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Thunderstorm Rain dream interpretations

Rain Dream Explanation — The rain symbolizes relief and a good year, especially for the farmer or peasant and all the more so if it falls in the right season, and dreaming of rain, in general, is a sign that dead matters will be revived. Rain in the right season also refers to God’s mercy and the Holy Quran. However, the rain could also symbolize plagues and scourges that come from the sky, like swarms of locusts, hailstones, and tempests, especially if they are seen with fire or the waters are hot. Rains of blood, indeed, are a harbinger of sedition, intrigue, and bloodbaths. Out-of-season rain is also a calamity.
• Dreaming of rain that causes no damage:  (1) Blessings, welfare, benefits, and good life.  (2) Fulfilment of a promise.  (3) A land that will be salvaged.
• Beneficial rain:  (1) Peace with the enemy.  (2) Relief to the distressed.  (3) The advent of a caravan. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Rain Dream Explanation — • Abundant rain all over the place: Prosperity, joy, and the discovery of new springs.
• Rain falling in a specific place: Sorrow for the people of that area or the dreamer himself, who will lose a dear one. Rain racing the dreamer: Abundant means.
• Drinking pristine rainwater: Welfare.
• Drinking troubled rainwater: The dreamer will be ill as much as he had drunk in your dream.
• Raining honey, good fruits, ghee, milk, or oil: Prosperity.
• General and harmful rain, like the sky raining blood or stones:  (1) Sins and disregard of God’s commands.  (2) A travel project will be stalled.
• Damaging rain in a specific area:  (1) Cheating in weights and measures.  (2) Sodomy. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Rain Dream Explanation — (Clouds; Drizzling; Life; Vapor; Water) If no harm or destruction is caused by a rainstorm in a dream, then it means blessings, profits and mercy. Rain in a dream also represents life, an earthly being, or fulfillment of a promise. If the rain falls exclusively on a particular location in a dream, it means sorrow and distress for its dwellers, or it could mean the loss of a beloved. If one sees rain falling exclusively over his house in a dream, it means personal blessings. Otherwise, it he sees it falling over the whole town in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain falling exclusively over one's house in a dream also means that someone will fall sick in that house, or suffer from a debilitating and excruciating pain. If the skies rain stones or blood in a dream, it means calamities and punishment for people's sins. If it rains dust or sand in a dream, it represents an unjust ruler in that locality. If the skies rain dirt without dust, it also means prosperity and a good harvest. If a traveller sees rain in a dream, it means hindrances along his journey. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Rain Dream Explanation — A good rain in a dream also means prosperity, happiness, refilling wells with rainwater, the gushing forth of springs with sweet, fresh and pure waters. Rain in a dream also means reviving an old and a stagnant matter, or it could mean benefits, profits, blessings, relief from distress, payment of debts, or feeling relief. In a dream, a good rain means blessings, a good harvest and profits for a farmer. If the skies rain honey, butter, oil, or food people like in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain in a dream also represent mercy from Allah Almighty, a helping hand, knowledge, wisdom, the Quran, rejuvenation, revival, resurrection and life. If one sees himself standing under a cover, a roof, or behind a wall to take shelter from a rainfall in a dream, it means that he may suffer because of someone slandering him. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Rain Dream Explanation — A destructive rainstorm in a dream denotes dishonesty, cheating with measures, or the spread of sodomy in the community. Seeing a destructive rainstorm tearing down structures, destroying homes and pulling down tress in a dream represents a punishment for the corruption and sins of the dwellers of that place. A good rain in a dream could mean reconciliation with one's enemy, or it could mean helping a needy person. Rain in a dream also represents a caravan of camels, and a caravan of camels in a dream represents rain. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Rain Dream Explanation — If the rain falls in season in one's dream, it means roadblock barring travels, business losses, inability to get medicine for a sick person because of one's poverty, or it could mean imprisonment. If one washes himself in the rain, or takes a ritual ablution to perform his prayers, or washes his face with it, or washes away filth in a dream, it means repentance from sin, receiving spiritual guidance, or abolishing religious innovations and polytheism from one's heart. If he is poor, it means that Allah Almighty will enrich him and satisfy his needs, or if he needed something from a ruler or a governor, it means that his request will be answered favorably. Drinking from rainwater and if it is clear and pure in the dream, it means receiving blessings and benefits. If the water is dirty and polluted in the dream, it means a sickness. (Also see Water) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Rain Dream Explanation — • Taking shelter under a roof or near a wall during the rainy season:  (1) Travel or work will be delayed due to sickness or lack of financial means.  (2) The dreamer will be jailed as much as there was rain.
• Taking shelter under a roof or near a wall while it is raining in the wrong season:  (1) The dreamer will be slandered and harmed.  (2) The dreamer will be beaten as much as there was rain.
• Raining on one’s house in particular:  (1) Welfare, benefits, and dignity.  (2) Calamities, pain, and diseases, including perhaps smallpox in that house.
