Flower Dream Explanation — • Picking roses: Joy. • Picking white flowers from one’s garden: Will kiss a virtuous woman with mutual passion. • Dreaming of red flowers: The dreamer’s woman is of the gay type who likes artists, singing, dancing, et cetera, as opposed to a pious woman. • Dreaming of yellow flowers: The dreamer’s wife has frail health. • Picking flower buds: The dreamer’s wife will have a miscarriage, and the fetus will be a male child. • Picking a well-known flower with big leaves: The dreamer is sweet on a beautiful woman whom everybody is running after and calumniating at the same time. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Flower Dream Explanation — he flower or rose symbolizes a child or honest money. Since the word in Arabic is ward, it could also mean the return (worood) of an absent one or the arrival of a letter. Certain interpreters believe that the rose represents a woman who quits, a child who dies, a trade that does not last, or a passing joy, in view of the flower’s ephemeral nature. Others think that all aromatic plants—numerous or few—allude to worries and sorrow. To them, flowers mean crying, except for those flowers that the dreamer sees in their normal place but does not touch, in which case they would refer to a new birth, et cetera. In the event of their being picked and their trees dying, it means that there will be crying and weeping. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Flower Dream Explanation — The same applies to myrtles, spices, and legumes. In Arabic, the borderline between roses and other flowers is quite hazy. Flowers also refer to praise or good repute. • Seeing a crown of flowers, particularly roses, on one’s head: Will marry a woman but soon be separated. • A young man giving flowers or roses to the dreamer: An enemy will take an oath or pledge something, then fail to keep his promise. • Flowers spread all around the place: Brittle and nonlasting happiness in this world. • Cutting a rose tree or rosebush: Trouble and worries. Dream Interpreter: Various Islamic Scholars
Flower garden Dream Explanation — (See Garden) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Flower shop owner Dream Explanation — In a dream, he represents someone who has gratitude and contentment, or someone who faces his adversities with patience. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
White Dream Explanation — The color white. If one sees his face white in the dream, it means sickness. If he sees his cheeks radiant white in the dream, it means honor, bounty and a high rank in his community. White in a dream also represents elderly people. (Also see Colors) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
White Hair Dream Explanation — Seeing one's black hair turning white in the dream means that he will gain credibility and respect among his people. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
A White Horse Dream Explanation — Conditions experienced by the owner will persists. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
White rose Dream Explanation — (See Rose) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
White and Clean Clothes Dream Explanation — Donning white, clean clothes reflects a favourable condition of the person who wears them. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
A Horse with White Feet Dream Explanation — A horse with all its feet white is regarded as the most excellent amongst all horse. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Eating the Shell or White of the Egg Dream Explanation — Eating the shell or white of the eggs but not the yolk means he will usurp wealth belonging to the deceased or a slain person. It could also mean that he will dig up graves for the purpose of stealing the shroud (kafn) of the dead people. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Donning White Clothes Dream Explanation — A very pleasant dream suggesting goodness and success in all matters. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Waraqah Wearing White Garments Dream Explanation — 'Aishah said: "The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) was asked about Waraqah. Khadijah said to him: 'He believed in you, but he died before your advent.' So the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said: 'I saw him in a dream, and upon him were white garments. If he were among the inhabitants of the Fire then he would have been wearing other than that.'" Dream Interpreter: Imam Tirmidhi
Incident - breaking an Egg, and it Eating only the White Dream Explanation — A person asked Ibn Sirin (RA): “What is your opinion regarding a person who had dreamed that he borke an egg and ate its white only and not its yolk?†The Imaam said: “Bring me the man who had seen the dream so that he personally relates to me his dream. I will answer him.†The man said. “No, do answer me: I will convey your interpretation to himâ€. The Imaam refused. He insisted several times and the Imaam refused the same number of times, finally he said under Oath: “My Lord, By Allah, it is I who had seen the dreamâ€. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Incident - breaking an Egg, and it Eating only the White Dream Explanation — The Imaam said to the people around him: “Catch him and hand him over to the authorities for he digs up graves and steals the kafn from the dead!†he pleaded: “My Lord, I sincerely repent to Allah before you!†He pleaded: “My Lord, I sincerely repent to Allah before you! I promise never to commit this since again all my life!†Thus he was not handed over to the authorities, but was released. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
A White Mare with Black Spots Dream Explanation — He will marry an exceptionally beautiful woman. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Possessing a Beautiful White Snake Dream Explanation — He will acquire fortunes from the treasures of the king. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Incident - White Pigeon sitting on top of a Mosque Dream Explanation — A person related his dream to Ibn Sirin (RA), saying that he had seen a white pigeon, sitting on the pinnacle of a masjid in Madeenah and that he was captivated by its beauty. Then came a hawk and carried it away. The Imaam said; “If you are speaking the truth it means Hajjaaj bin Yoosuf will marry the daguther of Abdullah bin Jafar At-Tayyaarâ€. It is said that not many days had passed before Hajjaaj married her. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin
Incident - Piercing eggs from the top and Extracting the White Dream Explanation — A man said to Imam Ibn Sirin: "A man saw himself in a dream piercing eggs from the top, extracting the egg white, and leaving the egg yoke." Imam Ibn Sirin replied: "Let him come here and tell me his dream in person." At three different occasions, the man kept on asking about the meaning of that dream, and Imam Ibn Sirin insisted on the same reply. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin