Kill Dream Explanation — • Killing a person: (1) Will do something terrible. (2) Will be safe from fatal trouble, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran applying to Moses: “… And thou didst kill a man and We delivered thee from great distress….â€Â (Ta-Ha,†verse 40.) • Killing oneself: (1) Welfare. (2) Repentance at the hands of a good counsellor, owing to the Quranic verse: “And when Moses said unto his people: O my people! Ye have wronged yourselves by your choosing of the calf (for worship,) so turn in penitence to your Creator, and kill (the guilty) yourself. That will be best for you with your Creator and He will relent toward you. He is the Relenting, the Merciful.â€Â (“Al-Baqarah†[The Heifer], verse 54.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Kill Dream Explanation — • Killing without slaughtering: The one seen killed in the dream will benefit from his assailant. • Killing by slaughtering with a knife or a sword: The killer will commit an injustice toward the victim or will compel or incite the latter to disobey God. • A woman dreaming of killing her husband with the help of friends: She is inciting him to commit a sin. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Kill Dream Explanation — • Having been killed: Long life. • Being killed without identifying the killer: (1) The dreamer does not believe in God. (2) The dreamer does not thank God for His blessings, in view of the Quranic expression: “Man is (self-) destroyed: how ungrateful!â€Â (“ Abas†[He Frowned], verse 17.) • Being killed and identifying the killer: Will benefit and obtain money, other riches, and power, perhaps through the killer or his partner, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran: “… Whoso is slain wrongfully, We have given power unto his heir….â€Â (“Bani Israil†[The Children of Israel], verse 33.) Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Bridegroom Dream Explanation — Dreaming of being a bridegroom without seeing or having been acquainted with the bride or having been told who she is or simply without knowing her name: Will die or kill someone. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Gall Bladder Dream Explanation — Dreaming of seeing a person biting the gallbladder of another until he dies means the assailant hates his adversary to the point of death. If, furthermore, he drinks the victim’s blood, he wrongly thinks that he can kill him and acquire or get away with his money under the eyes of the law. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Incident - a cock packed at him once or twice Dream Explanation — It is related that Umar Bin Al-Khattaab (RA) saw that a cock packed at him once or twice. Someone asked him what the dream meant. He said: “A non-Arab person will kill me soonâ€. It is said that within four days of the dream Aboo Lulu Killed Him. May Allah be pleased with him. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Felony Dream Explanation — To commit a felony or to incriminate an innocent person in a dream means that one will fall into peril. It also can he interpreted as achieving one's goals. If one injures a forbidden animal to kill in a dream, it means that he will be fined with a like value or worth. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Incident - meaning of Generosity Dream Explanation — Then he saw Husain Al-Hallaj sitting on a seat made from gold and encrusted with jewels and sapphires. He also saw the scholars who signed the decree to kill Al-Hallaj standing before him with humiliation. It seemed to him as though God Almighty asked Al-Hallaj : "What do want Me to do with these people?" Al-Hallaj replied: "Lord, I ask Thee to forgive them all." My Sheikh then turned to his disciple in the dream and said: "My son, this is what true generosity is about." Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Scorpion Dream Explanation — The scorpion is among the metamorphosed. It used to be a human being but was cursed, according to religious belief. It symbolizes a compulsive talker and slanderer who would not hesitate to kill some of his relatives or an enemy in general. The yellow scorpion is the most bitter enemy. It also alludes to money. Its sting is money that will not last. The stinger itself is the tongue of the slanderer. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Crocodile Dream Explanation — The crocodile symbolizes a policeman; because, according to Ibn Siren, it is the most evil creature, which can be trusted neither by an enemy nor by a friend. It could also be a treacherous thief or an unfair merchant ready to betray anyone. If you dream of being dragged to the sea and devoured by a crocodile, you will fall into the hands of a policeman who will take your money and kill you. If you are not devoured in the dream, you will be safe. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Caliph Dream Explanation — (Caliphate; Deputy; King; vice-regent) A caliph in a dream represents order, leadership, justice or a deputy who establishes Allah's Laws on earth. If one sees himself attempting to kill the caliph in a dream, it means opportunism or seeking an important advancement that one will attain. (Also see King) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Abel Dream Explanation — Seeing Abel means: (1) The dreamer will be envied and suffer from spite on the part of one’s enemy or be killed without having committed any crime. (2) The dreamer will be the victim of an injustice. (3) The dreamer will obey God, Who will bless him and send him to Paradise. (4) The dreamer will face hardships and be weakened because of a woman or some relatives. (5) The dreamer must beware of his brothers lest they kill him. