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Islamic dreams about Voice Calling Name find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Voice Calling Name dictionary!
Voice Calling Name dream interpretations
Calling someone Dream Explanation — (Shouting) If one is called by name from a short distance in a dream, it means that he will befriend lowly street people. If one's name is called from the horizon or from the furthest end of a valley in a dream, it means that he will attain an honorable status and rank. If one's name is called from a great distance in a dream, it means that he has disobeyed Allah's commands and is suffering by being distanced from his Lord. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Calling Out the Athaan in Strange Words Dream Explanation — Calling out the athaan in words unknown to the caller suggests that he is a great thief. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Voice Dream Explanation — In a dream, the human voice represents one's reputation or fame, and its strength or weakness reflects one's state of mind or the condition of his health. Raising one's voice in a dream means unjustly presiding over a crowd of people. Hearing a human voice in a dream means chairing an important responsibility. If the human voice emanates from an animal in the dream, it denotes great benefits and particularly if the animal speaks pleasing and soothing words or words of truth. If one raises his voice above the voice of a man of knowledge, a sheikh or a teacher in a dream, it means that he will commit a sin. A weak voice in a dream represents a man. Intentionally lowering one's voice in a dream means being indebted to someone, or it could mean humility. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Voice Dream Explanation — • Raising one’s voice: The dreamer is promoting something wrong in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that reads: “Be modest in thy bearing and subdue thy voice. Lo! the harshest of all voices is the voice of the ass.”  (“Luqman,” verse 19.)
• Hearing a nice and clear voice: The dreamer will be given a province or some very high post.
• Hearing a herald giving good tidings, announcing bad news, or proclaiming that something is prohibited: His words should be taken at face value.
• Being talked to in various languages: The dreamer will have a great realm. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Voice Dream Explanation — It symbolises his popularity amongst people. The louder and the more beautiful his voice the greater the popularity he will enjoy. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Voice Dream Explanation — • Launching a cry in the wilderness: The dreamer’s means of living will decrease.
• Raising one’s voice above that of scholar: The dreamer is committing a sin in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that says: “Lo! They who subdue their voices in the presence of the Prophet Muhammad, those are they whose hearts Allah hath proven unto righteousness. Theirs will be forgiveness and immense reward.” (“Al-Hujurat” [The Private Apartments], verse 03.)54 Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Voice Dream Explanation — If a man of authority or a policeman lower his voice in a dream, it means that he maybe dismissed from his job, or he maybe reprimanded or disciplined for his misconduct. The sound produced by the ringing of coins in a dream represents temptation, allurement, or a fight between stockbrokers or money exchangers. The clank of money in a dream also means either good or bad news, or it could mean hearing good words, a wise speech, or words one likes to hear more about, if they are given as a sign of friendship or as a dower. If the clanking of money is made in jest in the dream, then it represents a fight one does not wish to end. The sound of a hornet represents a person who defames or discredits others, or whose evil cannot be removed without acquiring the help of a like person. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Voice Dream Explanation — The bleating of a ewe in a dream means kindness shown by one's mistress, his wife, or by a gracious man. The bleating of a Billy goat or a ram in a dream means happiness and prosperity. The neighing of horses in a dream means receiving guidance from a noble person, or it could represent a courageous soldier. The braying of a donkey in a dream means hideousness, or the ugly character of a despicable enemy. The braying of a mule in a dream means a hardship which is combined with a difficult person, or it could mean vain talk, or indulging in suspicious acts. The mooing of a calf, a cow, or a steer in a dream means a riot. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Voice Dream Explanation — The gurgling of a camel in a dream represents a blessed journey, a pilgrimage, a successful business trip, or toiling and hardships. The roaring of a lion in a dream represents alarm, esteem, fear, or being threatened by someone in authority. In general, the sound of animals in a dream connotes adversities or fear. The neighing of horses in a dream means an invasion or might. The harking of dogs in a dream means vain talk, interference in others business, regret, intending to harm others, hostility toward others, or dissonance. The blaring of a leopard in a dream means coquetry, vanity and wantonness. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Voice Dream Explanation — The blaring of a lynx in a dream means a false promise from an unsteady, oft-hesitant, or a greedy person and taking advantage of him. The cooing of pigeons in a dream means lamenting, or having marital intercourse. The chirp of swifts in a dream means good words or an admonition from a wise person. The croaking of frogs in a dream represents the ringing of bells, feeling overjoyed, employment for a teacher, rising to leadership, or it could mean hearing harsh words. The hissing of a snake in a dream means a warning or a fight with someone who hides his enmity. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Voice Dream Explanation — The braying of a donkey in a dream means cursing one's adversaries. The roaring of a lion in a dream means threats or boasts. The yowling of a tomcat in a dream means uproar, backbiting, defamation and insinuations. The squeak of a mouse in a dream means profits, reunion, love and peace, or it could mean harm one could suffer because of an interfering person or a robber. The crying of a female gazelle in a dream means longing for one's homeland. The yapping of foxes in a dream means a warning to escape, to move from one field into another, or it could mean suffering from jealousy, perfidy or lies. The howling of a wolf in a dream means a robbery, or fear of a brutal thief. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Voice Dream Explanation — The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, a forthcoming evil, women's cries for help, or the cry of people who abandoned all hope . The sound of a pig in a dream means taking advantage of a stupid enemy and stripping him of his money. The sound of an ostrich in a dream means hiring a trustworthy and a courageous servant, or bringing a new employee into one's business. Most dream interpreters dislike to interpret the meaning of the sound of peacocks or chicken and note that they mostly mean sorrow and distress, while others interpret the cawing of crows to mean separation or announcing someone's death. However, in dream, any ugly or coarse sound represents sorrow and distress while any pleasant sound in a dream represents happiness and joy. (Also see Invisible caller) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Human voice Dream Explanation — (Human sound. See Voice) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Hearing a voice Dream Explanation — (See Invisible caller) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Call to prayers Dream Explanation — If he makes the call to prayers from inside a ruin in a dream, it means that such a place will be rebuilt and people will live in it. If one sees himself calling to prayer from inside a bathhouse or while under the shower in a dream, it means that he will suffer from a fever. If he sees himself calling and no one is answering his call in a dream, it means that he belongs to the company of unjust people. If he calls with a beautiful voice and the people hearken to his call in the dream, it means that he is seeking the approval of people in authority. If he sees himself calling to prayer while being naked, it represents his recklessness and contempt about his own religion. Calling to prayer standing on a pile of trash in a dream means calling a stupid person to make peace but to no avail. Hearing the call to prayers given inside a marketplace means the death of one of the merchants. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Call For Prayer  (Arabic: Athan) Dream Explanation — • Calling for prayer from a minaret: The dreamer is advocating right and justice and would, hopefully, go to Mecca (Makkah).
• Calling for prayer from a well: The dreamer is prompting people to embark on a long trip.
• A nonprofessional muaththen  (the one who launches the prayer call) dreaming that he is doing so: Will have a post as high as his voice was loud and pleasant, in case he is eligible.
• Calling for prayer from a hilltop:  (1) Will be entrusted with a glorious responsibility by a foreigner, if eligible.  (2) Will make a successful business deal or learn a valuable craft.
• Extending or shortening the prayer call or altering its rituals: Will commit an injustice.
• Launching the athan from a street: The dreamer will promote virtue and deter vice, if eligible; otherwise, he will start a fight. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars

Invisible caller Dream Explanation — (Voice) Hearing the voice of an invisible caller admonishing, commanding, forbidding, blessing, or reprimanding the person seeing the dream means exactly what one has heard and has no further interpretations. This includes all voices. (Also see Voice) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Call to prayers Dream Explanation — If a suitable person sees himself adequately calling to prayers in a dream, it means that he will be appointed to govern a land which is as vast as his voice can reach in the dream. If one does not fit the conditions of ruling, then it means that his enemies will increase in number. If he is a merchant, it means that his business will grow. Hearing the call to prayers in a dream also may represent invocations, supplications and good prayers. If one sees himself calling to prayers from inside a well in a dream, it means that he will call people from another land to walk the path of Allah Almighty, to follow the jurisprudence He made obligatory upon humanity, and to adopt the divine laws as their way of life and religion. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Zikr Dream Explanation — If one sees himself repeatedly calling Allah's name in a dream, it means that he will win victory over his enemy. Calling people to Allah and reminding them of His attributes in a dream represents the work of a preacher who admonishes people, helps them to the shore of safety, and distances them from their sins and their consequences. If a merchant sees himself calling upon Allah's beautiful names in a dream, it means that his business will be saved from bankruptcy. If a disbeliever, a profane or a secular person sees himself in a state of remembering Allah Almighty and calling upon His most holy attributes in a dream, it means that he may fall sick, or face great adversities, while in his heart, he will remain pleading with Allah Almighty for mercy and relief, though he may remain silent in public regarding his inner faith, and in fear of being ridiculed by his own circles. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident - Al-Junayyid sitting by his doorsteps Dream Explanation — A voice then said to me: 'Eat from the flesh of this man.' I replied: 'God is my witness, I did not backbite him. It was only a thought, and my tongue never uttered a word of that.' The voice then said: 'Remember, Oh Junayyid, such an excuse cannot be accepted from a person with your level of knowledge.'" Junayyid added: "In the morning, I sat at my doorsteps again, pondering what had happened. Meanwhile, the blind man walked by me and said: 'Oh Aba Al-Qasim, was it enough what you saw last night, and did you repent?'" Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin


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