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Islamic dreams about Strawberry Trees find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Strawberry Trees dictionary!
Strawberry Trees dream interpretations
Strawberry Dream Explanation — (See Mulberry) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Strawberry mark Dream Explanation — (See Birthmark) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Trees Dream Explanation — Trees symbolise men in personality and character. If a person drams that he has received fruit or leaves of a specific tree, it means he will receive abundant wealth from such a person who resembles that particular tree in personality and character. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Odorous Trees Dream Explanation — A tree giving off bad smell symbolises an evil person whom the observer will encounter. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Non-Fruit-bearing Trees Dream Explanation — They symbolise a person who is of little or no benefit. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Sweet-smelling Trees Dream Explanation — The observer will meet a man of honour, integrity and respect. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Seeds Grown into Plants or Trees Dream Explanation — It is a glad tiding that his good deeds a re accepted by Allah Taala and that he will attain popularity, credibility and dignity in this world as a result of his good actions. At other times seeds may be interpreted as one's children on condition that the field wherein the seeds are sewn is seen in its entirety and he is familiar with it. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Tree Dream Explanation — A specific number of trees alludes to men showing similitude's with such trees. Giant trees like the cypress tree or life tree or juniper tree or the Oriental plane tree are huge, rigid, and evil men. The good smell of a tree is the good reputation of the man whom the tree alludes to. The tree overladen with fruit symbolizes a man known for his largesse. Trees could also symbolize a quarrel or a fight, in view of their Arabic name, shagar, which is homonym for those words. Here, like in all trees involving plants, the season in which the tree is dreamed of plays an important role in the interpretation. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Birthmark Dream Explanation — (Mole; Strawberry mark) If one sees himself having a birthmark in a dream, it means that he will be caught and be accused of a sin, or a crime someone else has committed, or it could mean paying for someone else's fault, or it could mean having a good character or nature. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Tree Dream Explanation — The tree also represents the female kind, for it is irrigated; it bears  (fruits) and delivers. It also refers to various places and persons associated with food, money, and wealth, like shops, warehouses, banquets, slaves, servants, and cattle. A specific number of trees alludes to men showing similitude's with such trees. Giant trees like the cypress tree or life tree or juniper tree or the Oriental plane tree are huge, rigid, and evil men. The good smell of a tree is the good reputation of the man whom the tree alludes to. The tree overladen with fruit symbolizes a man known for his largesse. Trees could also symbolize a quarrel or a fight, in view of their Arabic name, shagar, which is homonym for those words. Here, like in all trees involving plants, the season in which the tree is dreamed of plays an important role in the interpretation.
• Seeing many date palms in an unusual place: Will command as many men. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Tree Dream Explanation — • A healthy person sitting on top of or owning a tree: Will get or fail to get what he wants  (be it sex, marriage, or anything else), depending on the condition of the tree.
• Owning plenty of trees: Will become a leader or a judge of men.
• Plenty of trees in a house: Men and/or women will assemble there for something good or bad:  (1) If the trees bear good and tasty fruits alluding to welfare and prosperity and people are eating from them: A banquet will be given there.  (2) If the fruits are bad or allude to unhappiness: The assembly will be for a funeral rite.  (3) If there is a sick person in the house and the fruits seen in the dream were unknown: The fate of the patient will depend on the season and the condition of the trees. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Mulberry Tree Dream Explanation — (Sycamore, bibl.) In a dream, a mulberry tree represents a person in a high position who has many children, who is big in size but ill mannered, who benefits no one, though he remains well respected. If one gets some of its fruits in his dream, it means that he will receive something from such a person. If he is hurt by its thorns in the dream, the same will take place in wakefulness. When maple trees, tamarisk trees and shrubs are mixed together in a dream, they mean victory and glad tidings for one who is contemplating a war or gearing for a fight. However, for the rest of people, these trees in a dream mean poverty and meekness. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Dough Dream Explanation — Seeing dough in one's dream heralds many children whom the observer will father. If he owns fruit trees, it means the trees will bear fruit in abundance. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Tree Dream Explanation — • A sick man sitting on top of or owning a tree: His fate will depend on the condition of the tree as witnessed in the dream.
• A healthy person sitting on top of or owning a tree: Will get or fail to get what he wants  (be it sex, marriage, or anything else), depending on the condition of the tree.
• Owning plenty of trees: Will become a leader or a judge of men.
• Plenty of trees in a house: Men and/or women will assemble there for something good or bad:  (1) If the trees bear good and tasty fruits alluding to welfare and prosperity and people are eating from them: A banquet will be given there.  (2) If the fruits are bad or allude to unhappiness: The assembly will be for a funeral rite.  (3) If there is a sick person in the house and the fruits seen in the dream were unknown: The fate of the patient will depend on the season and the condition of the trees. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Tree Dream Explanation — • Planting a tree or sowing its seeds successfully: The dreamer’s prestige and honour will be enhanced, and he will bring up or train a man who will benefit him.
• Planting trees in one’s garden: Will have male children whose length of life will be commensurate with the height of the trees.
• Planting grape seeds: Honours.
• Seeing a vineyard or a tree ready to deliver in winter: An allusion to a man or woman whose money is gone but whom people still believe to be rich. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Incident - Seventy Leaves in a dream Dream Explanation — Last year when I told you the same dream, you said that I will be flogged, and it took place, and this year you interpreted the dream to mean that I will receive seventy thousand Dirhams!" Abu Bakr replied: "O man, last year when you came to see me, the trees were shedding their leaves, and this year you are telling me the dream at the time when the trees are blooming with new blossoms." Shortly after that, the man received seventy thousand Dirhams from a business deal. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Garden Dream Explanation — The garden or park symbolizes the female, for it is irrigated with water. In it flowers blossom and trees bear and deliver their fruits, like the childbearing and bird process. The unknown park is the Holy Quran, which it resembles and has all the merits of a beautiful garden in the eyes and hands of learners. Its sweet and bitter fruits are the verses bearing wonderful promises and those containing threats. It could also allude to Paradise with all its promised delights. In case it applies to a woman, its trees and fruits are her family, folk, children, and money. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Musk Dream Explanation — In a dream, musk represents a private charity, pregnancy, a profitable business, a valuable property, a farm, fruit trees, olive trees, or advanced knowledge. When associated with a deceased person, musk in a dream may mean that he is in paradise. If musk is burned as incense in a dream, it means innovation, loss of money and respect, putting things in the wrong place, or serving a strong person for a fee. In a dream, musk also represents one's beloved, his servant, his son or a beautiful woman. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Example of Species Dream Explanation — A specific tree like the date tree or a walnut tree. The date tree may be interpreted as an honorable Arab gentleman since date trees are mainly indigenous to arab countries. As for the walnut tree, it represents a non-Arab person since these trees do not grow in the land of the Arabs. The same applies to birds. If a bird is huge it symbolizes an Arab gentleman; a peacock represents a non-Arab gentleman. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Dates Dream Explanation — • Picking nice dates from a dry palm tree:  (1) Will learn something useful from an unholy man.  (2) If in trouble, relief will come.
• Dates being picked for the dreamer: Money will come to the dreamer through dangerous people he will govern. A man said, “I dreamed that I found forty dates.” “You will receive forty lashes,” said the famous dream interpreter Ibn Siren. Sometime later, the same man came to Ibn Siren and told him he found forty dates at the gate of the sultan, to which Ibn Siren said that the man would receive one thousand dirham's. When asked about the contradiction, Ibn Siren said that the first dream was made when the season was over and trees were dry; as for the second, it took place when waters were irrigating the trees. And he was right, on both occasions. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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