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Insult Dream Explanation — The rule in such dreams is that the aggressed is always better than the aggressor, as the aggressed must ultimately triumph. • Being insulted by a person: (1) The dreamer will be harmed by that person, then triumph over him. (2) The one who insults owes something to the dreamer and is duty-bound to settle it. • Insulting someone: The dreamer wishes to kill him. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Jesus Dream Explanation — If one who is impotent, or sterile sees him in a dream, it means that he will regain his fertility and fruition. If one sees Jesus Alayhi-Salam descending upon a town, it means that justice and righteousness will prevail and permeate that place, as it will be when he shall, by Allah's leave, descends upon the earth to kill the impostor (Antichrist) and destroy his followers, obliterate infidelity, and he shall fill the earth with justice, blessings and lend victory to the believers. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Hunter Dream Explanation — In a dream, a hunter represents a philanderer, a womanizer who rounds women, or a pimp. If one sees himself befriending a hunter, or if he helps him, and if the hunter is pursuing what is lawful to kill for food, one's dream then connotes personal advantages. If the hunt is after an animal which is unlawful for food, then the dream means sufferings. Hunting a lion in a dream means acquiring great power through deception. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Sheep Dream Explanation — • Slaughtering a ram without knowing why, but by observing the Islamic slaughtering rites: Will unexpectedly triumph over someone or testify truthfully against him. If the Muslim rituals are not observed, it means that the dreamer will kill, torture, or commit an injustice. • Slaughtering a lamb not for eating: One of the children of the dreamer or one of his other relatives will die. • Being sexually assaulted by a ram: Will be harmed by the enemy, especially if it had also tossed the dreamer with its horns—in which case it would mean insult and injury. • Carrying a ram on one’s back: Will carry or wear something belonging to an honest person. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Wall Dream Explanation — Grabbing to a wall in a dream means the nearing of one's death, pending how firmly one is grabbing to it in the dream. Grabbing to a wall in a dream is also interpreted as holding firmly to one's interest in a strong person. If one builds a wall then tears it down in a dream, it means that he will attempt at destroying someone's livelihood, or perhaps kill him. If one sees and recognizes a wall in his dream, it represents a close friend who may die from depression. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Dye Dream Explanation — • A man dying his fingers with henna: He is using the rosary very often. • A man dreaming that both hands are dyed with henna: He is outspoken and shows all that he has on his mind or in his hands, be it good or bad. If the hands are tattooed with henna, he will trick his family into selling some furniture to cover a deficit to avoid humiliation and his enemy’s jubilation. • A man seeing ugly dye on his palm: Hardships should be anticipated. • A man seeing ugly dye on his right hand: He will kill somebody. • A man seeing himself dyed or tattooed with gold: He will try to swindle somebody, but will fail and lose his own money and means of living. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Incident - a king trying to Annihilate the Muslims Dream Explanation — The Alim said to the king that he would interpret the dream only if he guaranteed their safety which he did. The learned Alim interpreted the dream thus; “O king, I see no wisdom in your wanting to kill the Muslims and marching on them for this purpose. Please do not deploy your army for they will not return to you alive. They will be defeated and destroyed. And do not for one moment think that I give this interpretation because I am a Muslimâ€. The king asked him for proof to which he replied that the Holy Book of Allah was the source for his proof. He quoted the verse: Have you not seen what your Lord had done to the people of the elephants. He recited the entire Surah Feel. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Incident - a king trying to Annihilate the Muslims Dream Explanation — When the sheikh and his colleagues departed the king began to ponder deeply about what the sheikh had said. He became convinced and decided not to go ahead with his plans. When the clergy heard of this they approached him and urged him to go ahead with his plan. They reasoned with him not to believe the interpretation of the sheikh as he was a Muslim and a Muslim would obviously be opposed to king Muslims. They also sought his permission to kill the sheikh which he refused. They continued to incite him against the Muslim and urged him to go ahead with his plans. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin