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Smelling Perfume dream interpretations

Smelling an apple Dream Explanation — Smelling an apple inside a mosque in a dream means getting married. If a woman sees herself smelling an apple during a reception in a dream, it denotes her misconduct, and that she could commit an abominable sin during that same evening. (Also see Nose) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Sweet-smelling Trees Dream Explanation — The observer will meet a man of honour, integrity and respect. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Sweet Smelling Flowers Dream Explanation — Fragrant flowers such as roses, jasmine, narcissus, marigold, daisies etc.- if any of these are seen detached from its stem-it suggest that the observer will lose his accumulated wealth. But if they are not, it is a harbinger of a son who will be good, hones and righteous. How righteous he will be depends on the intensity of the fragrance given off by such a flower. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Good Smelling Sock Dream Explanation — It symbolises the security of his wealth. If they are without any defect, giving off a good odour, it means he will discharge Zakat and his wealth will remain protected against all calamities. Also his wealth will be purified and his own condition will improved. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Perfume Dream Explanation — (Oils) In a dream, perfume means acknowledgment, commendation, or hearing pleasing words. If one sees his bottle of perfume evaporating in the dream, it means regards accompanied with apprehension and danger. If a sick person smells perfumed oils in his dream, it means his death. If a woman perfumes herself in a dream, it means engaging in good deeds. If she is unmarried, it means that she will get married and the same goes for men. If a thief or an impostor anoint himself with perfume in a dream, it means that he will repent for stealing. (Also see Amber; Galia moschata; Musk) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Perfume salesman Dream Explanation — In a dream, a perfume salesman represents a gnostic, an ascetic, a devout worshiper, or a man of letters. Anyone who sits with him will carry some fragrance of his perfumes, or learn about an etiquette, adopt good manners, learn something about his arts, enjoy a happy surrounding, or earn praises, except if the perfume salesman is burning incense, for the smoke that emanates from burning incense in a dream denotes guarded praises. A perfume salesman in a dream also represents a beautician. Seeing him in a dream also means knowledge, guidance, earning praises or receiving a commendation. (Also see Amber; Musk; Perfume) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Aloe perfume Dream Explanation — Seeing or manufacturing aloe perfume in a dream means religious innovation, dirty money, evil reputation, placing things in the wrong place, or it could mean doing good deeds for profit. (Also see Civet; Ud) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Perfume bottle Dream Explanation — In a dream, a scent bottle or a perfume bottle represents a guardian who is entrusted with an estate to manage, or a guardian who is entrusted with an inheritance to distribute as charity on Allah's path, or it could denote a woman or a child. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Ambergris - The Essence Of A Perfume Dream Explanation — Ambergris symbolizes benefits and good reputation.
• Finding or being given ambergris: Benefits as much as amber was seen.
• Finding plenty of ambergris: Will snatch a high post or achieve one’s ambitions through endeavours.
• Giving ambergris to someone: Will benefit such a person.
• Losing ambergris: Will lose as much money or assets.
• Anointing a passerby with ambergris: Will do good to an unknown person. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Ud Dream Explanation — (arb. Aloe perfume; Civet; Incense burning Ud) Aloe or Ud wood chips or incense sticks in a dream represent a vocative and an articulate person who has a praiseworthy reputation. Carrying a chip of Ud or aloe incense in a dream means finding a lost object, or hearing comforting words. Smelling the fragrance of Ud or seeing the smoke of Ud burning in a dream means receiving a commendation and experiencing a fright along with it. Seeing Ud or an Aloe tree growing inside one's house in a dream means begetting a son who will grow to be a sire or a leader in his community. (Also see Aloe perfume; Civet) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Smell Dream Explanation — Smelling a sweet fragrance in a dream means uneasiness or a light illness. Smelling a bad odor in a dream means hearing or speaking bad words, or it could mean distress or depression. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Galia moschata Dream Explanation — (Oils; Perfume made of a mixture of musk and ambergris) Anointing oneself with galia moschata in a dream means happiness, joy, peace, praises, commendations and celebrations. Anointing oneself with this perfume in a dream also could mean performing a pilgrimage to Mecca or begetting a son. Wearing galia moschata in a dream also could denote distress from an allegation that will be handed down by someone in authority. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Odor Dream Explanation — Smelling a bad odor in a dream means hearing bad words, or it could mean distress. Smelling odor that emanates from under the armpit in a dream means headache, nasal congestions, cold, or hearing bad news, divulging secrets, dispelling rancor and jealousy, or it could mean relaxing after an exhausting workday, contracting an eye disease, or it could mean loathsomeness. If a child smells such an odor from under his armpit in his dream, it means that he has reached his puberty, or it could mean an illness or an accident that could take away his life. (Also see Cloud of smoke; Perspiration; Smell) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Apple Dream Explanation — • Picking, gathering, owning, or eating apples: Success in the dreamer’s field. Sweet apples mean honest gains. Sour ones represent sinful earnings.
• Eating an apple: Eating up money in a way as to become the talk of the town.
• Picking an apple: Will obtain money and praise from an honest man.
• Smelling an apple in a mosque: Will get married.
• A woman smelling an apple in a party or at an orgy: Will become the center of a scandal.
• A woman eating an apple in a place she knows: Will give birth to a good boy. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Civet Dream Explanation — (Castor; Civet cat; A fatty substance with a musk like scent which is secreted by a gland near the genitals of a civet, a deer or a beaver. This substance is also used in making perfumes.) In a dream, a civet represents honorable profits or valuable properties, botanical gardens, a school from which one can acquire knowledge and draw benefits, or a business from which one can make profits, or it could mean a profitable leather trade. If one prepares the civet on fire in the dream, it means that he is preparing amber perfume, musk or aloe perfume that is extracted from an aromatic heartwood of the mezereum tree family. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Olfaction Dream Explanation — (See Body; Smelling) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Nose Dream Explanation — In a dream, nose relates to the sense of smelling. It represents the element of comfort by taking in needed oxygen for the body to satisfy its needs. The immediate sense of physical tranquillity produced by inhaling through one's nose in one's dream represents liveliness and comfort. If breathing in also includes smelling a sweet fragrance in the dream, then it reflects the immediate results of one's satisfaction. Nose in a dream also represents an aspect of one's beauty, or what one adorns himself with, such as wealth, or pride he takes in his father, a son, a brother, a wife, a just partner or an employee. A beautiful nose in a dream represents the good conditions of one's life. A large nose in a dream means oppression or compulsion. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Beautician Dream Explanation — (See Perfume salesman) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Etiquette Dream Explanation — (See Perfume salesman) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Good manners Dream Explanation — (See Perfume salesman) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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