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Islamic dreams about Teeth Falling find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Teeth Falling dictionary!
Teeth Falling dream interpretations

Incident - Teeth Falling Out in a Dream Dream Explanation — Sharik bin Abi Shamr came to Sa'id bin Al-Musayyib and said: "I saw all my teeth falling out in a dream." Sa'iid bin Al-Musayyib replied: "What a calamity! If your dream is true, it means that all your relatives will die before you." Thus, Sa'id interpreted teeth from the root of the word canines (e.g., the family of, or relatives, clans, followers, or age. arb. Asnan). Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Falling from an Ass Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself as mounting and riding an ass and then falling of it means his good condition will take a sudden turn for the worse. Perhaps he will die. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Falling into the Well Dream Explanation — Climbing down into the well falling into it means he will be afflicted with grief and sorrow but will eventually witness happiness and joy due to his victory. This is in the light of the story of Hazrath Yusuf (AS). Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Door Falling Dream Explanation — A door seen falling indicates that the beholder will first become ill then regain his health. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Falling Stars Dream Explanation — Stars falling from the sky signifies that if the observer of the dream is wealthy, he will lose all his wealth and become a destitute. And if he is a destitute, he will die as a martyr. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Teeth Dream Explanation — (Acrimony; Dice; Grasping; Longevity; Migration) Falling teeth in a dream means longevity, or living past one's contemporaries. Collecting one's lost teeth in a dream means longevity, or it could mean having a large progeny. If one cannot find his teeth in the dream, it means that his family will die before him, or that a member of his clan will emigrate to a new land. If one finds a lost tooth in a dream, it means the return of an immigrant to his homeland. If the upper teeth fall into one's hand in the dream, they represent profits. If they fall in his lap in the dream, they mean a son, and if they fall on the floor in the dream, they means death. If the lower teeth fall in the dream, they mean pain, sufferings, sorrows and distress. Falling teeth in a dream also mean paying one's debts. If a tooth falls in a dream, it means payment of a loan, while the number of fallen teeth represent the number of debts to be satisfied. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Teeth Dream Explanation — If one's teeth fall without pain or a cause in the dream, then they represent worthless deeds. If they fall because of a gum disease or cause pain in the dream, then they mean being forced to part with something from one's house. If the front teeth fall and cause pain and bleeding in the dream, they represent one's incompetence or inability to complete a project. If the front teeth fall without pain or bleeding in the dream, then they mean losing one's property. Falling teeth in a dream also denote a long illness that may not necessarily culminate in death. If one collects his fallen teeth in a dream, it also means that he can no longer conceive children. If one's teeth fall into his lap in the dream, it means having a large progeny. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Teeth Dream Explanation — If one's wife is pregnant, and if he pulls out a tooth without difficulty or pain in the dream, it means that his wife will give birth to a son. If his gums bleed, it means that he will forsake his family, except if he owed someone money, then it means that he will be asked to pay, or that he will be forced to comply. Collecting fallen teeth in a dream also means saying something one will regret. If a religious person loses his teeth in a dream, it means that he should be more assiduous in his devotion, and votive fasting will surely help him as a start. If one loses his teeth and finds himself unable to eat properly in the dream, it also means poverty. Falling teeth in a dream also denote spending one's money to acquire spiritual knowledge, then recuperating one's investment through a new and a blessed business. (Also see Body; Pain; Tooth) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Teeth Dream Explanation — (Setting the tooth on its edge.) To set one's tooth on its edge in a dream means a betrayal carried by a member of one's family the tooth represents. This includes one's children, wife, partners, or employees. To set one's teeth on their edge in a dream also could mean changes in one's behavior that may lead to a changing attitude on the part of such family members. (Also see Body; Tooth) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

A Brick Falling from a Wall Dream Explanation — A brick falling from a wall means a male or female member of his family will either get lost or run away or pass away. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Falling in deep waters Dream Explanation — (See Deep waters) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Teeth in the Pocket Dream Explanation — Pocketing the teeth or wrapping them in cloth or seeing them falling into the hand or keeping them in the house-any of these is a harbinger of a child, brother or sister being born. If may also mean his deriving some benefit from one of them. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Loose Teeth Dream Explanation — Loose teeth implies that one of his family members will fall ill. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Masticating Teeth Dream Explanation — To see the teeth in the act of chewing suggest that one of his family members will fall ill. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Long Teeth Dream Explanation — If a person sees his teeth as long or white or beautiful, it means that he will witness certain conditions in some of his family members that will give him pleasure and satisfaction. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Falling Down From High Altitude Dream Explanation — A man saw himself in a dream falling down from a high altitude. When he woke up, he said to himself: "I will avoid going out of my house or seeing people for a while." During the middle of the afternoon of that same day, a close friend came to see him, and called him from downstairs. When the man stood up to look through the window, the shutters broke, and he fell with them. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Rain falling only on the Head Dream Explanation — It was said to Imaam Jafar (RA) that a person dreamed that rain was falling particularly on his head. He said: "A very sinful person has been this dream. Hasn't he heard this verse of the Holy Quran? : We sent down rains upon them, thus those who were warned, a calamitous rain had fallen on them". Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

The Front Two Teeth-Upper and Lower Dream Explanation — They symbolise a perbond children, brothers and sisters. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Tooth Dream Explanation — o Having glass or wooden teeth: Death.
o In general, falling teeth mean obstacles or the settlement of debts.
o Teeth falling without pain: Hopes will be dashed.
o Teeth falling with pain: Something will disappear from the dreamer's house. The front teeth falling: The dreamer will be unable to achieve something by pleading. If there is pain or blood or flesh being snatched, hopes will be dashed.
o The front teeth falling and others pushing instead: Things will change or be rearranged.
o The upper teeth falling into one's hand: Money is coming. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Tooth Dream Explanation — o The upper teeth falling on one's knees: A male child will be born.
o Teeth falling on the ground: Death.
o Teeth growing in the heart: Death.
o Catching a falling tooth and refraining from burying it: Will give advice to whomever that tooth refers to.
o All the teeth of healthy, free persons, or travellers falling:  (1) Long disease.  (2) Troubles of all kinds but no death, because the teeth of those who die do not fall. Therefore, the same dream is a good one for those who are already ill. It means that they will recover fast.  (3) For travelling merchants the dream means that their luggage or cargo is light, especially if the teeth were seen moving.
o All the teeth falling, but catching them up in one's sleeve or seeing them falling on the knees: Will live long, till all the teeth fall, and will have a large family at home. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars


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