• Using rainwater to wash one’s face, clean one’s private parts after a sexual act, remove some impurity on one’s body or clothes, or conduct ablutions:  (1) If an atheist, the dreamer will become Muslim.  (2) If a heretic or a sinner, the dreamer will repent.  (3) If the dreamer is poor, he will become rich, by the grace of Allah.  (4) If the dreamer is awaiting the reactivation of a pending matter with the authorities, that matter will be settled to the dreamer’s satisfaction. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Rain Dream Explanation — It symbolizes assistance and blessings. The same applies to seeing clouds, But if rain or clouds are seen confined to a particular place, house or vicinity, it symbolizes famine and sickness or some worldly loss which the people of that place will suffer. In most cases it symbolizes difficulties and hardships which will afflict the people of that place. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Rain Dream Explanation — • The soil “raining up” blood or stones: Sufferings.
• Raining mostly blood or dust: Injustice on the part of the ruler.
• Raining dust without the latter forming a screen that reduces visibility: Fertility.
• Raining swords: Controversies, disputes, and perhaps a civil strife in the area.
• Raining watermelons: A disease or an epidemic.
• Raining all over the town: The areas inhabitants will be calumniated.
• Rain pouring from all sides, uprooting trees and throwing them on the ground: intrigue and death at the hands of the ruler. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Icy rain Dream Explanation — (See Hail) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Rain gauge Dream Explanation — (See Water level) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Rain of Milk and Honey Dream Explanation — Rain of butter-oil (Ghee), milk, honey or olive oil means the bounties of Allah will abound in that place. Similarly, any rain, wherein there is a hint of goodness means the bestowing of Allah's bounties. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Rain falling only on the Head Dream Explanation — It was said to Imaam Jafar (RA) that a person dreamed that rain was falling particularly on his head. He said: “A very sinful person has been this dream. Hasn't he heard this verse of the Holy Quran? : We sent down rains upon them, thus those who were warned, a calamitous rain had fallen on them”. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Soaking in the Rain for One Full Day and Night Dream Explanation — A person said to Imaam Jafar (RA) that he dreamed that he was soaking in the rain for one full day and night. The Imaam exclaimed: “How wonderful a dream you have seen! You are being soaked in the rahmath and bounties of Allah. You will be granted peace and rizq in abundance”. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Abu Bakr seeing rain with honey and ghee Dream Explanation — Once a person related to Hadhrat Aboo Bakr As-Siddeeq 9RA) his dream saying that he dramt that a cloud sent forth rains of honey and butter-oil (ghee) and there were some who grabbved much of it while others took little of it. Hadhrat Aboo Bakr (RA) interpreted his dream as follows : “As for the cloud, it symbolizes Islam. The honey and ghee symbolizes the sweetness and excellence of Islam. Similarly, any rain comprising of anything beneficial heralds the approaching of good times”. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Thunder Dream Explanation — A thunderstorm with rain when needed in a dream represents a good harvest for that year . Hearing a thunderous sky without seeing the lightening in a dream means an assassination, deception, falsehood or slander. Hearing the sound of thunder in a dream also means being reprimanded by a higher authority. There are no benefits in hearing the sound of thunder in the darkness without seeing lightening in the dream, this would be interpreted as apostasy or disloyalty. This can be particularly true when it is accompanied with an earthquake. If one hears thunder in its season in a dream, it means good news and blessings. Otherwise, out of its usual season, thunder in a dream represents an army on the move, or a foreign occupation of a country. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Sky Dream Explanation — • Being called from Heaven: Good augury.
• Building a structure in Heaven: The dreamer will die. If the structure was made of bricks and plaster of Paris, the dream means that the subject is a vain person.
• Hanging on a rope from the sky: The dreamer is flying high.
• Being in Heaven without knowing since when: The dreamer will go to Paradise, if God wills.
• The sky turning green: A record crop that year.
• The sky turning into iron: Poor rain.
• The sky having been patched: Rain will be withheld.
• The sky being torn: Abundant rain. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Lightning Dream Explanation — It is said that lightning without rain symbolizes impending disaster for both, a musaafir as well as muqeem. It is also said that lightning with rain symbolizes cure and remedy for a sick person. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Dust Dream Explanation — In a dream, dust signifies money. Seeing a cloud of dust in a dream means a mysterious happening no one knows how to get out of it. Washing one's hands from dust in a dream means becoming poor. Dust that accumulates after a rainstorm or a thunderstorm and lightning in a dream means drought or adversities. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Water level Dream Explanation — (Artificial lake; Farm pond; Ombrometer; Ombrograh; Pluviometer; Rain gauge; Reservoir) The water level of an artificial lake or a reservoir in a dream represents Allah's mercy, blessings, rain, celebrations, festivals, a wedding, the pilgrimage season, a good harvest, or the governor's mansion. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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