Quranic verse: “Lo! Conspiracy is only of the Devil, that he may vex those who believe; but he can harm them not at all unless by Allah’s leave. In Allah let believers put their trust.”  (“Al-Mujadalah” [The Argumentation], verse 10.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Coconut The coconut  (in Arabia, Indian walnut) symbolizes:  (1) Money from a foreign source.  (2) An astrologer.
• Eating coconuts: Will learn astrology or adopt the views of an astrologer and believe him.
• Dreaming of an astrologer or a diviner: Will eat coconuts. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Peach Green peaches, plums, damsons, or damson plums symbolize pain from worries or caused by a brother. The yellow type means disease, especially if it is out-of-season. Sour peaches mean fear. The peach tree is a courageous man with relevant views who amasses a fortune in his youth, spends it on people, and dies before his hair starts graying. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Stool • Passing stool in a garbage dump, on a seacoast, or in a similar area where it is permissible to do so: According to Ibn Siren: a good omen. No more worries or pain.
• A well-known person throwing people’s shit at the dreamer: Hostility, opposing views, and injustice on the part of the thrower.
• Too much filth from people: Handicaps and prevailing evil.
• Getting stained or blotted with people’s dirt:  (1) Fear.  (2) Disease.  (3) Good augury for whoever does ugly things. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Room The room symbolizes prestige, a high-class woman, or the dissipation of fear in view of the Quranic verse: “… and they will dwell secure in lofty rooms.”  (“Saba” [Sheba], verse 37.) It could also allude to Paradise in view of another verse: “They will be awarded the room  (high place) forasmuch as they were steadfast, and they will meet therein with welcome and the word of peace”  (“Al-Furqan” [The Criterion], verse 75) , or the mosque’s pulpit, for etymological reasons. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Mountain • The same dream for someone who is not sailing and has nothing to do with the sea: Will deviate from the consensus, hold independent views, and come out with fantasies and heresies. It would be especially so if the dreamer was accompanied by wild mountain animals or if there was a judge, a scholar, or a just imam on the vessel he left.
• Climbing a mountain relates to something the dreamer is requesting. If he climbed without difficulty or on stairs and reached the top, demands will be met without problems. If on the contrary, the ascent was rough or he failed to reach the top or fell, the reverse would apply and he would have as many tragedies as limbs were broken, et cetera. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Satan • Being followed by Satan: The dreamer’s enemy is after him, trying to lure him and bring him down in many ways, in view of the Quranic verse: “… So Satan followed him up, and he went astray.”  (“Al-Aaraf’ [The Heights], verse 175.)
• Being scared by Satan: The dreamer is a true believer and will have no more fear in view of the verse: “It is only the Devil who would make [men] fear his partisans. Fear them not; fear Me, if ye are true believers.”  (“The Imran Family,” verse 175.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Doomsday • The Day of Judgment drawing near: The dreamer is forgetful of philanthropy and rejecting justice in view of the Quranic verse: “Their reckoning draweth nigh for mankind, while they turn away in heedlessness.”  (“Al-Anbiyae” [The Prophets], verse 01.)
• Having had a hard time rendering accounts to the Almighty: Wife is compassionate with you, and she is virtuous and religious.
• Having been dealt with sternly: Will incur losses in view of the Quranic verse: “And how many a community revolted against the ordinance of its Lord and His messengers, and We called it to a stern account and punished it with dire punishment.”  (“Al-Talaq” [Divorce], verse 08.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Kill • Having been killed: Long life.
• Being killed without identifying the killer:  (1) The dreamer does not believe in God.  (2) The dreamer does not thank God for His blessings, in view of the Quranic expression: “Man is  (self-) destroyed: how ungrateful!”  (“ Abas” [He Frowned], verse 17.)
• Being killed and identifying the killer: Will benefit and obtain money, other riches, and power, perhaps through the killer or his partner, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran: “… Whoso is slain wrongfully, We have given power unto his heir….”  (“Bani Israil” [The Children of Israel], verse 33.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Well The well symbolizes the patriarch of the family, in view of its importance, or the dreamer’s wife, because he sends his bucket and rope dangling in it. Likewise, it contains water, like a childbearing woman. Besides, the word for well is feminine in Arabic. It could also refer to everyone or everything useful in the house. When it refers to a woman, it is usually a smiling and optimistic one.
• A sick person falling in an unknown well: Will die.
• Getting water from an unknown well: Wife will give birth to a boy in view of the Quranic verse: “And there came a caravan, and they sent their water-drawer. He let down his pail  (into the pit). He said: Good luck! Here is a youth. And they hid him as a treasure, and Allah was aware of what they did.”  (“Yusuf” [Joseph], verse 19.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Lesbianism • A woman dreaming that she has a pair of testicles: Might bear twins.
• A lady eating another woman’s flesh: Will have a lesbian experience with her or each of them will try to overpower the other physically or otherwise.
• A woman having sex with another: Will confide her secrets and share the views and acts of her homosexual partner. If she does not know her lesbian mate, she will do something wrong.
