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Slapping Husband dream interpretations

A Wife Donning the Clothes of her Husband Dream Explanation — This is a good and pleasant dream. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Wife Wearing the Military Clothes of her Husband Dream Explanation — The interpretation of such a dream is linked with either her husband or one who guards her. The same dream could mean that either she will benefit from the good qualities of her husband or he will benefit from her good qualities. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Slapping Dream Explanation — (Striking) Slapping someone on his cheek in a dream means cautioning him or warning him about his heedlessness. If a woman gently slaps her own cheeks in a dream, it means glad tiding of a son she will conceive at an advanced age, or after having lost hope in conceiving children. However, slapping someone's face in a dream also could mean injustice, an illness, or cold. (Also see Slapping on the cheek) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Slapping on the cheek Dream Explanation — Slapping someone's face with anger in a dream means that the victim will triumph over the assailant. To slap someone in a dream also means recognition of his seniority or superiority. Threatening someone in a dream also maybe a recognition of his superiority. (Also see Digging up the past; Slapping; Threat) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Slapping on the cheek Dream Explanation — (Blow; Criticize; Smack) To lightly slap someone in a dream means to reprimand him, or to oblige him to recognize a favor, boasting about one's generosity, or constantly reminding the other person of some shabby assistance. If one playfully slaps someone lightly on his cheek in a dream, it also means that the latter owes him something or a favor and the opposite is interpreted accordingly. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Blow Dream Explanation — (See Slapping on the cheek) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Smack Dream Explanation — (See Slapping on the cheek) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Striking Dream Explanation — (See Punch; Slapping; Spur) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Criticize Dream Explanation — (See Digging up the past; Slapping on the cheek) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Slap Dream Explanation — Dreaming of slapping someone means you are advising him and deterring him from vice in which he is indulging, perhaps unconsciously. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Veil Dream Explanation — The veil symbolizes the dreamer’s religion and the woman’s husband, decency, ornament, and welfare or her chief.
• A pure veil: The husband or chief has plenty of money.
• A white veil: The husband or chief is religious and prestigious.
• A black veil: The husband is stupid and poor. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Incident - Central pillar of the house breaking Dream Explanation — While the husband is in town, the woman saw the same dream again, and she sought to ask Prophet Muhammad (Alayhi-Salam) about it. When she did not find him, Abu Baler was present, so she told him the dream, and he replied: "Your husband will soon die." In the first interpretation of the above dream, the husband was absent, while in the second dream, he was present. The conditions changed, and the meaning also changed. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Veil Dream Explanation — • A woman dreaming of removing her veil in a public place: Will no longer have any shame or prudence.
• A woman dreaming that her veil is gone: Her husband will abandon her. If she finds it back, the husband will return. If she is not married, the ordeal will be faced by her brother or uncle, et cetera.
• Something wrong with the veil: The husband will have a tragedy.
• A man dreaming of wearing a veil or a mask: Will have a slave girl or a servant. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hair Dream Explanation — • A woman seeing her hair black:  (1) Her husband loves her.  (2) Her husband is straight and righteous.
• A woman dreaming of uncovering her hair: Her husband will be absent. If the hair remained uncovered, the husband will not come back to her. If she is not married, the dream means that she will never get married.
• A woman dreaming that her hair is very thick and that people are gazing at it: She will have a scandal.
• A married man seeing a lock of hair: Will have a blessed son.
• A bachelor dreaming of locks of hair: A maiden, a slave, or a maid for each lock of hair.
• A woman dreaming of a lock of hair: Will have a son who will one day become a leader. The lock of hair also symbolizes a fertile year. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Threat Dream Explanation — Receiving a threat in a dream means victory over one's assailant, opponent, or adversary, or it could mean developing a defence mechanism against any danger from that side. If the threat comes from an unknown person, such a person is a Satan, particularly if the threat is directed against one's prayers, charitable actions, or devotion. A threat in a dream also represents the trials of a love story. (Also see Slapping on the cheek) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Hair Dream Explanation — Braiding the hair of one's legs in a dream means earning money through improper methods, or engaging in something which contradicts the divine laws. Woman's hair in a dream represents her protection, husband or family. Hair in a dream also denotes farming, money, a wife, a husband or marriage. If one's hair looks ugly and smelly in a dream, it represents the living condition or the state of the husband and wife. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Dye Dream Explanation — • A woman dreaming that her hands are tattooed: She will use her makeup to achieve what is right. If the tattoo was made of mud, it means that she uses her rosary quite often. If the drawings on her hands get mixed up, harm will befall her children.
• A woman seeing her hand dyed or tattooed with gold:  (1) She is giving her money to her husband.  (2) Her husband will bring her joy.
• A man dreaming that his two legs are dyed and tattooed: His parents will die.
• A woman seeing her legs dyed and tattooed: Her husband will die. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Head-cloth or Odhni Dream Explanation — A wife's head-cloth (ie. Hijab, Odhni, scarf etc.). izaar, or burqa represents her husband. Any excellence or defect seen in any of the above is a reflection of a similar excellence or defect in her husband. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Hair Dream Explanation — • Dreaming that the head was shaved without remembering having shaved it: Will triumph over enemies and become strong.
• A woman dreaming that her hair was shaved: Will be abandoned by her husband or die.
• A woman dreaming that her husband has shaved her head or shortened her hair at the Kabah  (the Muslims  holiest shrine, in Mecca (Makkah)): She will settle her debts, and her wishes will be fulfilled. If her husband had done so elsewhere than in Mecca (Makkah), he will hold her captive in her house, as if he had cut the wings of a bird. It could also mean that he would slander her. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Narcissus Dream Explanation — A yellow narcissus symbolizes gold, and white symbolizes silver. It refers to joy.
• Having a crown of narcissus on the head: Will marry a beautiful woman or have a pretty slave or maid who will not stay. If a woman has such a dream, it could mean that her husband will divorce her or die.
• Seeing narcissus flowers in a garden: Children who will live long. If the flowers are cut or perish, those children will not reach old age.
• A woman dreaming that her husband has offered her a bouquet of narcissi and her rival  (the husband’s second wife) a bouquet of myrtle: He will quit her and stick to the rival. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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