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Islamic dreams about Smell Flowers find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Smell Flowers dictionary!
Smell Flowers dream interpretations
Smell Dream Explanation —   (Also see Nose.)
• A nice smell: Relief will come soon.
• A pregnant woman dreaming of smelling something nice: Will have a jovial son. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Smell Dream Explanation — Smelling a sweet fragrance in a dream means uneasiness or a light illness. Smelling a bad odor in a dream means hearing or speaking bad words, or it could mean distress or depression. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Flowers Dream Explanation — Flowers in a dream are a sign of joy and benefits. If one sees himself crowned with a garland of flowers in the dream, it means that he will get married, enjoy his marital life excessively and take pleasure in experiencing his success in this world. Seeing flowers out of season in a dream means depression. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Flowers Dream Explanation — If an impostor sees himself carrying a bouquet of flowers in a dream, it means constipation, while if a sick person sees that in a dream, it means his death. A bouquet of many varieties of flowers and colors in a dream represent the world, its constantly renewed youthfulness and its material pleasures. As for a woman, seeing flowers in a dream means getting pregnant or overcoming her difficulties. (Also see Blossoms; Earth; Iris) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Sweet Smelling Flowers Dream Explanation — Fragrant flowers such as roses, jasmine, narcissus, marigold, daisies etc.- if any of these are seen detached from its stem-it suggest that the observer will lose his accumulated wealth. But if they are not, it is a harbinger of a son who will be good, hones and righteous. How righteous he will be depends on the intensity of the fragrance given off by such a flower. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Rue Dream Explanation — Wild rue, also called herb of grace, symbolizes money laundering. It is a plant that has a strong smell and small flowers. It was said by the ancient Arabs to have certain medical or healing properties; but its use is extremely dangerous. Each of its flowers represents one hundred currency units. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Flower Dream Explanation — The same applies to myrtles, spices, and legumes. In Arabic, the borderline between roses and other flowers is quite hazy. Flowers also refer to praise or good repute.
• Seeing a crown of flowers, particularly roses, on one’s head: Will marry a woman but soon be separated.
• A young man giving flowers or roses to the dreamer: An enemy will take an oath or pledge something, then fail to keep his promise.
• Flowers spread all around the place: Brittle and nonlasting happiness in this world.
• Cutting a rose tree or rosebush: Trouble and worries. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hyacinth Dream Explanation — It is said that any flower from the lily family may represent death when presented to a sick person in a dream. A healthy hyacinth plant in the ground means a beautiful son, or good words. A garland of hyacinth flowers in a dream means honor. A hyacinth flower salesman in a dream represents a worrisome person, for such flowers do not remain long in his possession. If any of the flowers of the lily family are cut, or made into a bouquet in the dream, then they mean sorrow, and if they are seen on their mother plant, they mean happiness, a husband or a son. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Flower Dream Explanation — • Picking roses: Joy.
• Picking white flowers from one’s garden: Will kiss a virtuous woman with mutual passion.
• Dreaming of red flowers: The dreamer’s woman is of the gay type who likes artists, singing, dancing, et cetera, as opposed to a pious woman.
• Dreaming of yellow flowers: The dreamer’s wife has frail health.
• Picking flower buds: The dreamer’s wife will have a miscarriage, and the fetus will be a male child.
• Picking a well-known flower with big leaves: The dreamer is sweet on a beautiful woman whom everybody is running after and calumniating at the same time. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Hyacinth Dream Explanation — (Bulbs; Gem; Sapphire) These bulbous and bell-shaped flowers in a dream differ in meaning depending on their type, shape and fragrance. If one smells a hyacinth flower in a dream, it means relief from sorrow, end of adversities, good deeds, or making a true promise. If one sees a deceased person carrying such a flower, or offering him a hyacinth flower to smell in a dream, it means that the deceased person is dwelling in paradise. If an unwed person sees a hyacinth flower in his dream, it means that he will get married. If a married person sees a hyacinth flower in his dream, it means that he will beget a son, or he may acquire knowledge, or specialize in a scientific project that will add to his pride. Perhaps, a fragrant hyacinth in a dream could mean disturbances, distress, or a sickness. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Flower Dream Explanation — he flower or rose symbolizes a child or honest money. Since the word in Arabic is ward, it could also mean the return  (worood) of an absent one or the arrival of a letter. Certain interpreters believe that the rose represents a woman who quits, a child who dies, a trade that does not last, or a passing joy, in view of the flower’s ephemeral nature. Others think that all aromatic plants—numerous or few—allude to worries and sorrow. To them, flowers mean crying, except for those flowers that the dreamer sees in their normal place but does not touch, in which case they would refer to a new birth, et cetera. In the event of their being picked and their trees dying, it means that there will be crying and weeping. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Fart Dream Explanation — • Farting amid people: Will be relieved from worries and experience no more difficulties.
• Farting indiscreetly while surrounded by people: Relief from worries and hardships, but in an ugly manner.
• Farting deliberately, emitting a loud sound and dirty smell: The dreamer is saying or doing ugly and obscene things for which he will be ill-reputed as much as the sound was loud and the smell dirty.
• Farting with difficulty: Will do something unbearable.
• Farting without difficulty: The dreamer will do as he likes. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Narcissus Dream Explanation — A yellow narcissus symbolizes gold, and white symbolizes silver. It refers to joy.
• Having a crown of narcissus on the head: Will marry a beautiful woman or have a pretty slave or maid who will not stay. If a woman has such a dream, it could mean that her husband will divorce her or die.
• Seeing narcissus flowers in a garden: Children who will live long. If the flowers are cut or perish, those children will not reach old age.
• A woman dreaming that her husband has offered her a bouquet of narcissi and her rival  (the husband’s second wife) a bouquet of myrtle: He will quit her and stick to the rival. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Sweet fragrance Dream Explanation — (See Smell) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Toilet Dream Explanation — • Getting soiled with the water that overflows from the toilet, which, however, has no bad smell:  (1) Coming welfare.  (2) Demands will not be met, at least not easily.
• Eating the sewage flowing out of the toilet:  (1) Will rescind or come back on something you had donated or alms you had given. The Muslims  Holy Prophet is said to have likened the one who changes his mind after donating something or giving alms to somebody who eats his own vomit or excrement.  (2) The dreamer will return to corruption and unholy means of living.
• A large and clean toilet with no smell in it: The dreamer’s wife is pleasant, virtuous, and obedient. The cleanliness of the toilet refers to her virtue and obedience, the lack of stink to her good reputation. If, on the contrary, the toilet is tiny and full of dirt, so much so that the dreamer finds no place to sit on it  (in the dream), the wife will rebel against the authority of her husband. More, if it stinks, she will be impudent and make her husband notorious. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Odorous Trees Dream Explanation — A tree giving off bad smell symbolises an evil person whom the observer will encounter. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Blossoms Dream Explanation — In a dream, blossoms represent an inner or an outer light, or guidance one follows for spiritual or material gains. (Also see Earth; Flowers; Roses) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - A Big Bird Landing Upon a Jasmine Tree Dream Explanation — A man came to Imam Ibn Sirin and said: "I saw big bird that landed upon a jasmine tree in a dream, and he ate all its flowers." Ibn Seeri'n's face became alarmed as he replied: "Your dream means the death of scholars." Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Acacia tree Dream Explanation — (Arabic Gum; Dyes; Mimosa tree; Ornamental flowers; Perfume) Seeing this tree in a dream means stinginess, evil and behaving with the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Elder Dream Explanation — The elder tree, also called balm tree, symbolizes blessed money. It is a tree with white flowers in bunches from which the essence of a perfume is derived. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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