• A woman who has a man of her own dreaming that another female has engaged her in sexual intercourse: Will part from that man, become a widow, and as the days go by share secrets with her lesbian sex partner.
• A woman dreaming that she has turned into a man: Good luck and benefit from her husband. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Adultery • Having sex with an adulteress: Will make illegal or sinful gains or will really commit adultery.  (According to a verse in the Holy Quran, only an adulterer would have sex with an adulteress  (“Suratul Nur” [Light], verse 03.) If ejaculation has followed, the person should wash thoroughly.
• Seeing people going out of their way to an adulteress: Those people will concur with or benefit from the views of a learned or wise man.
• Committing adultery with a beautiful young woman: The dreamer is putting his money in a safe place.
• Being stoned to death after committing adultery: (1) Will become notorious. (2) For a religious-minded person, will acquire good learning. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Burial The burial symbolizes ten things:  (1) Jail.  (2) Poverty or misery.  (3) Travel.  (4) Distance.  (5) Delay or procrastination.  (6) Forbidden sex.  (7) Declining capacity.  (8) Gloating or rejoicing at another’s misfortune.  (9) Uneasiness and paucity of resources.  (10) Things that turn sour.
• Attending a burial: Will receive a double reward from God.
• Being dead and buried:  (1) Will embark on a long journey and earn plenty of money that will revive the dreamer’s economy, in view of verses in the Holy Quran that read: “Then causeth him to die, and burieth him; then, when He will, He bringeth him again to life.”  (“Abasa” [He Frowned], verses 21–22.)  (2) Will die from the religious point of view. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Tree • Seeing in a house an unknown tree of the type representing women: A fire will be lit in that house in view of a verse in the Holy Quran: “Who hath appointed for you fire from the green tree, and behold! ye kindle from it.  (“Ya-Sin,” verse 80.)
• Seeing an unknown tree in a house: A possible fight or quarrel, in view of a Quranic verse: “But nay, by thy Lord, they will not believe [in truth] until they make thee judge of what is in dispute  (Arabic: shagara) between them …”  (“Al-Nisae” [Women], verse 65.)
• Picking fruit from a tree while seated: Money will come without effort. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Vessel • The dreamer’s boat capsizing and sinking:  (1) His ruler or superior will be angry with him.  (2) His capital will shrink if he is a merchant.  (3) He will face a tragedy.  (4) He will have a safe journey in view of the Quranic verse: “Allah is He Who created the heavens and earth, and causeth water to descend from the sky, thereby producing fruits as food for you, and makes the ships to be of service unto you, that they may run upon the sea at His command …”  (“Ibrahim” [Abraham], verse 32.)
• A ship full of people: The dreamer will have a safe sea journey in view of the Quranic verse: “And We saved him and those with him in the laden ship.”  (“Al-Shuara” [The Poets], verse 119.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hell • An angel having grabbed the dreamer and thrown him in the Fire: Must make some charity.
• Seeing Hell from a near distance:  (1) A warning to abstain from and repent for a sin the dreamer is committing.  (2) The dreamer will fall into trouble from which he will not escape in view of a verse in the Holy Quran: “And the guilty behold the Fire and know that they are about to fall therein, and they find no way of escape thence.”  (“Al-Kahf [The Cave], verse 53.)  (3) Will sustain catastrophic losses in view of the Quranic verse: “And who say: Our Lord! Avert from us the doom of Hell; lo! the doom thereof is a fine.”  (“Al-Furqan” [The Criterion], verse 65.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Camel Camels symbolize devils in view of a religious belief that they are carrying demons on their humps. They also symbolize death because of their ugly voice and bad temper and because they carry beloved ones far away. Likewise, the camel represents the ignorant and hypocritical individual in view of the Quranic verse: “Or deemest thou that most of them hear or understand? They are but as the cattle—nay, but they are farther astray!”  (“Al-Furqan” [The Criterion], verse 44.) It also alludes to the patient, enduring person or the ship  (because camels are the ships that ply the lands). Moreover, the sight of a camel is a harbinger of sorrow, as the Holy Prophet is reported to have once said, “Riding camels is sorrow and notoriety.” Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq He was the father-in-law of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. He became the first caliph and died in Madina in A.D. 634.
• Dreaming of Abu Bakr: (1) Will take over power or become a spiritual leader. (2) Will overcome rivals and be lucky with powerful and influential people. (3) Will spend and sacrifice money and children in the way of Allah. (4) Will be lucky with and preserve friends and servants. (5) Will free bondmen and slaves. (6) Will always be truthful. (7) Will reach old age. (8) Will have pertinent views and be sharp in interpreting dreams. (9) Will have troubles and experience fear and sorrow due to some sons or daughters and be compelled to hide.  (10) Will escape danger and hardships.  (11) Will perform pilgrimage and triumph over enemies.  (12) Will acquire knowledge.  (13) Will conduct Jihad  (holy war) and perhaps die as a martyr. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

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